ARTICLE VI In the event that either of the high contracting parties shall be prevented either by judicial decision or legislative action from giving full effect to the provisions of the present treaty the said treaty shall automatically lapse, and, on such lapse or whenever this treaty shall cease to be in force, each high contracting party shall enjoy all the rights which it would have possessed had this treaty not been concluded. The present convention shall be duly ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by His Britannic Majesty; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present convention in duplicate and have thereunto affixed their seals. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-third day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four. [SEAL] CHARLES EVANS HUGHES. [SEAL] A. C. GEDDES. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF THE TRAFFIC IN WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1 Opened for signature at Geneva from September 30, 1921, to March 31, 1922 2 Albania, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the British Empire (with Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Union of South Africa, New Zealand and India), Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Esthonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Persia, Poland (with Danzig), Portugal, Roumania, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland and Czecho-Slovakia. Being anxious to secure more completely the suppression of the traffic in women and children described in the preambles to the agreement of the 18th May, 1904, and to the convention of the 4th May, 1910, under the name of "White Slave Traffic"; Having taken note of the recommendations contained in the Final Act of the international conference which was summoned by the Council of the League of Nations and met at Geneva from the 30th June to the 5th July, 1921; and Having decided to conclude a convention supplementary to the arrangement and convention mentioned above: Have nominated for this purpose as their plenipotentiaries: The President of the Supreme Council of Albania: Monsignor Fan S. Noli, Member of Parliament, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. 1 British Treaty Series No. 26 (1923), [Cmd. 1986]. * For ratifications and accessions, see note at end of treaty, p. 137. The President of the German Reich: His Excellency Dr. Adolf Müller, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Berne. The President of the Austrian Republic: His Excellency M. Albert Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein, Former Ambassador, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. His Majesty the King of the Belgians: M. Michel Levie, Minister of State, President of the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children. The President of the Republic of Brazil: His Excellency Dr. Gastão da Cunha, Ambassador in Paris, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India: The Right Honorable Arthur James Balfour, O.M., M.P., Lord President of His Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. For the Dominion of Canada: The Right Honorable Charles Joseph Doherty, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. For the Commonwealth of Australia: Captain Stanley Melbourne Bruce, M.C., Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. For the Union of South Africa: The Honorable Sir Edgar Harris Walton, K.C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa in the United Kingdom, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. For the Dominion of New Zealand: The Honorable Sir James Allen, K.C.B., High Commissioner for New Zealand in the United Kingdom, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. For India: The Honorable Theo Russell, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty in Berne. The President of the Republic of Chile: His Excellency M. Agustin Edwards, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations; His Excellency M. Manuel Rivas Vicuña, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Berne, Delegate to the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children and to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. The President of the Republic of China: His Excellency M. Ouang Yong- The President of the Republic of Costa Rica: His Excellency M. Manuel The President of the Republic of Esthonia: His Excellency M. Antoine Piip, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. His Majesty the King of the Hellenes: M. Vassili Dendramis, Director of the Permanent Greek Secretariat for the League of Nations, Delegate to the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children. His Serene Highness the Governor of Hungary: M. Felix Parcher de Terjekfalva, Chargé d'Affaires in Berne. His Majesty the King of Italy: His Excellency the Marquis G. Imperiali dei Principi di Francavilla, Ambassador, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. His Majesty the Emperor of Japan: His Excellency M. le Baron G. Hayashi, Ambassador at London, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. The President of the Republic of Latvia: M. M. V. Salnaïs, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. The President of the Lithuanian Republic: M. Ernest Galvanauskas, Minister for Finance, Commerce, Industry and Communications, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. His Majesty the King of Norway: Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, President of the Norwegian Delegation to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: Jonkheer A. T. Baud, Attaché at the Netherlands Legation in Berne. His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia: His Highness the Prince Arfa-edDowleh, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. The President of the Polish Republic: M. Jean Perlowski, * Counsellor of Legation, Secretary-General of the Polish Delegation accredited to the League of Nations, Delegate to the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children. The President of the Portuguese Republic: His Excellency M. Alfredo Freire d'Andrade, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. * M. Perlowski is authorized by the Polish Government to represent the Free City of Danzig. His Majesty the King of Roumania: His Excellency M. E. Margaritesco Greciano, Minister Plenipotentiary and Roumanian Chargé d'Affaires in Berne, Delegate to the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children. His Majesty the King of Siam: His Highness the Prince Charoon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Delegate to the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children and to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. The Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation: M. Giuseppe Motta, Federal Councillor, Head of the Political Federal Department, Delegate to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations. The President of the Czecho-Slovak Republic: His Excellency Dr. Robert Flieder, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Berne. Who, having communicated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions: ARTICLE 1 The high contracting parties agree that, in the event of their not being already parties to the agreement of the 18th May, 1904, and the convention of the 4th May, 1910, mentioned above, they will transmit, with the least possible delay, their ratifications of, or adhesions to, those instruments in the manner laid down therein. ARTICLE 2 The high contracting parties agree to take all measures to discover and prosecute persons who are engaged in the traffic in children of both sexes and who commit offences within the meaning of Article 1 of the convention of the 4th May, 1910. ARTICLE 3 The high contracting parties agree to take the necessary steps to secure the punishment of attempts to commit, and, within legal limits, of acts preparatory to the commission of, the offences specified in Articles 1 and 2 of the convention of the 4th May, 1910. ARTICLE 4 The high contracting parties agree that, in cases where there are no extradition conventions in force between them, they will take all measures within their power to extradite or provide for the extradition of persons accused or convicted of the offences specified in Articles 1 and 2 of the convention of the 4th May, 1910. ARTICLE 5 In paragraph B of the final protocol of the convention of 1910, the words "twenty completed years of age" shall be replaced by the words "twentyone completed years of age." ARTICLE 6 The high contracting parties agree, in case they have not already taken legislative or administrative measures regarding licensing and supervision of employment agencies and offices, to prescribe such regulations as are required to ensure the protection of women and childrenseeking employment in another country. ARTICLE 7 The high contracting parties undertake in connection with immigration and emigration to adopt such administrative and legislative measures as are required to check the traffic in women and children. In particular, they undertake to make such regulations as are required for the protection of women and children travelling on emigrant ships, not only at the points of departure and arrival, but also during the journey, and to arrange for the exhibition, in railway stations and in ports, of notices warning women and children of the danger of the traffic and indicating the places where they can obtain accommodation and assistance. ARTICLE 8 The present convention, of which the French and the English texts are both authentic, shall bear this day's date, and shall be open for signature until the 31st March, 1922. ARTICLE 9 The present convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who will notify the receipt of them to the other members of the League and to states admitted to sign the convention. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the archives of the Secretariat. In order to comply with the provisions of Article 18 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, the Secretary-General will register the present convention upon the deposit of the first ratification. ARTICLE 10 Members of the League of Nations which have not signed the present convention before the 1st April, 1922, may accede to it. The same applies to states not members of the League to which the Council of the League may decide officially to communicate the present convention. Accession will be notified to the Secretary-General of the League, who will notify all Powers concerned of the accession and of the date on which it was notified. ARTICLE 11 The present convention shall come into force in respect of each party on the date of the deposit of its ratification or act of accession. |