CHURCHES IN MANCHESTER AND SALFORD. 161 CHURCHES UNDER THE ESTABLISHMENT IN MANCHESTER. Churches. Where Situate. *Collegiate Ch Victoria-terrace Ministers' Names and Residences. Hon. andVery Rev. W.Herbert,LL.D., dean Rev. C. D. Wray, M.A., canon, Smedley ...... St. Ann's...... St. Ann's-square Trinity. .......... Chapel-st., Salfd Rev. J.Hayes, Claremont-ter.Strangeways Rev. W. H. M'Grath, Sandy-la., Pendleton Rev. R. Wood, Higher Broughton Rev. W. Hall, 5, Water-street Rev. H. Ethelston, Halliwell-la.,Cheetham Blind Asylum. Old Trafford........ Rev. T. Buckley, Irwell-view, Stretford a Cemetery Chl Ardwick Cemetery Rev. J. Bradley, Cemetery. The following are the services in the Collegiate Church :-Sunday morning at half-past 10; Afternoon at half-past 3, during summer, and 3 in winter. Prayers every day at 11 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, during summer, and 3 in winter. A lecture every morning at 7, from the first Sunday in March to the last Sunday in September. In those churches marked a service is held in the morning and afternoon; in most of the others in the morning and evening. The churches in Manchester and its vicinity have recently had districts (which, practically correspond with parishes) assigned to them. Marriages may be solemnized in all the churches. It may be observed that the Parish Church retains its immunities.* The descriptions of most of these districts are in the London Gazette of March 29, 1839. THE OLDEST CHAPEL Now existing, belonging to the Wesleyan Methodist body,† is in Oldham-street, the corner of Dale-street; it was built in the year 1780. The oldest chapel belonging to the Independent body is in Cannon-street; it was built in the year 1762. The Roman Catholics have a chapel in Rook-street, as ancient as 1746. The Unitarians possess a chapel in Cross-street, originally the first Dissenting Chapel in town. It was destroyed by a mob in 1714, and rebuilt; enlarged in 1737, and again in 1788. *Mr. M'Clure remarks on the Established Church in Manchester, that "the average income of the Incumbents of the twenty-five churches in the parish in 1831, exclusive of the Collegiate Church, does not exceed £4,830, out of which must be deducted £930 for the salary paid to eleven curates, leaving the net amount for the Incumbents, £3,900, or £156 per annum for each clergyman. "The net income of the Warden and Fellows is returned at £4,025; that of the Chaplains and Clerk in Orders £3,981, for the three previous years, in addition to £68 10s. per annum, paid to them by the Corporation, which gives an income of £1,395 10s., or a total for the eight Clergymen of £5,420 108." The following account of the first Preaching-house, or Room, used by the followers of the Rev. John Wesley, may afford interest to some of our readers. The narrator says:- "The site of the house was a rock on the bank of the Irwell, exactly over the main sewer, excavated out of the solid stone, through which the water pours itself into the river. It is on the north side of Blackfriars' Bridge, immediately adjoining it. This is a remarkable circumstance, by which its precise situation may ever be known. The house itself stood at the bottom of a large yard, known at that time by the name of the Rose and Crownyard,' which name was derived from a public-house at the top of it, whose sign-board had those representations, and whose front looked into Deansgate. The entrances to it were two,-the one of which was the 'Rose and Crown-entry,' leading out of Deansgate, the door of the public-house being on the right hand,-and the other at the bottom of the yard, on the left hand, which came out beside the 'Ring of Bells' public-house. * "The garret was generally well filled when there was preaching; and I have heard my mother say that she was often afraid of the roof falling through, for one of the main beams was very much cracked. Mr. Hopper, and others, used to preach in it. My father left the house in 1760, the interior of which was afterwards burnt, but again repaired and occupied as a dwelling-house. Sometime about 1805, it was taken down, together with the other houses, and a number of warehouses, which go by the name of 'Bateman's Buildings,' were erected in their stead."-Methodism in Manchester. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPELS. 163 On the following pages we insert lists of the places of worship, with the times of divine service. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPELS. The Methodist body divide the town and neighbourhood into what are termed circuits. Of these there are four in Manchester. The following is a list of them, and of the times and places in each in which divine service is performed : 164 DISSENTING CHAPELS, ETC. As the list of Wesleyan Ministers is annually undergoing some changes, we think it better not to insert any names. Every information of the appointments of the various preachers, their residences, and of the several Sunday and week-day services, may be obtained, on application to the Printers of this volume. Names and Residences of A LIST OF THE DISSENTING CHAPELS AND MEETING-HOUSES IN MANCHESTER, SALFORD, ETC., WITH THEIR SITUATIONS, NAMES, AND RESIDENCES OF THE PREACHERS, TIMES OF SERVICE, ETC. Situation of Times of Service. BAPTIST. Major-street Various George-street Various Adelphi, Salford .. Various St. George's-road. Rev. W. Gadsby, Cheetham-cresct. Green-st., Tib-st... Rev. F. Beardsall, Bank-view Granby-row Back Mosley-st.. Mulberry-street. Livesey-street.... .. { CATHOLIC. Revds.J. Crook, H. M'Cor M.103; Ev.6; Wed.7 Morn. 8, 9, and 11 mick, J. F. Whitaker.. Chapel Af. 3; week-day 8 Revds. W. Turner, 58, George-st.wint; Af.3;week-d.8 R. Croskell, J Revds. J. Billington, J. Chapel Chapel Christ Chrch sq.H. Rev. J. Gaskell, Hulme Dickinson-street.. Various FRIENDS. INDEPENDENT. Grosvenor-street.. Rev. R. Fletcher, Clarence-st. C. M. M.10; A.24; E. 63 Gt. Jackson-st., H. Rev. J. Gwyther, Stretford road... Mo. 10; Af. 3; Ev. 6 NEW JERUSALEM. Peter-street........ Rev. J. H. Smithson, Lo. Byrom-st. SCOTCH CHURCH. 165 Times of Service. |M. 10% ; Ev. 6; Thu.7 Morn. 10; Eveng. 6 |M. 102 ; Ev. 6; Thu.7 Morning half-past 10 Evening 6 M. 103 Ev. 6; Wed. 7 Mo. 10; Af. 3; Ev. 6 Dickinson-street.. Rev. A. Munro, Burlington-st.C.M. Mo. 104: Af. 3; Ev. 6 Mill-st., Ancoats.. Rev. H. Campbell, Ancoats-grove.. Morn. 10; Aftern. 3 SCOTCH SESSIONAL. Mount-street... .... Rev. W. M'Kerrow, Dover-st., C. M. Morn. 10; Aftern. 2 Halliwell-street. Cross-st.King-st.{ SYNAGOGUE. Mr. Heilburn, Queen-st., Salford.. UNITARIAN. Rev. J. G. Robberds, Grosvenor-sq. Sat. mo. 8 sum. ; 8+ win. Af.4sum.3win. Morn, half-past 10; Up. Brook-st., C. M. Rev. J. J. Tayler, Burlington-st... Morn. 10; Aftern. 34 New Bridge-street. Rev. W. Mountford, Gt. Ducie-st... Morn. 10; Eveng. 64 Dawson's-ct. Salfd. Rev. J. R. Beard, Gt. Cheetham-st. Morn. 10; Eveng. 64 Platt, Rusholme... Rev. W. Whitelegg, Chatham-stC.M Morn. 10; Aftern. 24 WELSH BAPTIST. Rev. E. Williams,Daniel-st. Hulme Afternoon 2; Even. 6 Granby-row M.10; A.2;E.6; Th. 8 Mo. 9; Af. 2; Even.6 Mo. 103; Af. 23; Ev. 6 |