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Increase necessitated by annual rise in mandatory pay and related costs ($283,000).

Grounds Maintenance (GM)

Increase Requested

$1,393,000 557,000

Increase primarily due to additional funding to repair and replace high priority sidewalk areas identified in a comprehensive sidewalk replacement plan ($550,000).

Program Increases - Multi-Year
Renovate Former D.C. Street Lights


This project will provide funding to modernize a total of 230 streetlights located within the AOC's jurisdiction to improve uniformity among existing streetlights, and improve illumination and maintenance which will enhance public safety. The requested funding will be used to implement Phase Three of six phases, which focuses on 21 streetlights surrounding the Reflecting Pool. Impact if not funded: The lighting in the designated areas will continue to be substandard and maintenance will be costly. FTE Impact: This activity will require one FTE above the existing FTE cap to serve as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).

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Increase due to additional funding for required safety apparel and equipment.

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This activity will restore and refurbish 18 bronze urns and two bronze lamp posts on the top of the West Terrace balustrade railing. The work will include: removing corrosion; filling holes; applying corrosion inhibitor, waterproofing; and re-installation. The funding is requested in FY 2005 because the urns and lamp posts will be removed as part of the Inauguration. Impact if not funded: The lamppost and ums will not be restored and will continue to deteriorate. FTE Impact: This activity will be completed within the existing FTE cap.

Inaugural Support


This funding will be used to provide support in preparation for the Inauguration.

Wayfinding and ADA Compliant Signage


This project will improve wayfinding by procuring and installing wayfinding and ADA compliant signs. The FY 2005 phase of the project is the final phase and will fund the fabrication and installation of replacement fiberglass handicap entrance signs, which will re-direct individuals to the CVC for the new handicapped entrances. Impact if not funded: Non-compliance with the ADA. FTE Impact: This activity will require one FTE above the existing FTE cap to serve as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).


CG-4 of 6

Minor Construction

This project provides flexibility for unforeseen needs including minor
construction, repair, and major alteration projects, and related activities
in connection with construction and maintenance activities of the
More specifically, the requested funding will
Capitol Grounds.
primarily be used to support Senate, House, and the U. S. Capitol Police
minor construction initiatives as they relate to the grounds under the
cognizance of the AOC. Impact if not funded: The ability to execute
projects to meet unforeseen requirements in a timely manner will be
adversely affected. FTE Impact. This project will require one FTE
above the existing FTE cap.

Study, Desand Condition Assessment (SD&CA)

$100,000 ign:

A Pl

SD&Crovides flexibility to meet the needs of the members, and staff by pening studies, designs, and condition assessments to improve forn projecnning and programming. In FY 2005, Capitol Grounds staff t pla has pld to initiate one new design project that will move into the constron phase in the out-years. The funding required for this uctic initiati provided in the following table.

Capitol Grounds

S, Restoration of Summerhouse tal, Capitol Grounds


ve is

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CG-5 of 6

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Total, Budget

$ 7,069,184 $ 6,886,000 $ (40,000) $ 6,846,000 $ 8,080,000 S 1,234,000

*FY 2003 Actual represents total obligations of funds incurred in FY 2003, irrespective of the year of appropriation







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Senate Office Buildings

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The Architect of the Capitol is responsible for the structural, mechanical, and domestic care of the Senate Office Buildings (SOB) consisting of the Russell (RSOB), Dirksen (DSOB), Hart (HSOB), leased space at Postal Square, Webster Hall, Senate Employees Child Care Center, and the Senate Garage, including operation of the mechanical equipment. The Architect is responsible for the care, repair, and purchase of furniture and furnishings. (Furniture and furnishings for the Senate side of the Capitol are under the jurisdiction of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms.) The Architect is responsible for the heating, air conditioning, and lighting of the Senate Office Buildings as well as for all construction, structural improvements, and changes. The Architect is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of the subway transportation systems between the Senate Office Buildings and the Capitol, and for the garages in Dirksen and Hart, plus the Senate Garage.

FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT REQUIREMENTS The FY 2005 FTE requirement contained in the below table reflects an increase of eight FTEs over the FY 2004 level of 556.

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The increase of eight FTEs includes six FTEs being realigned from the General Administration appropriation that are currently supporting the Electronics Engineering Division, and two new FTEs to support the AOC's safety program.



The FY 2005 SOB Budget consists of an annual budget and a multi-year budget which are summarized in the following table:

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Significant changes include Design, Smoke Management Systems ($3,998,000) and U. S. Capitol Police Furniture Replacement ($1,500,000).

The FY 2005 SOB annual budget request is $50,241,000 which represents a 10.0% increase over the FY 2004 budget of $45,684,000. The annual budget consists of "Annual Recurring" and "Annual Non-recurring" costs. Annual Recurring costs are broken down into Program Groups (as defined in the AOC General Statement) and Annual Non-recurring costs are broken down into discrete activities. Justifications for the proposed 10.0% increase in the SOB annual budget for FY 2005 are provided in the section titled, “Analysis of Change."


The FY 2005 SOB multi-year budget request is $15,068,000, which represents a 13.1% decrease from the FY 2004 budget of $17,330,000. Where appropriate, 100% design documentation was received for projects prior to requesting construction funding. The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms and the U.S. Capitol Police were also included in the multi-year budget preparation process for the SOB. Project descriptions and justifications for FY 2005 multi-year projects can be found in the section titled, “Analysis of Change."

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