Lapas attēli

Confirmed by us (authority which grants the certificate), who attest also that the sale of the goods specified above has been actually concluded in this country.

(Date and signature of the authority which grants the certificate.) Seen at the Consulate of. this signature.

........for verification of

(Date, signature and seal of the Consulate.)



Turkey undertakes, on condition that reciprocity is accorded in this matter, to grant to the ships of the other contracting Powers a treatment equal to that which she grants to national ships, or any more favorable treatment that she grants or may grant to the ships of any other Power.

Turkey retains, as regards each of the other contracting Powers, and each of these Powers retains as regards Turkey the right of reserving to the national flag fishing, maritime cabotage, that is to say, transport by sea of goods and passengers embarked in one port of its territory for another port in the same territory, and port services, that is to say, towage, pilotage and all interior services of whatever nature they may be.


Subject to the exceptions referred to in the preceding article with respect to fishing, maritime cabotage and port services, a treatment equal to that granted to national ships will be granted reciprocally by Turkey on the one hand and by each of the other contracting parties on the other hand as regards the right to import or export goods of every description or to transport passengers going to or coming from the country and the enjoyment of all facilities with regard to stationing, loading and unloading of vessels at ports, docks, quays and roads.

There shall also be an absolute equality, subject to the same condition of reciprocity, as regards dues, charges and payments of all kinds levied on ships, such as sanitary dues, port, quay, harbor, pilotage, quarantine, lighthouse and other similar dues levied in the name of or for the profit of the government, public functionaries, private individuals, corporations or establishments of any kind.

Turkey also undertakes, on condition of reciprocity, not to subject imported or exported goods to any differential due, surtax, or increase of any nature or kind based on the flag of the ship by which the goods are imported or exported, on the ports of arrival or departure, on the voyage of the ship or the ports at which it has called, the dues and taxes leviable on goods imported or exported being determined only on their origin or their destination, and being applied equally as regards all the other contracting Powers in accordance with the provisions of Section I.


All classes of certificates or documents relating to vessels, their cargoes and passengers which were recognized as valid by Turkey before the war or which may hereafter be recognized as valid by the principal maritime states shall be recognized by Turkey, as regards the vessels belonging to the other contracting Powers, as valid and as equivalent to the corresponding certificates issued to Turkish vessels.

These provisions will only have effect if the certificates and documents delivered by Turkey to Turkish vessels, in conditions equivalent to those adopted in the principal maritime countries, are regarded by the other contracting Powers as equivalent to the certificates and documents delivered by them.



Turkey undertakes, on condition of reciprocity, to adopt all the necessary legislative and administrative measures, and to allow access to the courts in order to protect goods the produce or manufacture of any one of the other contracting Powers from all forms of unfair competition in commercial transactions.

Turkey undertakes, also on condition of reciprocity, to prohibit and repress by appropriate remedies the importation, exportation, manufacture, distribution, sale or offering for sale in her territory of all goods bearing upon themselves or their get-up or wrappings any marks, names, devices or descriptions whatsoever which are calculated to convey, directly or indirectly, false indications of the origin, type, nature or special characteristics of such goods.


Turkey undertakes, on condition that reciprocity is accorded in these matters, to respect any law or any administrative or judicial decision given in conformity with such law in force in any other contracting state and duly communicated to her by the proper authorities, defining or regulating the right to any regional appellation in respect of products which derive their special qualities from the soil or the climate, or the conditions under which the use of any such appellation may be permitted; and the importation, exportation, manufacture, distribution, sale or offering for sale of products or articles bearing regional appellations inconsistent with such laws or orders shall be prohibited by Turkey and repressed by the measures prescribed by Article 12.


Turkey undertakes, within a period of twelve months from the coming into force of the present convention:

(1) To accede in the prescribed form to the International Convention of Paris of the 20th March, 1883, for the protection of industrial property, revised at Washington on the 2nd of June, 1911;

(2) To accede also to the International Convention of Berne of the 9th September, 1886, for the protection of literary and artistic works, revised at Berlin on the 13th November, 1908, and the additional protocol of Berne of the 20th March, 1914, relating to the protection of literary and artistic works.

The other Powers signatory to the present convention will raise no objection, while it remains in force, to the reserve which Turkey proposes to make with regard to the provisions of the aforesaid conventions and protocol respecting the right of translation into the Turkish language, if the other Powers, co-signatories of those conventions and protocol, have not themselves raised any objection to the said reserve during the year following the coming into force of the present convention.

In the event of the Powers signatory to the present convention not maintaining their adhesion to the Turkish reserve respecting the rights of translation, Turkey will not be bound to maintain her adhesion to the conventions and protocol mentioned above;

(3) Within the same period to recognize and protect by effective legislation, in accordance with the principles of the said conventions, the industrial, literary and artistic property of the nationals of the other contracting Powers.


Special conventions between the countries interested shall determine all questions relative to the records, registers and designs in connection with the services relating to industrial, literary and artistic property, and their eventual transmission or communication by the Turkish offices to the offices of the states in favor of which territory is detached from Turkey.



The contracting Powers reserve the right of declaring at the time of the coming into force of the present convention, that its provisions do not apply to all or any of their dominions enjoying responsible government, of their colonies, protectorates, possessions or territories beyond the sea subject to their sovereignty or authority, and in this case Turkey will be released from her obligations under the present convention to the said dominions, colonies, protectorates, possessions and territories.

The said Powers may, however, accede subsequently in the name of every dominion enjoying responsible government, colony, protectorate, possession or territory for which they have, in accordance with the terms of the present convention, made a declaration of exclusion.


Natural and manufactured products coming from or going to Libya will receive in Turkey the same treatment as Italian natural or manufactured products. Natural and manufactured products coming from or going to Turkey will receive in Libya most-favored-nation treatment.


The present convention will remain in force for a period of five years. As regards Section I, Turkey on the one hand, and Greece, Roumania and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State on the other hand, recognizing the necessity of settling a new basis for their commercial exchanges within a shorter period, agree to recognize in each other's favor the right to denounce this convention at any time after the termination of the first period of thirty months; the convention will cease to have effect six months after the denunciation.

Turkey on the one hand and each of the other contracting Powers on the other hand undertake at any time during the periods hereinbefore fixed for the duration of the convention, on request being made, to begin negotiations for new commercial treaties, and to proceed actively with those negotiations so that they may be concluded before the expiration of the said periods.

If the said negotiations have not been concluded before the expiration of the aforesaid periods, each of the high contracting parties will resume its freedom of action.


The present convention shall be ratified.

The ratifications shall be deposited at Paris as soon as possible.

It shall enter into force in the same way as the treaty of peace signed this


In faith whereof, the above-mentioned plenipotentiaries have signed the present convention.

Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923, in a single copy, which will be deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, which will transmit a certified copy thereof to each of the signatory powers.



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The Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Greek Government have agreed upon the following provisions:


As from the 1st May, 1923, there shall take place a compulsory exchange of Turkish nationals of the Greek Orthodox religion established in Turkish territory, and of Greek nationals of the Moslem religion established in Greek territory.

These persons shall not return to live in Turkey or Greece respectively without the authorization of the Turkish Government or of the Greek Government respectively.


The following persons shall not be included in the exchange provided for in Article 1:

(a) The Greek inhabitants of Constantinople.

(b) The Moslem inhabitants of Western Thrace.

All Greeks who were already established before the 30th October, 1918, within the areas under the Prefecture of the City of Constantinople, as defined by the law of 1912, shall be considered as Greek inhabitants of Constantinople.

All Moslems established in the region to the east of the frontier line laid down in 1913 by the Treaty of Bucharest shall be considered as Moslem inhabitants of Western Thrace.


Those Greeks and Moslems who have already, and since the 18th October, 1912, left the territories the Greek and Turkish inhabitants of which are to be respectively exchanged, shall be considered as included in the exchange provided for in Article 1.

The expression "emigrant" in the present convention includes all physical and juridical persons who have been obliged to emigrate or have emigrated since the 18th October, 1912.

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