Lapas attēli

new items per day, and the ability to accept materials will be compromised. FTE Impact: This project will be completed within the existing FTE cap.

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This project will upgrade the Thomas Jefferson Building to current code requirements for sprinkler systems (NFPA 13, AOC policy). This project involves renovation/expansion of an automatic suppression system (sprinklers) throughout the Jefferson Building. This project does not include work in the great hall, which shall be accomplished in a future phase of this project. The intent of the project is to install sprinklers throughout the building, except where specifically permitted by code. The scope of this project was based on preliminary surveys which identified the lack of automatic suppression systems throughout. The project itself identified the deficient areas and areas to be corrected. Impact if not funded. The building will remain code deficient. This would put the occupants, public visitors, the building and its contents at an increased life-safety risk condition. FTE Impact: This project may require one FTE above the existing FTE cap.

Smoke Detector Upgrades, TJB


This project will upgrade the Thomas Jefferson Building to current code requirements for fire alarm systems (NFPA 72, AOC policy). This project involves renovation/expansion of the existing smoke detection systems throughout the Jefferson building. The intent of the project is to install smoke detection throughout the building. The scope of this project was based on preliminary surveys which identified the deficiencies of the smoke detection system. Impact if not funded. The building will remain code deficient. This would put the occupants, public visitors, the building and its contents at an increased life-safety risk condition. FTE Impact: This project may require one FTE above the existing FTE cap.

ADA Bathroom Renovations, JAB


The John Adams Building restrooms must be renovated to correct an Office of Compliance citation. The entrances to the restrooms compromise the exit stairwells on the corners of the building. la addition, the restrooms will be brought into compliance with ADA requirements to the maximum extent possible. Life-safety devices such as audible and visual alarms, as well as smoke detection, will be incorporated into the renovation. Impact if not funded: Bathrooms will remain out of code compliance with ADA and NFPA requirements. FTE Impact: This project may require up to 30 FTEs above the existing FTE

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This project will upgrade the John Adams Building to current code requirements for fire alarm systems (NFPA 72, AOC policy). This project involves renovation/expansion of the existing smoke detection systems throughout the Adams Building. The intent of the project is to install smoke detection throughout the building. The scope of this project was based on preliminary surveys which identified deficiencies of the smoke detection system. Impact if not funded: The building will remain code deficient. This would put the occupants, public visitors, the building and its contents at an increased life-safety risk condition. FTE Impact: This project may require one FTE above the existing FTE cap.

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Smoke Detector Upgrades, JMMB

$3,600,000 This project will upgrade the James Madison Memorial Building to current code requirements for fire alarm systems (NFPA 72, AOC policy). This project involves renovation/expansion of the existing smoke detection systems throughout the Madison Building. The intent of the project is to install smoke detection throughout the building, except where specifically permitted by code. The scope of this project was based on preliminary surveys which identified deficiencies of the smoke detection system. Impact if not funded: The buildings will remain code deficient. This would put the occupants, public visitors, the building and its contents at an increased life-safety risk condition. FTE Impact: This project will be completed within the existing FTE cap.

Condition Assessment (All Buildings)


This project will document the existing condition of all building systems and architectural elements for the James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams buildings, and the Special Facilities Center. The condition assessment will form the basis of the LOC Capital Improvements Plan and is a major strategic initiative for the Agency. Impact if not funded. We will be unable to perform a Facilities Condition Assessment of the Library Buildings and Grounds, which is critical to the budget and master planning process.

Sprinkler System Upgrades, JAB


This project will upgrade the John Adams Building to current code requirements for sprinkler systems (NFPA 13, AOC policy). This project involves renovation/expansion of an automatic suppression system (sprinkler) throughout the Adams Building. The intent of the project is to install sprinklers throughout the building. The scope of this project was based on preliminary surveys which identified the lack of automatic suppression (sprinklers) systems. Impact if not funded: The building will remain code deficient. This would put the occupants, public visitors, the building and its contents at an increased life-safety risk condition. FTE Impact: This project may require one FTE above the existing FTE cap.

Study, Design, and Condition Assessment (SD&CA) (Infrastructure Maintenance/Future Support)


SD&CA provides flexibility to meet the needs of the LOC by performing studies, designs and condition assessments to improve project planning and programming. Specific initiatives requested under the Infrastructure Maintenance/Future Support category are listed in the following table.

Library Buildings & ads Maintenance/Future Support

Design-Replace Rain Leaders

Design - Repair/Replace Copper Roof Design

-Jefferson Building Roof Repairs

Study-Coil Deterioration TJB & JAB

Design-Conservation of Murals

Total, LOC Infrastructure Maintenance/Future Support

Design, LOC Egress Improvement

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This project will implement the egress improvements as a result of a performance-based analysis. Impact if not funded: The LOC buildings will not meet adopted code requirements for egress, which increases the life-safety risk of the building occupants and visitors.

Design, Fire Alarm Audibility and Intelligibility


This project is to modernize and expand coverage of the existing fire alarm annunciation systems to comply with current audibility and intelligibility code requirements. Impact if not funded: The LOC's systems will continue to fail to meet fire code requirements.

Ft. Meade Temporary Storage Fit Out


This project will fit out leased temporary storage space (54,000 square feet) for use by multiple AOC entities. Impact if not funded. Adequate AOC storage space for projects will be limited. FTE Impact: This project will be completed within the existing FTE cap.

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Study/Design, Fire Alarm System Upgrade


This project will survey existing fire alarm system conditions and implement the new AOC standard fire alarm panel. This project includes the replacement of the existing fire alarm multiplex system with a modern addressable fire alarm system. This project will synergize with the intelligibility replacement as well. Because the LOC's fire alarm systems are approaching the end of their life cycle, they will increase the number of false alarms, false building evacuations and other malfunctions that may pose a potential threat to life-safety in the event of fire. FTE Impact: None.

Study, Design, and Condition Assessment (SD&CA) (Client Requests)


SD&CA provides flexibility to meet the needs of the LOC by
performing studies, designs and condition assessments to improve
project planning and programming. Specific initiatives requested by our
clients are listed under the Client Requests category in the following

Library Buildings & Greeds


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This project will renovate three warehouse facilities that are currently
deteriorating and in a non-secure condition. These buildings will be
used to provide storage space for materials currently stored in
warehouses slated for demolition. Impact if not funded: The
warehouses will continue to deteriorate and future renovations will be
more costly. FTE Impact: This activity will be completed within the
existing FTE cap.

LOC Vehicle Barrier Controls


This project will add touch screen electronic controls and fiber optic
wiring for barrier operation by the LOC Police Command Center located
in the Jefferson building. Impact if not funded. There will no capability
to operate the barriers from the LOC Police Command Center. FTE
Impact: This activity will be completed within the existing FTE cap.

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[blocks in formation]

SD&CA provides flexibility to meet the needs of the LOC by
performing studies, designs and condition assessments to improve
project planning and programming. Specific initiatives requested under
the Fire and Safety Requirements category are listed in the following

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Total, Budget

$29,633,330 $39,159,000 S (231,000) $38,928,000 $160,678,000 $121,750,000

* FY 2003 Actual represents total obligations of funds incurred in FY 2003, irrespective of the year of appropriation

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Capitol Police Buildings and Grounds


The Architect of the Capitol is responsible for the daily care,
maintenance, and operation of the United States Capitol Police
Buildings and Grounds (CP). This appropriation provides for the
current and future facilities to include: the Canine Facility;
Chemical/Explosive Storage Facility; U. S. Capitol Police
Headquarters; Tactical Training Facility; Off-Site Delivery Facility;
Firing Range; and leased space within the Fairchild Building, the
Government Printing Office (GPO) and the Vehicle Maintenance/
Hazardous Device Unit Facility.


The FY 2005 Capitol Police Buildings and Grounds (CP) Budget consists of an annual budget and a multi-year budget which are summarized in the following table:

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FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) REQUIREMENTS The FY 2005 Budget also contains requirements for Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs). As indicated in the table below, the FTE level does not increase above the FY 2004 level of three.

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The FY 2005 annual budget request for the Capitol Police Buildings and Grounds is $7,492,000, which is a $6,266,000 increase above the FY 2004 budget of $1,226,000. The annual budget consists of "Annual Recurring" and "Annual Non-recurring" costs. Annual Recurring costs are broken down into Program Groups (as defined in the AOC General Statement) and Annual Non-recurring costs are broken down into discrete activities. Justifications for the proposed increase in the CP annual budget for FY 2005 are provided in the section titled, "Analysis of Change."


Significant changes include the Fairchild & GPO Build-Out ($12,500,000); Firing Range Design & Construction Project ($12,000,000); Off-site Delivery Facility ($6,400,000); and the Fairchild & GPO lease ($5,900,000).


The FY 2005 CP multi-year budget request is $32,800,000, which is a $30,737,000 increase over the FY 2004 budget of $2,063,000. Where appropriate, 100% design documentation was received for projects prior to requesting construction funding. The U. S. Capitol Police were also included in the budget preparation process for the Capitol Police Buildings and Grounds. Project descriptions and justifications for FY 2005 can also be found in the section titled, "Analysis of Change."

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