Lapas attēli

in the opinion of the Secretary of Labor, it is impracticable or inconvenient to prosecute the person, owner, master, officer, or agent of any such vessel, such person, owner, master, officer, or agent shall be liable to a penalty of $1,000, which shall be a lien upon the vessel whose owner, master, officer, or agent violates the provisions of this section, and such vessel shall be libeled therefor in the appropriate United States court.

"(b) Proof that the alien failed to present himself at the time and place designated by the immigration officers shall be prima facie evidence that such alien has landed in the United States at a time or place other than as designated by the immigration officers."

General Definitions

SEC. 28. As used in this Act

(a) The term "United States," when used in a geographical sense, means the States, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, the District of Columbia, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands; and the term "continental United States" means the States and the District of Columbia;

(b) The term "alien" includes any individual not a native-born or naturalized citizen of the United States, but this definition shall not be held to include Indians of the United States not taxed, nor citizens of the islands under the jurisdiction of the United States;

(c) The term "ineligible to citizenship," when used in reference to any individual, includes an individual who is debarred from becoming a citizen of the United States under section 2169 of the Revised Statutes, or under section 14 of the Act entitled "An Act to execute certain treaty stipulations relating to Chinese," approved May 6, 1882, or under section 1996, 1997, or 1998 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, or under section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States," approved May 18, 1917, as amended, or under law amendatory of, supplementary to, or in substitution for, any of such sections;

(d) The term "immigration visa" means an immigration visa issued by a consular officer under the provisions of this Act;

(e) The term "consular officer" means any consular or diplomatic officer of the United States designated, under regulations prescribed under this Act, for the purpose of issuing immigration visas under this Act. In case of the Canal Zone and the insular possessions of the United States the term "consular officer" (except as used in section 24) means an officer designated by the President, or by his authority, for the purpose of issuing immigration visas under this Act;

(f) The term "Immigration Act of 1917" means the Act of February 5, 1917, entitled "An Act to regulate the immigration of aliens to, and the residence of aliens in, the United States";

(g) The term "immigration laws" includes such Act, this Act, and all laws, conventions, and treaties of the United States relating to the immigration, exclusion, or expulsion of aliens;

(h) The term "person" includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, and associations;

(i) The term "Commissioner General" means the Commissioner General of Immigration;

(j) The term "application for admission" has reference to the application for admission to the United States and not to the application for the issuance of the immigration visa;

(k) The term "permit" means a permit issued under section 10; (1) The term "unmarried," when used in reference to any individual as of any time, means an individual who at such time is not married, whether or not previously married;

(m) The terms "child," "father," and "mother," do not include a child or parent by adoption unless the adoption took place before January 1, 1924; (n) The terms "wife" and "husband" do not include a wife or husband by reason of a proxy or picture marriage.

Authorization of Appropriation

SEC. 29. The appropriation of such sums as may be necessary for the enforcement of this Act is hereby authorized.

Act of May 19, 1921

SEC. 30. The Act entitled "An Act to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States," approved May 19, 1921, as amended and extended, shall, notwithstanding its expiration on June 30, 1924, remain in force thereafter for the imposition, collection, and enforcement of all penalties that may have accrued thereunder, and any alien who prior to July 1, 1924, may have entered the United States in violation of such Act or regulations made thereunder may be deported in the same manner as if such Act had not expired.

Time of Taking Effect

SEC. 31. (a) Sections 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, and 16, and subdivision (f) of section 11, shall take effect on July 1, 1924, except that immigration visas and permits may be issued prior to that date, which shall not be valid for admission to the United States before July 1, 1924. In the case of quota immigrants of any nationality, the number of immigration visas to be issued prior to July 1, 1924, shall not be in excess of 10 per centum of the quota for such nationality, and the number of immigration visas so issued shall be deducted from the number which may be issued during the month of July, 1924. In the case of immigration visas issued before July 1, 1924, the four-month period referred to in subdivision (c) of section 2 shall begin to run on July 1, 1924, instead of at the time of the issuance of the immigration visa.

(b) The remainder of this Act shall take effect upon its enactment.

(c) If any alien arrives in the United States before July 1, 1924, his right to admission shall be determined without regard to the provisions of this Act, except section 23.

Saving Clause in Event of Unconstitutionality

SEC. 32. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

Approved, May 26, 1924.


Aircraft. Rules for passage through Dardanelles. 1923. 55.

Aliens, immigration into United States. Immigration Act of 1924. 208.
American-British Arbitration Tribunal. Disputes under liquor treaty, Great Britain-

[blocks in formation]

Amnesty for prisoners of war and interned civilians. Lausanne convention, 1923, 90; for
political and military offenders, Lausanne declaration, 1923, 92.

Anatolia. Greek military aircraft forbidden to cross. 9.

Reparation for damage in, by Greece. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 23.

Anatolian Railway, concession for. Lausanne letter, 1923. 114.
Anzac area granted to Great Britain. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 48.
Arbitral tribunals, mixed. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 37.

Arbitration in civil and commercial matters. Lausanne declaration, 1923. 98.

Arbitration of differences growing out of extradition treaty. Venezuela-United States.

Jan. 1, 1922. 179.

Archives, transfer and return of. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 51.

Arms and war munitions restored to Turkey. Lausanne protocol, 1923. 105.
Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. concession. Lausanne protocol, 1923, 98; letter, 113.
Artistic property. Lausanne treaty, 1923, 34; conventions accepted by Turkey, 82.

Bagdad Railway, concession for. Lausanne letter, 1923. 114.

Bandits, Claims for acts of. Mexico-United States convention, Sept. 10, 1923. 144.
Barcelona Conference. Convention and statute on freedom of transit, April 20, 1921. 118.

Convention and statute on régime of navigable waterways. April 20, 1921, 151;

additional protocol, 165.

Accepted by Turkey. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 41.

Belgium. Accession to certain provisions of Lausanne Treaty, 1923. 102.
Black Sea, war vessels in. Lausanne convention, 1923. 56.

Bosphorus. Demilitarized zone in. Lausanne convention, 1923. 58. See also Straits.
Boundary commission to mark demilitarized zones. Lausanne convention, 1923. 64.

To trace Turkish frontiers. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 7.

British Dominions. Not bound by Barcelona conventions. 122, 155, 167.

British Dominions and colonies. Reservations to convention for suppression of traffic in

women and children, Sept. 30, 1921. 135.

British religious, educational, etc., institutions in Turkey. Lausanne letters. 111.
Bulgaria-Turkey. Frontiers, Lausanne treaty, 1923, 6; demilitarized zone, 63.
Bulgaria-United States. Extradition treaty. May 19, 1924. 181.

Naturalization treaty, Nov. 23, 1923. 117.

Cables. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 44.

Cabotage in Turkey. Lausanne convention, 1923, 80; declaration, 106; letters, 112.

Calimnos Island ceded to Italy. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 9.

Calki Island ceded to Italy. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 9.

Cameroons. France-United States. Treaty of Feb. 13, 1923. 189.

Capitulations in Turkey abolished. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 12.

Convention respecting residence, business and jurisdiction. Lausanne, 1923. 67.

Casos Island ceded to Italy. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 9.

Castellorizzo Island ceded to Italy. Lausanne treaty, 1923. 9.

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