Lapas attēli




General Administration



The General Administration (GA) appropriation funds the AOC Central Office salaries and management of facilities, operations, activities, programs and projects that affect all jurisdictions. The major functions that comprise the Central Office consists of central administration; financial management; general counsel; safety; facilities management; security; human resources; AOC-wide architecture, engineering design, and construction management; property management; AOC planning and development; communications; information resources; and procurement.


The FY 2005 General Administration Budget consists of an annual budget and a multi-year budget which are summarized in the following table:

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Significant changes include the addition of a new Program Group titled "General Facilities and Services" ($8,150,000) and the fit-out of the Alternate Computer Facility ($7,000,000).


The FY 2005 FTE requirement contained in the below table reflects a decrease of 30 FTEs from FY 2004 to FY 2005.

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The reduction of 30 FTEs incorporates: the realignment of 22 FTEs to the Capitol Power Plant appropriation; the realignment of three FTEs to the Capitol Building appropriation; the realignment of six FTEs to the Senate Office Buildings appropriation, the realignment of six FTEs to the House Office Buildings, realignment of three FTEs to the Library Buildings and Grounds appropriation; and an additional 10 new FTEs to support AOC's safety program (one FTE), CVC activities (one FTE), mandated increases per Public Law 108-7 (four FTEs), and operational support (four FTEs). A discussion regarding these realignments and the request for an additional 10 FTEs can be found in the introduction of the Architect of the Capitol General Statement.


The FY 2005 annual budget request for General Administration is $76,965,000 which represents a 6.3% increase over the FY 2004 budget of $72,423,000. The annual budget consists of "Annual Recurring" and "Annual Non-recurring" costs. Annual Recurring costs are broken down into Program Groups (as defined in the AOC General Statement) and Annual Non-recurring costs are broken down into discrete activities. Justifications for the proposed 6.3% increase in the General Administration Annual Budget for FY 2005 are provided in the section titled, “Analysis of Change."


The FY 2005 multi-year budget request is $12,280,000, which represents an $8,105,000 increase over the FY 2004 budget of $4,175,000. Where appropriate, 100% design documentation was received for projects prior to requesting construction funding. Project descriptions and justifications for FY 2005 multi-year projects can be found in the section titled, "Analysis of Change."


GA-1 of 9

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Construction Services (CS)..

Electronic Systems (EC)......

Facilities Maintenance (FM)..

Jurisdiction Centralized Activities (JR)..

AOC Procurement Training Initiative...................................................................................

Bucket Truck....

Flat Bed Truck.............................................

Capitol Complex Master Plan...........................................................................................................................

Total, Program Decrease................

Mandatory Pay and Related Costs:

Realignment of FTEs.

Cost of Living - Annualization of Cost of Living 2003....................

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Information Resource Management (IR).
Safety Eng. Ops & Maintenance (SF).

Emergency Defibrillators.......................................................................................................................

Alternate Computer Facility (ACF) Fit Out..

Design, Study and Condition Assessment..........................................................
CATV System Upgrade Design...

Enhanced Filtration - Concept Design.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

GA-5 of 9

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