volumes and may incur continuous costly maintenance. FTE Impact: This activity will require one FTE above the existing FTE cap to serve as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). Program Increases - Multi-Year Increase necessitated by an annual rise in mandatory and pay related costs ($563,000) and an additional FTE supporting the opening of the National Garden ($62,000). Bartholdi Park and Fountain Renovation $5,100,000 This project will provide funding to restore the Bartholdi fountain which was purchased during the 1876 International Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, and subsequently moved to Washington, D.C. in 1877. Increase primarily due to additional requirements for books, office equipment and supplies ($12,000). Increase due to general rise in cost for supplies related to seasonal displays. Increase due to growth in visitor volume for specialized exhibits as demonstrated by the July 2003 record for visitation in one month ($39,500) and increased funding requirements for employee safety training ($35,000). This activity will replace the existing roof on the D.C. Village Production Facility. The existing roof is not weather tight, leaks frequently, and requires increasingly costly maintenance. The work involves removing the existing roof and installing a new weather tight roof. Impact if not funded: The roof will continue to leak in greater The Fountain, restored to its cast iron metal base in 1986, was expected to last approximately 10 years. The four top coatings have disintegrated and the cast iron is now exposed in areas. Although the fountain is functional, both the top and lower basins leak and many of the water BG-6 of 8 sprays function sporadically. This project will renovate and restore the BG-7 of 8 * FY 2003 Actual represents total obligations of funds incurred in FY 2003, irrespective of the year of appropriation 392,000 1,308,000 499,000 60,000 392,000 1,043,000 627,000 (265,000) 128,000 50,000 (10,000) 5,343,000 4,951,000 BG-8 of 8 1793 CAPITOL INTRODUCTION CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER The appropriation previously provided funding for the construction of the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC). This Fiscal Year 2005 budget request provides funds for the operation, administration, and facility management that will support the required activities and programs for the following line items: transitional and stand-up costs, guide services, visitor services, exhibits, food services, and gift shops that impact the operation of the CVC Facility. In addition, the request for funding is being recommended by the Capitol Preservation Commission members (CPC) and is based on the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center Master Operations Plan provided by JM Zell Partners. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES Significant changes supporting for the operations of the CVC include the following: Transition Support ($2,400,000); Gift Shop ($1,200,000); and Visitor Services Support ($1,000,000). FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT REQUIREMENTS The FY 2005 FTE requirement contained in the below table reflects an increase of 16 FTEs over the FY 2004 level of 16. OF 2 ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Capitol Visitor Center The Fiscal Year 2005 CVC Budget consists of an annual budget and a multi-year budget which are summarized in the following table: The increase of 16 FTEs is to support the new emerging CVC facility. ANNUAL BUDGET The FY 2005 annual budget request for the Capitol Visitor Center is $1,594,000, which is a $1,307,000 increase above the FY 2004 budget of $287,000. The annual budget consists of recurring payroll costs associated with the stand-up of this facility. The justification for the proposed increase in the recurring CVC annual budget for FY 2005 is provided in the section titled, "Analysis of Change." MULTI-YEAR BUDGET The FY 2005 multi-year budget request is $6,875,000. The basis for this multi-year budget plan is the result of the CVC Master Operations Plan provided by J.M. Zell Partners and recommended by the Capitol Preservation Commission (CPC). This plan is the main source of funding documentation that formulates the FY 2005 multi-year budget request for the CVC. Also included in this budget request is the U. S. Capitol Police request of $800,000 to support their CVC facilities build-out. Descriptions and justifications for the FY 2005 multi-year budget request can be found in the section titled, "Analysis of Change." CVC-1 of 6 CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER DETAILED FY 2004 BUDGET (S) ANNUAL RECURRING (5) FY03 FY 03 FY 04 Enacted FY05 289,000 1,594,000 289,000 1,594,000 FY 04 to FY05 1,305,000 MULTI-YEAR (3) Description FY03 FY03 FY04 FYOS FY04 to FY0S Description FY03 EOY BA NO-YEAR (3) FY 04 750,000 |