Lapas attēli


Persons of native birth have been divided into two general groups and further subdivided under each of the two, as follows:

1. Native-born of native father.

Persons under this group are classified as White, Negro, Indian, Chinese, Hindu, Japanese, and Korean.

2. Native-born of foreign father.

Persons under this group are classified according to race of father in all tables where the data were secured for households, and according to country of birth of father in all tables where the data were secured for employees. Where classification is by race of father the classification used for several years by the United States Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is followed.

Persons of foreign birth are classified according to race (or people). The classification of the United States Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is followed.

In the study of households information is presented

1. By general nativity and race of the "individual" in all tables which show facts which are personal in their nature, such as English speaking, occupation, or conjugal condition.

2. By general nativity and race of "head of family" in tables concerned with family matters-for example, family income.

3. By general nativity and race of "head of household" in all tables dealing with living conditions, among which are tables showing the composition of the household and the number of persons per room and per sleeping room. The distinction which has been made throughout this study between "family" and "household" is dependent upon the use of the term "apartment.'

An "apartment" is a room or rooms within which all the usual daily processes of living, namely, cooking, eating, and sleeping, are carried on by the occupants. According to this definition an apartment may be, for example, a whole house; or it may be a single room of what was originally intended as an apartment; or it may be a corner of a wareroom or the back of a storeroom partitioned off and set aside for household uses. Two or more groups of occupants with distinctly separate money interests frequently rent a number of rooms jointly, occupying certain rooms separately but sharing one or more, usually the kitchen, or kitchen and living room. Under these conditions neither the rooms used by the one group of occupants. nor those used by the other can be considered an apartment, since the room used in common must in such case be considered a room in each apartment and thus be counted twice. Where these conditions have been encountered the entire number of rooms has been considered one apartment.

The "household" includes all persons living within an apartment

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household may consist of one or m boarders or lodgers; or it may consis together, no family included; or it ma tions of families, "groups," and board

The term "family" as used througho to the immediate family composed of Groups of persons among whom none considered families. Households in w exist have been resolved into the co Remnants of families maintaining a when either husband or wife is present The general tables show results of studies, as follows:


All tables headed "Study of househol from the schedule which was filled ou holds in each of the several commun were secured of employees in a given households; and for each such household an agent of this commission who visite detailed information, so far as possible, as data in regard to family and househo the time of the visit.


The general tables headed "Study from the schedule relating only to the schedule was filled out by the employe detailed by the employer to the task, nished data. The general tables of thi only the history and present status of th series, as has been stated, presents data employees but also for members of t included under the "Study of employees by the general nativity and race of the i born of foreign father the classification father and not by race of father.


Total number of households and persons and race of head of household: Study of hou 164, 214, 262, 325, and 375.-These tables studied of each race, the aggregate of the of each race, and the persons, male and information was secured. All members of tables under the general nativity and rac

Number of persons for whom detailed in sex and general nativity and race of indivi Tables 2, 65, 115, 165, 215, 263, 326, and second enumeration of the persons, male an

in the detailed study of members of households. In this enumeration each individual appears under his own general nativity and race.

Total number of male employees for whom information was secured, by general nativity and race: Study of employees. Tables 3, 51, 66, 116, 166, 216, 264, 312, 362, and 377.-These tables enumerate the employees for whom data were secured for the "Study of employees." The enumeration is by general nativity and race of employee.

Number of foreign-born male employees in the United States each specified number of years, by race: Study of employees. Tables 4, 52, 67, 117, 167, 217, 265, 313, 363, and 378.—All foreign-born employees who report the number of years since their first arrival in the United States are here classified as in the United States under one year, one year, two years, three years, four years, five to nine years, ten to fourteen years, fifteen to nineteen years, or twenty years

or over.

Number of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race of individual. Study of households. Tables 5, 68, 118, 168, 218, 266, 327, and 379.-These tables, which are concerned with members of households, are similar to Tables 4, 52, 67, 117, 167, 217, 265, 313, 363, and 378, relating to employees.

Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born males who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual: Study of households. Tables 6, 69, 119, 169, 219, 267, 328, and 380.— Males who were 16 years of age or over at the time of their first arrival in the United States are here classified according to whether before coming to the United States they worked for profit, for wages, or without wages, and are further classified according to the kind of employment pursued. Payments in kind as well as in money are here considered wages. Persons who worked without wages were usually at work with fathers or other near relatives.

Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born females who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual: Study of households. Tables 7, 70, 120, 170, 220, 268, 329, and 381.— These tables are similar to Tables 6, 69, 119, 169, 219, 267, 328, and 380, relating to males.

Occupation of foreign-born male employees before coming to the United States, by race: Study of employees. Tables 8, 53, 71, 121, 171, 269, 314, 364, and 382.-In these tables are shown the number of foreign-born male employees who just prior to coming to the United States, were in the same industry in which they were employed at the time of the investigation, in farming or farm labor, in general labor, etc. Persons who report their occupation as 'none,' home," or "at school" are excluded from these tables.

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Number of males 16 years or age or over in each specified industry, by general nativity and race of individual: Study of households. Tables 9, 72, 122, 172, 221, 270, 330, and 383.-These tables show the number of male members of households 16 years of age or over who are at home and at school, and classify those who have had employment within the year ending with the taking of the schedule according to the industry in which they have been employed. The main headings used in these tables follow the classification of the United States Census with the following modifications: General labor is here sepa


quarrying are separated from manu suits; trade and transportation are headings as here used are:

1. Agricultural pursuits.

2. Domestic and personal service.
3. Manufacturing and mechanical purs
4. Mining (including quarrying).
5. General labor.

6. Professional service.

7. Trade.

8. Transportation.

9. At home.

10. At school.

The term "Domestic and personal ser servants certain classes of persons no general public, such as policemen, cit places of amusement.

Number of females 16 years of age or by general nativity and race of individual 10, 73, 123, 173, 222, 271, 331, and 384 Tables 9, 72, 122, 172, 221, 270, 330, al

Number of male employees 18 years specified amount per week, by general employees. Tables 11, 54, 74, 124, 174, Employees are here classified accordi earnings. In some industries earnings and in others by the day. Where emp the data are for "rate of pay;" where basis the data are for "earnings."

Number of male employees 14 and unde specified amount per week, by general employees. Tables 12, 55, 75, 125, 175, 2 These tables are similar to Tables 11, 315, 365, and 385, relating to earnings of In practically all industries the number too small for tabulation.

Number of male heads of families earni year, by general nativity and race of indi Tables 13, 76, 126, 176, 225, 274, 332, and part of the study of family incomes. 7 income was secured for the year ending visit.

In the "selection of families" for the co ing family income, the following classes (1) Families established less than one year. (2) Families living two or more per househ arrangements, so that exact income from the household are uncertain.

(3) Families with earnings or contributions members who are profit earners or whos reason uncertain. That part of the inco earnings is net.

Practically all of the heads of families in also heads of households. They are here amount of their earnings for the year.


Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual: Study of households. Tables 14, 77, 127, 177, 226, 275, 333, and 388.-Male wage-earners are here classified according to the amount of their earnings for the year ending at the time of the agent's visit. Persons who receive board and lodging in addition to a money wage and persons who receive tips or other perquisites over and above a stipulated wage are not included in these tables.

Amount of family income per year, by general nativity and race of head of family: Study of households. Tables 15, 78, 128, 178, 227, 276, 334, and 389.-The families included in these tables are the same as in Tables 13, 76, 126, 176, 225, 274, 332, and 387. These families are here classified according to the amount of total income for the year from all sources. Tables 17, 80, 130, 180, 229, 278, 336, and 391 show the sources of this income. Income from "boarders or lodgers" and in some cases from "other sources" is gross.

Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual: Study of households. Tables 16, 79, 129, 179, 228, 277, 335, and 390.-These tables are similar to Tables 14, 77, 127, 177, 226, 275, 333, and 388, which relate to earnings of males.

Number of families having an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity and race of head of family: Study of households. Tables 17, 80, 130, 180, 229, 278, 336, and 391.-The families included in these tables are the same as in Tables 13, 76, 126, 176, 225, 274, 332, and 387. The number of families with income from earnings of husband, the number with income from earnings of wife, etc., are shown here. The terms "husband" and "wife" include the widowed, divorced, and deserted. The principal items under "Other sources" are (1) receipts from investments, which, in the great majority of cases, are in the form of rentals, and (2) contributions of friends or relatives, who pay either more or less than the rates of boarders or lodgers. Attention is called to the fact that the family may have had income from some source, for example, from boarders or lodgers, within the year, but not at the time the schedule was taken.

Source of family income in detail, by general nativity and race of head of family: Study of households. Tables 18, 81, 131, 181, 230, 279, 337, and 392.-The families included in these tables are the same as in Tables 13, 76, 126, 176, 225, 274, 332, and 387. They are classified here according to the source or combination of sources upon which the family has been wholly dependent for income within the year ending with the taking of the schedule. The four items which make up all incomes except those entered in the last column of these tables are earnings of husband, earnings of wife, contributions of children, and payments of boarders or lodgers. It will be noted that all families deriving their entire income from husband, wife, and children have a net income and that all incomes including the payments of boarders or lodgers are gross; also that all families having any part of their income from money invested appear in the last column of these tables.

Months worked during the past year by persons 16 years of age or over

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