one year to be reckoned from the coming into force of the treaty of peace of today's date, be brought into conformity with the new economic conditions. To the President of the Third Committee of the Peace Conference. I avail myself, &c. M. ISMET. Convention regarding compensation payable by Greece to Allied nationals The British Empire, France, Italy and Greece, wishing to settle the method of repayment, by the Greek Government, to nationals of the other contracting Powers and to companies in which, on the 1st June, 1921, the interests of the latter were preponderant, of debts resulting from the actions of the Greek authorities in Turkey, Have resolved to conclude a convention for this purpose, and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries: FOR THE BRITISH EMPIRE: The Right Honorable Sir Horace George Montagu Rumbold, Baronet, FOR FRANCE: General Maurice Pellé, Ambassador of France, High Commissioner of the Republic in the East, Grand Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honor; FOR ITALY: The Honorable Marquis Camillo Garroni, Senator of the Kingdom, M. Giulio Cesare Montagna, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- FOR GREECE: M. Eleftherios K. Veniselos, formerly President of the Council of M. Demetrios Caclamanos, Minister Plenipotentiary at London, Com- Who, having produced their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: SINGLE ARTICLE The Greek Government undertakes to pay to the nationals of the other contracting Powers and to Turkish companies in which, on the 1st June, 1921, the interests of the latter were preponderant, in a proportion corresponding to those interests, the sums which are due to them for the repayment of the value of goods requisitioned or seized by the Greek armies or administrative authorities, the sums due for services rendered to those armies and authorities which have not already been paid, as well as those due as compensation for other losses and damage suffered after the 1st June, 1921, by the said nationals and companies, resulting from the acts of the Greek armies or administrative authorities, other than loss and damage due to acts of war in the zone of active military operations. Failing an agreement between the parties concerned and the Greek Government, the amounts due shall be determined by an arbitral tribunal consisting of a representative of the Greek Government, of a representative of the claimant, and of an umpire chosen by mutual agreement, or, failing agreement, by the President of the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague. The payments referred to in the foregoing provisions shall be effected by means of annuities spread over a period of forty years, calculated with an interest of five per cent., or according to such other mode of settlement as may be subsequently adopted by mutual agreement. It is understood that debts resulting from contracts concluded in the occupied territory in Turkey by the Greek armies or administrative authorities between those armies or authorities, on the one part, and the nationals of the other contracting parties, and Turkish companies in which the interests of the latter were preponderant, on the other part, shall be effected by the Greek Government according to the provisions of those contracts. The present convention shall be ratified; each signatory Power shall deposit its ratification in Paris at the same time as its ratification of the treaty of peace of today's date. It will come into force as soon as all the signatory Powers shall have deposited their ratifications, a date which will be established by a formal minute drawn up by the French Government. In faith whereof the above-named plenipotentiaries have signed the present convention. Done at Lausanne, the 24th July, 1923, in a single copy which will be deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, who will transmit a certified copy to each of the signatory Powers. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS NATURALIZATION TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND BULGARIA 1 Signed at Sofia, November 23, 1923; ratifications exchanged at Sofia, April 5, 1924 The President of the United States of America and His Majesty Boris III, King of the Bulgarians, being desirous of reaching an agreement concerning the status of former nationals of either country who have acquired, or may acquire, the nationality of the other by reasonable processes of naturalization within any territory under its sovereignty, have resolved to conclude a treaty on this subject and for that purpose have appointed their plenipotentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States of America: Charles S. Wilson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Bulgaria; and His Majesty, the King of the Bulgarians: Christo Kalfoff, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship of Bulgaria, Who, having communicated to each other their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I Nationals of the United States who have been or shall be naturalized in Bulgarian territory, shall be held by the United States to have lost their former nationality and to be nationals of Bulgaria. Reciprocally, nationals of Bulgaria who have been or shall be naturalized in territory of the United States shall be held by Bulgaria to have lost their original nationality and to be nationals of the United States. The foregoing provisions of this article are subject to any law of either country providing that its nationals do not lose their nationality by becoming naturalized in another country in time of war. The word "national," as used in this convention, means a person owing permanent allegiance to, or having the nationality of, the United States or Bulgaria, respectively, under the laws thereof. The word "naturalized" refers only to the naturalization of persons of full age, upon their own applications, and to the naturalization of minors through the naturalization of their parents. It does not apply to the acquisition of nationality by a woman through marriage. ARTICLE II Nationals of either country who have or shall become naturalized in the territory of the other, as contemplated in Article I, shall not, upon returning 1 U. S. Treaty Series, No. 684. 117 to the country of former nationality, be punishable for the original act of emigration, or for failure, prior to naturalization, to respond to calls for military service not accruing until after bona fide residence was acquired in the territory of the country whose nationality was obtained by naturalization. ARTICLE III If a national of either country, who comes within the purview of Article I, shall renew his residence in his country of origin without the intent to return to that in which he was naturalized, he shall be held to have renounced his naturalization. The intent not to return may be held to exist when a person naturalized in one country shall have resided more than two years in the other. ARTICLE IV The present treaty shall go into effect immediately upon the exchange of ratifications, and shall continue in force for ten years. If neither party shall have given to the other six months' previous notice of its intention then to terminate the treaty, it shall further remain in force until the end of twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of such intention. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty and have hereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Sofia this 23rd day of November, 1923. [SEAL] CHARLES S. WILSON [SEAL] CHR. KALFOFF. CONVENTION AND STATUTE ON FREEDOM OF TRANSITI Signed at Barcelona, April 20, 1921 2 Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, the British Empire (with New Zealand and India), Spain, Esthonia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, the Netherlands, Persia, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, the SerbCroat-Slovene State, Sweden, Switzerland, Czecho-Slovakia, Uruguay and Venezuela: Desirous of making provision to secure and maintain freedom of communications and of transit, Being of opinion that in such matters general conventions to which other Powers may accede at a later date constitute the best method of realizing the purpose of Article 23 (e) of the Covenant of the League of Nations, Recognizing that it is well to proclaim the right of free transit and to make 1 British Treaty Series No. 27 (1923), [Cmd. 1992]. • For ratifications and accessions, see note at end of statute, p. 127. regulations thereon as being one of the best means of developing coöperation between states without prejudice to their rights of sovereignty or authority over routes available for transit, Having accepted the invitation of the League of Nations to take part in a conference at Barcelona which met on the 10th March 1921, and having taken note of the final Act of such conference, Anxious to bring into force forthwith the provisions of the regulations relating to transit by rail or waterway adopted thereat, Wishing to conclude a convention for this purpose, the high contracting parties have appointed as their plenipotentiaries: The President of the Supreme Council of Albania: Monsignor Fan S. Noli, Member of Parliament; The President of the Republic of Austria: M. Henri Reinhardt, Ministerial Councillor; His Majesty the King of the Belgians: M. Xavier Neujean, Member of the Chamber of Representatives, Minister of Railways, Marine, Posts and Telegraphs; The President of the Republic of Bolivia: M. Trifon Melean, Bolivian Consul-General in Spain; His Majesty the King of Bulgaria: M. Lubin Bochkoff, Civil Engineer, Assistant to the Director General of Railways and Ports; The President of the Republic of Chile: Señor. Manuel Rivas Vicuña, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; The President of the Republic of China: M. Ouang Yong-Pao, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; His Majesty the King of Denmark and of Iceland: M. Peter Andreas Holck-Colding, Chef de Bureau in the Ministry of Public Works; His Majesty the King of Spain: Señor Don Emilio Ortuño y Berte, Member of the Chamber of Deputies, formerly Minister of Public Works; The President of the Esthonian Republic: M. Charles Robert Pusta, Minister Plenipotentiary; The President of the Republic of Finland: M. Rolf Thesleff, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; The President of the French Republic: M. Maurice Sibille, Deputy, Member of the Comité consultatif des Chemins de fer français; His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India: Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith, G. C. B., Economic Adviser to the Government; and for the Dominion of New Zealand: Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith, G. C. B.; for India: Sir Louis James Kershaw, K. C. S. I., C. I. Ε., Secretary in the Revenue and Statistics Department in the India Office; His Majesty the King of the Hellenes: M. Pierre Scassi, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Hellenic Majesty in Spain; |