Lapas attēli
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Saxony, Göttingen, Germany, the National Library of Russia, and the Russian State Library. With these additions, Meeting of Frontiers included more than 330,000 digital images.

Worked with the National Library of the Netherlands digital library project, The

Atlantic World: America and the Netherlands, 1609 to the Present, dealing with the Dutch presence in North America in the 17th century and beyond. Some 70 items, totaling 11,737 images, were produced in preparation for a site launch in late 2003.

Reached an agreement in principle to proceed with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France on a digital project with the theme of the French in North America, with emphasis on early French explorers.

With the National Library of Brazil, completed the first phase of The United States and Brazil: Expanding Frontiers, Contrasting Cultures, which explores the history of Brazil, interactions between Brazil and the United States from the eighteenth century to the present, and the parallels and contrasts between Brazilian and American culture and history.

Awarded the first annual Kluge Prize for lifetime achievement in the Human
Sciences to Leszek Kolakowski.

Admitted 35 new libraries to the Name Authority Cooperative (NACO), the name authority component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging, including 14 libraries from Latin America. NACO trained approximately 150 catalogers from other libraries in name and series authority work and produced 167,163 new name authority records.

Trained 47 librarians from other libraries to serve as cooperative cataloging trainers. Coordinated the contribution of 74,793 bibliographic records through Bibliographic Cooperative (BIBCO), the monograph bibliographic record component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging.

Hosted visits for national and international digital preservation experts, consulted

with digital preservation research experts and laboratories, and provided support for

the efforts of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program.

Sponsored 36 seminars and workshops for more than 1,300 federal information professionals, 54 hands-on information systems training sessions for almost 700 system users, and 32 vendor demonstrations of commercial information products, for 278 federal purchasers.


Digital strategy (acquisition, conversion, access, services, and tools): Enable the National Library to carry out its mission in the digital age.

• Arrearage Reduction: Meet the revised total arrearage goals approved by Congress.

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Collections Security: Secure the Library's heritage assets, during all phases of collections' life cycle, using bibliographic, inventory, physical, and preservation controls.

Off-site storage: Continue work on building facilities at Culpeper, Virginia and Ft. Meade, Maryland, and moving the collections to Ft. Meade, Maryland.

Inventory Management: Improve controls over Library collections.

Establish a "National Heritage Collection." Position the Library to use the legal deposits as a back-up "last copy" repository for all works published in the United States.

National Library Operations: Maintain a basic level of National Library ongoing operations, while undertaking phased business process improvements.


In FY 2005, major priorities continue to be: planning and developing the Library's digital strategy; building and preserving our collections in this context; completion of the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center in Culpeper, Virginia; building stronger connections between the Library of Congress and the broader library community; planning for additional off-site storage at Ft. Meade, Maryland; and increasing development of the Veterans History Project.


The National Library-Basic Program is requesting a total of $199.479 million, in FY 2005, a net increase of $12.137 million over FY 2004. Included is $7.567 million for mandatory and price level increases and $5.941 million for program changes, offset by non-recurring costs of $1.371 million related to the Louisiana Bicentennial Celebration, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, and Meeting of the Frontiers program costs. Total FTEs requested is 1,876 a net increase of 21 FTEs over FY 2004- reflects 24 new FTEs for program changes, offset by -3 FTEs for the Meeting of the Frontiers program.



$5,941,000/24 FTEs

($3,479,000/13 FTEs)

The National Audio-Visual Conservation Center (NAVCC) in Culpeper, Virginia will be a world-class, state-of-the-art conservation center. It will consolidate and integrate Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound (MBRS) Division's administrative, acquisitions, processing, storage, preservation, laboratory transfer and reformatting activities in one central facility, while also greatly increasing preservation capabilities and efficiencies. A detailed introduction to the NAVCC was included in the Library's FY 2004 funding request for this initiative.

The Library continues to work closely with representatives from the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) to build the NAVCC. Construction on the project began in early September 2003. PHI's construction schedule calls for the newly renovated Collections Building and Central Plant to be ready for collections move-in by June 2005 and the new Nitrate Vaults and Conservation (Laboratory) Building to be ready for staff move-in by Summer 2006. At this time, the entire property will be transferred to the government.

Although the time line for constructing the Center has now been set, the Library's ability to procure, deliver and install NAVCC furnishings, equipment and infrastructure will need to be carefully managed in concert with PHI's schedule for finishing, testing and commissioning the facility. For this reason, no-year funding authority is again required in order to stage the various components and procurements within the transition across fiscal years. The overall transition includes a number of components for which timing and funding flexibility are again highly desirable, including staff relocation, collections relocation, and the design, procurement and integration of the complex digital preservation systems within the NAVCC's audio-visual laboratories. As is the case with the procurement of the shelving systems requested as part of the FY 2004 request, many aspects of the transition must be carefully coordinated for phased implementation with PHI's general contractor and construction management firm.

The Library has identified a series of Investment, Relocation, Program, and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) cost requirements related to the transition to Culpeper that will need to be staged for deployment during an initial five-year period (FY 2004-2008), during which the facility will be opened and fully operational. In FY 2005, Library Services is requesting a total of $16.924 million and 17 FTEs, an increase of $3.479 million (in no-year funding authority) and 13 FTEs over FY 2004. Funding is requested as follows:

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Funding is also being requested for information technology support ($1.5M) in the Office of Strategic Initiatives' budget, and facilities O&M support ($301K/3 FTEs) in Integrated Support Services' budget. (Please go to these tabs for a more detailed justification).

The table on the following page reflects the allocation of Library Services FY 2003-2005 Culpeper costs by funding category.

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