Lapas attēli
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Increase necessitated by the realignment of 40 FTEs (-$3,021,000);
annual rise in mandatory and pay related costs ($2,882,000); and the
request for an additional 10 FTEs ($1,700,000). A discussion regarding
the realignment of 40 FTEs and request for an additional 10 FTEs can
be found in the introduction of the Architect of the Capitol General

Administrative (AD).
Increase Requested


Increase due to the realignment of "Consultant Services" from the
Jurisdiction Centralized Activities (JR) Program Group to the
Administrative (AD) Program Group ($100,000), and to fund additional
accounting and procurement professional services ($200,000).

General Facilities and Services (GF)
Increase Requested


This new program group consolidates facility and service cost elements
that are not directly associated with any jurisdiction. These costs were
previously included in the Jurisdiction Centralized Activities (JR)
Program Group. Included in the GF Program Group are: Alternate
Computer Facility lease, maintenance and operations ($5,800,000);
AOC Interim Lease Space ($1,700,000); and the rental of the "p" Street
warehouse ($650,000).

Information Resource Management (IR)
Increases Requested.....


Increase due to rising IR systems maintenance service and support
contracts for AOC networks and client based computer systems,
including web, hub, switch, router, AOCNet infrastructure and ancillary
systems maintenance and upgrade ($700,000); Inventory Management

System development ($500,000); additional user licenses and
maintenance for the Financial Management System ($500,000); and
Alternate Computer Facility (ACF) Systems development ($400,000).

Safety Engineering Operations & Maintenance (SF)..
Increase Requested..


$3,031,000 1,047,000

Increase primarily due to implementation of safety programs that
address new environment and fire safety policies ($590,000); test,
inspection and maintenance of Emergency Defibrillators being procured
in FY05 ($385,000); and additional disposal of hazardous and electronic
wastes ($74,000).

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

This activity will provide funding for the procurement of approximately
200 Automated External Defibrillators (emergency heart resuscitation
devices) for installation throughout the Capitol Complex. Impact if not
funded: Inability to conduct timely emergency life-saving measures for
members, staff and visitors. FTE Impact: None.

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This project provides funding for the planning, design and installation of
electrical, mechanical, and structural architectural interior and exterior
modifications needed to occupy the South Building of the ACF (168,000
square feet). The requested amount of $7,000,000 is based on the
parametric model used to fit out the ACF North Building. Impact if not
funded: Eliminates the modification of the facility that is required for
response during emergency situations. FTE Impact: This project will
require one FTE above the existing FTE cap to serve as the Contracting
Officer's Representative (COR).

GA-6 of 9

Alternate Computer Facility

Study, Design and Condition Assessment (SD&CA)


SD&CA for the General Administration jurisdiction provides flexibility to perform AOC-wide required studies, designs and condition assessments. In FY 2005, the following studies and designs are planned:

General Administration

Study-ACF Utility, Systems, Security and Space Upgrade 1,100,000

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Design-ACF Emergency Ops Vehicle Storage Facility
Total, General Administration

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CATV System Upgrade Design


This project provides funding to design the upgrade of a 20-year old cable television system that services the Capitol Complex. The cost basis for this request derives from a "Pre-Final Submission Study" produced by URS, dated November 21, 2003, that provides cost models for four alternative CATV System upgrade concepts. The upgrade design under consideration will include installation of a Hybrid Fiber Coax-based system capable of carrying high definition digital format (vice analog) enabling higher picture/sound quality, additional channels, and compatibilities with computer-based media. Impact if not funded. The existing cable television network will become incompatible with transmission entities (including a variety of media networks) when the U.S. standard for transmission migrates to a digital format in FY 2006. FTE impact: This project will require one FTE above the existing FTE cap to serve as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).

Enhanced Filtration - Concept Design.


This project provides funding to develop a concept design for enhanced air filtration throughout the Capitol Complex, to include the Capitol, Senate buildings, House buildings, Supreme Court, and the Library of Congress. The Enhanced Filtration Project will ensure increased protection of the occupants against potential life-safety vulnerabilities. This concept design will address such issues as mechanical space requirements, emergency power requirements, schedule, phasing & sequencing, and project cost estimating. Impact if not funded: Occupants throughout the Capitol Complex will not have an adequate level of protection against certain security threats. FTE Impact. This project will be completed within the existing FTE cap.

Alternate Computer Facility (ACF) Security.


This project provides funding for the installation of infrastructure
security upgrades for the ACF South Building, to include installing
conduit and power for security cameras, card readers, and security
systems throughout the south building interior ($500,000); and the
installation of a chain link perimeter security fence ($150,000). Impact

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if not funded. Inability to provide infrastructure (cabling and power) support for U. S. Capitol Police security equipment/devices; and the absence of physical perimeter security measures for the ACF that will prevent intrusion (intentional or otherwise). FTE Impact: This project will require two FTEs above the existing FTE cap to provide project management support.

Minor Construction...


This project provides flexibility for unforeseen needs including minor construction, repair, and alteration projects, and related activities in connection with construction and maintenance activities of the facilities under the cognizance of the General Administration jurisdiction (e.g., the Alternate Computer Facility, the AOC Interim Lease Space, "P" Street warehouse). Impact if not funded: The ability to execute projects to meet unforeseen requirements in a timely manner will be adversely affected. FTE Impact: This project will require one-half FTE above the existing FTE cap to accomplish minor construction projects.

Alternate Computer Facility (ACF) Camera Infrastructure........


This project provides funding to install conduit and power lines for exterior security cameras to be mounted around the ACF perimeter. Impact if not funded. Inability to provide power to support ACF perimeter mounted surveillance cameras. FTE Impact: This project will utilize FTE support requested under the "ACF Security" Project.

GA-8 of 9

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32 Land and Structures..



Total, Budget

$57,785,145 $77,053,000 S (455,000) $76,598,000 $89,245,000 $12,646,780

* FY 2003 Actual represents total obligations of funds incurred in FY 2003, irrespective of the year of appropriation

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Capitol Building



The Architect of the Capitol is responsible for the maintenance, repair, operations, and preservation of the structural, architectural, and utilities infrastructure (mechanical and electrical), as well as the domestic care and the preservation of integral Works of Art in the U. S. Capitol Building.


The FY 2005 Capitol Building (CB) Budget consists of an annual budget and a multi-year budget, which includes facility start-up costs for the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC), which are summarized in the following table:

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Significant changes include the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) Facility Startup ($6,300,000) and the Install Emergency Exit Signs & Lighting Project ($2,000,000).


The FY 2005 FTE requirement in the below table reflects an increase of 23 FTEs over the FY 2004 level of 172.

Capitol Building FTE Summary

The increase of 23 FTEs include 18 new FTEs to support CVC operations; two new FTEs to support the AOC's safety program; and three FTEs being realigned from the General Administration appropriation that are currently supporting the Electronics Engineering Division.


The FY 2005 annual budget request for the Capitol Building is $16,439,000 which represents an 8.9% increase over the FY 2004 budget of $15,096,000. The annual budget consists of "Annual Recurring” and “Annual Nonrecurring" costs. Annual Recurring costs are broken down into Program Groups (as defined in the AOC General Statement) and Annual Nonrecurring costs are broken down into discrete activities. Justifications for the proposed 8.9% increase in the CB annual budget for FY 2005 are provided in the section titled, “Analysis of Change.”


The FY 2005 multi-year budget request is $15,800,000 which represents a 22.2% increase over the FY 2004 budget of $12,925,000. Where appropriate, 100% design documentation was received for projects prior to requesting construction funding. The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms, the House Chief Administrative Officer, the Clerk of the House, and the U.S. Capitol Police were also included in the multi-year budget preparation process for the Capitol Building. Project descriptions and justifications for FY 2005 multi-year projects can be found in the section titled, "Analysis of Change."

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