Lapas attēli

The Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell, The Honorable Jack Kingston - Page 4

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Elimination of the current 5-year retention period for Government documents in selective depository libraries, which is imposing excessive costs for documents management in the library community and undermining the efficiency of program participation.

Authorization to use up to $500,000 to contract for outside services to assist the GPO in its effort to relocate the agency from its aging facilities to another location in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Authorization to use up to $10,000 in our Revolving Fund to support the activities of the Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary Commission, established by P.L. 107-202. Support would involve printing, mailing, travel, or associated expenses.

An increase in our representation allowance to $15,000 to support activities promoting the GPO.

Authorization of a separate appropriation for the GPO's Office of
Inspector General.

Thank you for your support and encouragement of change at GPO. I look forward to working with you and the Appropriations Committees in your review and consideration of our request.


Bunch Jowo

Public Printer



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