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Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C


For salaries and expenses of the Office of the Clerk, $20,553,000. The fiscal year 2005 budget request is an increase of $1,101,000 or 5.6% over the amount provided in fiscal year 2004. This amount includes $15,928,000 for mandatory items, $19,000 for price level changes, $4,360,000 for program current services and an increase of $246,000 for program changes.

I. Personnel Details: FY'05 Request - $15,928,000

A. Base: $15,092,000

i. The estimated FY'04 personnel compensation will be $15,076,000
ii. The estimated FY'04 personnel benefits will be $16,000

B. Budget Calculations:

i. FY'04 Cost of Living Annualized - (1.025%) 4.1%

ii. FY'05 Cost of Living Prorated - (2.625%) 3.5%

iii. FY'05 Longevity Increases - 1%

iv. FY'05 Meritorious Increase - 0.5%

C. Requested Changes:

i. FY04 Cost of Living Annualized - $155,000

ii. FY'05 Cost of Living Prorated - $400,000

iii. FY'05 Overtime Pay - $25,000

iv. FY05 Temporary Positions - $10,000

v. FY'05 Longevity Increases - $156,000 vi. FY'05 Meritorious Increase - $78,000 vii. FY'05 Personnel Benefits - $12,000

II. Price Level Details: FY'05 Request - $19,000

The increase of $19,000 is based upon an inflation factor of 2.4%

III. Program Details: FY'05 Request - $4,606,000

A. Current Services:

i. Immediate Office: $408,000 - The Immediate Office provides overall management of the functional areas, including coordination with House Inspector General audits and various boards and commissions. It directly administers many of the official processes critical to the organization of a new Congress, including receipt of Certificates of Election, Oaths of Office and Oaths for Access to Classified Information. The Immediate Office also supervises vacant congressional offices, processes orders for reproduction of public and private laws, administers the House Page Program and official vehicle leases.

ii. Legislative Operations: $35,000- The Office of Legislative Operations is the organizational authority for the oldest of the Clerk's legislative services: bill

iii. Official Reporters: $616,000 - The Office of Official Reporters is responsible for the daily reporting and transcribing of the debates and proceedings that constitute the House portion of the Congressional Record and for the reporting and transcription of House Committee hearings.

iv. Legislative Computer Systems: $2,939,000 - Legislative Computer Systems provides the technical and information technology support for all elements of the Office and administers the House Electronic Voting System. It interfaces with other electronic information service providers critical to House operations and provides technical support for initiatives including the Document Management System Initiative.

v. Service Group: $29,000 - The Service Group administers the Members and Family Committee Room, the Congresswomen's Suite, and the Capitol Prayer Room.

vi. Legislative Resource Center: $187,000 - The Legislative Resource Center (LRC) is the Clerk's hub for statutory registrations and filings, public information and legislative documents, and library services. It manages a library in excess of 125,000 volumes of official congressional publications. The LRC annually responds to approximately 100,000 inquiries, processes over 30,000 official filings, and distributes congressional documents.

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vii. History and Preservation: $52,000 The Office collects, preserves, and interprets the heritage of the House through historical, curatorial, and archival services to the House. Historical publications include maintaining the House entries of the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress along with other publications mandated by the House. The Office of Historical Preservation curates the House Collection, activities which include acquisition and care of collection objects, processing of artifact loans, and services to Members and staff. This office also processes the records of the House, oversees their eventual safe transfer to the National Archives, and provides advice to Committee staff and Member office staff on records management.

viii. Publication Services: $33,000- The Office of Publications Services processes the official printing requests of the House and manages the Clerk's website.

ix. House Employment Counsel: $61,000 The House Employment Counsel provides House employers with advice and guidance relating to their employment policies and practices and provides representation during employment grievance proceedings. It is administered by the Clerk under the bipartisan direction of the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on House Administration.

B. Proposed Changes:

i. Immediate Office: $161,000. The increase in the Immediate Office program is attributable to the following: an increase in telecommunications expenses to cover additional cell phones and Blackberrys, Page Yearbook costs, Voter Card ID Photos of Members for the 109th Congress, an increase for maintenance on the two Page School buses, the Strategic Planning Initiative

for the Office of the Clerk, increases in the costs of subscriptions, increases in the maintenance costs of equipment, some new software purchases, an increase for the new implementation of a training plan across the organization and a decrease due to the replacement in fiscal year 2004 of computer equipment in the Page School Labs.

ii. Legislative Operations: $43,000 - The increase in the Legislative Operations program will fund an increase in the allocation of funds for training and maintenance costs.

iii. Official Reporters: $858,000 - The increase in the Official Reporters program is attributable to the following items: field hearings where outsourcing is not available, an increase in the allocation of funds for training, maintenance costs, an increase in the use of Reference Materials and Publications and the use of the 2nd option of the Closed Captioning Contract and the final option of the Supplemental Stenographic Contract. There is also a reduction in costs due to the fact that the digital recorders will be purchased in fiscal year 2004 and will not need to be replaced in fiscal year 2005.

iv. Legislative Computer Systems: ($1,186,000) - The decrease in the Legislative Computer Systems program is attributable to a reduction in the cost to fund the Legislative Information Management System and the Document Management Systems activities and an increase in training to support Electronic Voting System.

v. Service Group: $16,000 The increase in the Service Group program will fund training and maintenance costs.

vi. Legislative Resource Center: $126,000- The increase in the Legislative Resource Center program will be used to fund the on-going support and maintenance of the Lobby Disclosure Project, increases in maintenance costs, training, and increased use of reference materials. In addition, there is a reduction due to the replacement of computer and office equipment during FY'04.

vii. History and Preservation: $191,000 This program is only two years old and still developing its mission and levels of support. The increase in the History and Preservation program is attributable to the following items: travel to support the Capitol Visitors Center, professional conferences and gallery exhibits of interest to the House collection; to allow the transfer of items (portraits, etc.) as they are sent out for preservation; the transportation of items, loaned and acquired, as they are returned to the House for inclusion in the collection; an office move for History and Preservation from the Legislative Resource Center into its own space (cost to acquire new equipment and office furnishings); an increase for printing and copier meter charges; training; professional membership fees; the preservation and conservation of articles in the House collection; and an increase in the use of reference materials and publications.

viii. Publication Services: $25,000 The increase in the Publication Services

program is attributable to the following items: an increase for copier meter readings; outside printing needs; the inclusion of training dollars; maintenance contract renewals; an increase to cover additional multimedia computers and software to enhance capabilities.

ix. House Employment Counsel: $12,000 The increase in the House Employment Counsel program is attributable to the following items: travel costs to attend professional conferences and take depositions in support of ongoing litigation; an increase due to inclusion of training dollars; an increase for reference materials and publications; and a decrease due to the replacement of equipment during fiscal year 2004.

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