Lapas attēli


The advances referred to in Part B of the table annexed to the present section shall be distributed between Turkey and the other states referred to in Article 46 under the following conditions:

(1) As regards the advances referred to in the table which existed on the 17th October, 1912, the capital amount, if any, outstanding at the date of the coming into force of the present treaty, together with the interest from the dates mentioned in the first paragraph of Article 53 and the repayments made since those dates, shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 (1) and Article 51 (1).

(2) As regards the amounts for which the Ottoman Empire remains liable after the first distribution and the advances referred to in the table which were contracted by the said Empire between the 17th October, 1912, and the 1st November, 1914, the capital amount, if any, outstanding at the date of the coming into force of the present treaty, together with the interest from the 1st March, 1920, and the repayments made since that date, shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 (2) and Article 51 (2).

The Council of the Ottoman Public Debt shall, within three months from the coming into force of the present treaty, determine the amount of the share in these advances for which each of the states concerned is liable, and notify them of such amount.

The sums for which states other than Turkey are liable shall be paid by those states to the Council of the Debt and shall be paid by the Council to the creditors, or credited to the Turkish Government up to the amount paid by Turkey, by way of interest or repayment, for the account of those states.

The payments referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be made by five equal annuities from the coming into force of the present treaty. Such portion of these payments as is payable to the creditors of the Ottoman Empire shall bear interest at the rates laid down in the contracts governing the advances; the portion to be credited to the Turkish Government shall be paid without interest.


The annuities for the service of the loans of the Ottoman Public Debt (as defined in Part A of the table annexed to this section) due by the states in favor of which a territory has been detached from the Ottoman Empire after the Balkan wars, shall be payable as from the coming into force of the treaties by which the respective territories were transferred to those states. In the case of the islands referred to in Article 12, the annuity shall be payable as from the 1st/14th November, 1913, and, in the case of the islands referred to in Article 15, as from the 17th October, 1912.

The annuities due by the states newly created in territories in Asia detached from the Ottoman Empire under the present treaty, and by the state



[blocks in formation]

4 See Article 54.

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to which the territory referred to in the last paragraph of Article 46 has been attributed, shall be payable as from the 1st March, 1920.


The treasury bills of 1911, 1912 and 1913 included in Part A of the table annexed to this section shall be repaid, with interest at the agreed rate, within ten years from the dates fixed by the contracts.


The states referred to in Article 46, including Turkey, shall pay to the Ottoman Debt Council the amount of the annuities required for the service of their share of the Ottoman Public Debt (as defined in Part A of the table annexed to this section) to the extent that such annuities have remained unpaid as from the dates laid down by Article 53. This payment shall be made, without interest, by means of twenty equal annuities from the coming into force of the present treaty.

The amount of the annuities paid to the Council of the Debt by the states other than Turkey shall, to the extent that they represent payments made by Turkey for the account of those states, be credited to Turkey on account of the arrears with which she is debited.


The Council of the Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt shall no longer include delegates of the German, Austrian and Hungarian bondholders.


Limits of time fixed for the presentation of coupons of or claims for interest upon the loans and advances of the Ottoman Public Debt and the Turkish loans of 1855, 1891 and 1894 secured on the Egyptian tribute, and the limits of time fixed for the presentation of securities of these loans drawn for repayment, shall, on the territory of the high contracting parties, be considered as having been suspended from the 29th October, 1914, until three months after the coming into force of the present treaty.



Turkey, on the one hand, and the other contracting Powers (except Greece) on the other hand, reciprocally renounce all pecuniary claims for the loss and damage suffered respectively by Turkey and the said Powers and by their nationals (including juridical persons) between the 1st August, 1914, and the coming into force of the present treaty, as the result of acts of war, or measures of requisition, sequestration, disposal or confiscation.

Nevertheless, the above provisions are without prejudice to the provisions of Part III (Economic Clauses) of the present treaty.

Turkey renounces in favor of the other contracting parties (except Greece) any right in the sums in gold transferred by Germany and Austria under Article 259 (1) of the treaty of peace of the 28th June, 1919, with Germany, and under Article 210 (1) of the treaty of peace of the 10th September, 1919, with Austria.

The Council of the Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt is freed from all liability to make the payments which it was required to make by the agreement of the 20th June, 1331 (3rd July, 1915) relating to the first issue of Turkish currency notes or by the words inscribed on the back of such notes.

Turkey also agrees not to claim from the British Government or its nationals the repayment of the sums paid for the warships ordered in England by the Ottoman Government which were requisitioned by the British Government in 1914, and renounces all claims in the matter.


Greece recognizes her obligation to make reparation for the damage caused in Anatolia by the acts of the Greek army or administration which were contrary to the laws of war.

On the other hand, Turkey, in consideration of the financial situation of Greece resulting from the prolongation of the war and from its consequences, finally renounces all claims for reparation against the Greek Government.


The states in favor of which territory was or is detached from the Ottoman Empire after the Balkan wars or by the present treaty shall acquire, without payment, all the property and possessions of the Ottoman Empire situated therein.

It is understood that the property and possessions of which the transfer from the civil list to the state was laid down by the Iradés of the 26th August, 1324 (8th September, 1908) and the 20th April, 1325 (2nd May, 1909), and also those which, on the 30th October, 1918, were administered by the civil list for the benefit of a public service, are included among the property and possessions referred to in the preceding paragraph, the aforesaid states being subrogated to the Ottoman Empire in regard to the property and possessions in question. The Wakfs created on such property shall be maintained.

The dispute which has arisen between the Greek and Turkish Governments relating to property and possessions which have passed from the civil list to the state and are situated in territories of the former Ottoman Empire transferred to Greece either after the Balkan wars, or subsequently, shall be referred to an arbitral tribunal at The Hague, in accordance with the special protocol No. 2 annexed to the Treaty of Athens of the 1st-14th November, 1913. The terms of reference shall be settled between the two Governments.

The provisions of this article will not modify the juridical nature of the property and possessions registered in the name of the civil list or administered by it, which are not referred to in the second and third paragraphs above.


The recipients of Turkish civil and military pensions who acquire under the present treaty the nationality of a state other than Turkey, shall have no claim against the Turkish Government in respect of their pensions.


Turkey recognizes the transfer of any claims to payment or repayment which Germany, Austria, Bulgaria or Hungary may have against her, in accordance with Article 261 of the treaty of peace concluded at Versailles on the 28th June, 1919, with Germany, and the corresponding articles of the treaties of peace of the 10th September, 1919, with Austria; of the 27th November, 1919, with Bulgaria; and of the 4th June, 1920, with Hungary.

The other contracting Powers agree to release Turkey from the debts for which she is liable on this account.

The claims which Turkey has against Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Hungary, are also transferred to the aforesaid contracting Powers.


The Turkish Government, in agreement with the other contracting Powers, hereby releases the German Government from the obligation incurred by it during the war to accept Turkish Government currency notes at a specified rate of exchange in payment for goods to be exported to Turkey from Germany after the war.

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