SCHEDULE C-OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DETAILED ANALYSIS OF CHANGE BY ORGANIZATION Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER For salaries and expenses of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, $121,699,000. The fiscal year 2005 budget request is an increase of $10,558,000 or 9.5% over the fiscal year 2004 amount. This amount includes $48,867,000 for mandatory items, $738,000 for price level increases, $64,747,000 for program current services and $7,347,000 for program changes. I. Personnel Details: FY'05 Request - $48,867,000 A. Base: $46,394,000 i. The estimated FY'04 personnel compensation will be $46,247,000 ii. The estimated FY'04 personnel benefits will be $147,000 B. Budget Calculations: i. FY'04 Cost of Living Annualized - (1.025%) 4.1% ii. FY'05 Cost of Living Prorated - (2.625%) 3.5% iii. FY'05 Longevity Increases -0.5% iv. FY'05 Meritorious Increase - 0.7% C. Requested Changes: i. FY'04 Base Adjustment - $148,000 ■ Provides funding for two FTEs for Mobile Communications, which ii. FY'04 Cost of Living Annualized - $476,000 iv. FY'05 Longevity Increases - $235,000 v. FY'05 Meritorious Increase - $350,000 II. Price Level Details: FY'05 Request - $738,000 The increase of $738,000 is based upon an inflation factor of 2.4% III. Program Details: FY'05 Request - $72,094,000 i. Applications Support Operations: $310,000 Perform sustaining ii. Modular Furniture: $2,500,000 (no-year) - Replaces the House inventory of furniture that is ergonomically compatible with the technology driven office environment, and will take advantage of vertical space to accommodate improved storage. The fiscal year 2004 funding is estimated to cover approximately 30 offices. iii. Furniture Support Services: $953,000 - Provides a range of services for the physical setup and support of the administrative operations of House offices, including office furniture and furnishings, carpeting, and draperies. iv. Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR): $10,047,000-Provides for the planning and implementation of improvements in infrastructure, systems, information security, emergency response capabilities, and business continuity capabilities. This program covers the sustainment costs for initiatives funded through the emergency supplemental appropriation. v. Congressional Transition: $735,000 In the first fiscal quarter following an election year, the CAO oversees a massive transition for the House. A New Member Center is established for Members Elect. Numerous office moves take place to prepare for incoming Members. Each office move requires relocation of furniture and files, recoding for voice and data jacks, and replacement of carpeting and drapes. The level of funding provided in fiscal year 2004 covers the expenses for carpeting an drapes needed during transition, which have a 12- to 16-week lead time for orders to be met. vi. Telecommunications Data: $7,303,000-Provides the House community with a highly reliable, fault tolerant campus network for access to information services inside and outside of the House. vii. Web Services Support: $1,560,000 Provides portal integration, content management and web assistance. This program also acquires and delivers required newswire data subscriptions to Member Offices and Committees including search and data retrieval capabilities to include: (1) Factiva Newswire Subscription service; (2) National Journal; and (3) Associated Press. viii. Finish Schedule: $915,000 - Provides furniture and furnishing for Capitol offices and Committee rooms, including Committee rooms participating in the Broadcast Renovation program. ix. Benefits/Compensation: $225,000 Provides to House Members, staff and retirees, a variety of services including payroll administration and disbursement, counseling, distribution of information and materials, and benefits plan administration associated with health and life insurance, retirement plans, the thrift savings program, workers compensation and unemployment services. The funding provided in fiscal year 2004 also covers contractual support for the implementation of the new payroll system. x. Telecommunications Voice: $1,894,000 Provides for local telephone services (e.g., voice mail, PBX, facilities configuration, secure voice units), xi. House Technical Support: $519,000 - Provides technical support for desktop and mobile computing devices for Members, Committees, Leadership and House offices. Services also include operation of the HIR Call Center for urgent on-site/in office computer and information technology support. xii. Information Systems Security: $1,977,000 - Provides protection of the House information infrastructure through day-to-day information systems security operations, training, policy and procedure development, and compliance monitoring. In addition, this program supports the House's information systems security program, which includes: security awareness training; information security policy and procedure development; administration of House access control systems; and incident management response. xiii. Mail Operations (Postal): $8,580,000 - Provides the House of Representatives with consistent, high quality contracted services in the areas of mail operations. Mail operations are conducted in accordance with guidance from the House Science advisor, and employees procedures for ensuring the safe and secure receipt, processing, and delivery of mail to the House campus. Under the secured mail procedures, the following standards have been established: (1) package delivery standards at 1.5 days or less following approval and release from quarantine; (2) letter and flat mail delivery standards at 2.5 days following receipt at the facility; and (3) call center closure rate at 95% or better. xiv. House Information Technology Training Support: $184,000 - Creates strategies for developing and delivering customized solutions for improving the skills and performance of House staff in both Washington and District offices. Offerings include a menu of learning courses that focus on highquality instructor-led classroom training; online training and instructor-led web-based training; and distance learning technologies. It also includes the management of training activities, initiatives, and the vendor contract for training services, as well as the maintenance of the new state-of-the-art training facility in the Longworth House Office Building. xv. Photographic and Graphic Services: $373,000- Assists Members in fulfilling constituent related and general public responsibilities by providing high quality photographic and graphics services. xvi. Systems Engineering Support: $277,000 Supports technology architecture, engineering initiatives initiatives and technology evaluations, configuration management, and special projects. xvii. Contractor Management: $579,000 Provides the House with consistent, high-quality contracted services in the areas of personal services and food concessions, including the Members' Dining Room. The Office of Contractor Management is responsible for ensuring the establishment and consistent application of performance-based measures in service contracts awarded for efficient House operations. xviii. Legal Services: $22,000 - Provides accurate and timely legal analysis and |