ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Capitol Power Plant THE ARCHITE 1793 CAPITOL INTRODUCTION CAPITOL POWER PLANT The Capitol Power Plant (CPP) is the Capitol Complex's centralized provider of utility services not available from other sources. The CPP also houses several functions related to the Legislative Branch Telecommunications Network and also provides dedicated space for satellite communication dishes. The CPP operates and maintains a central steam plant that provides steam for heating, and a central refrigeration plant that provides chilled water for air conditioning, and all the tunnel distribution and metering systems associated with delivering these utilities. Steam and chilled water are provided for several Legislative Branch clients within the Capitol Complex, to include the U. S. Capitol Building, Senate Office Buildings, Senate garage, House Office Buildings, House garages, Library of Congress Buildings, and the U. S. Botanic Garden. The CPP also provides steam and chilled water on a reimbursable basis to other clients, some of whom are not Legislative Branch entities. FY 2005 CAPITOL POWER PLANT BUDGET The FY 2005 CPP Budget consists of an annual budget and a multi-year budget which are summarized in the following table: FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT REQUIREMENTS The FY 2005 FTE requirement contained in the below table reflects an increase of 23 FTEs over the FY 2004 level of 94. This increase includes the realignment of 20 FTEs (all supporting high voltage and energy functions) from the General Administration appropriation to the CPP appropriation, the realignment of two FTEs currently supporting the Electronics Engineering Division from the General Administration appropriation, and one new FTE to support CPP operations. The FY 2005 CPP annual budget request is $59,386,000 which represents a 33.1% increase over the FY 2004 budget of $44,626,000. The annual budget consists of "Annual Recurring" and "Annual Nonrecurring" costs. Annual Recurring costs are broken down into Program Groups (as defined in the AOC General Statement) and Annual Nonrecurring costs are broken down into discrete activities. Justifications for the proposed 33.1% increase in the recurring and non-recurring FY 2005 CPP Annual Budget are provided in the section titled, "Analysis of Change." CPP- 1 of 10 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES Significant changes include the increases in Utilities ($6,274,000); Payroll ($2,388,000); Facilities Maintenance ($1,365,000); and the addition of the Minor Construction line item ($1,000,000). The overall multi-year budget decrease ($32,446,000) is due in most part to no additional funding for the West Refrigeration Plant Expansion Project. MULTI-YEAR BUDGET The FY 2005 CPP multi-year budget request is $3,990,000, which * In addition to the FY05 appropriation request of $63.4M, $4.4M will be required on a reimbursable basis. CPP-3 of 10 Repair So Capitol Street Steam Line... Intrinsic Health Monitoring System................... Replace Utility Tunnel Expansion Joints Install Emerg Egress, Tunnel Acces......................................................................................................... Total, Program Decrease.......................................................................................................................................................................... Mandatory Pay and Related Costs: Realignment of FTEs to CPP.......... Cost of Living - Annualization of Cost of Living 2003. (22,021) (6,500) (4,200) (1,200) Total, Mandatory Pay and Related Costs Implement Emerg. Shoring & Repairs to Tunnels.. Replace Expansion Joints..................................................................... Replace Water Treatment Equipment & Controls.. Remove Tar paper/Reinsulate Violet Tunnel.. Paint Baghouse.................. Generator Load Bank (2000kw, 15kv or 480v).. Install Load Bank Connections for Various Bldgs.. Purchase Loader...................................................... Generator Load Bank (1000kw, 480-208v)................................ Total, Program Increase........................................................................................................................................................................... Total Appropriation CPP-5 of 10 |