** General expenses excludes $12.748M from the FY 2003 Supplemental used to support FY 2004 annual operations. *Actual obligations including spending from no-year funds **Excludes $12.7M from the FY 2003 Supplemental used to support FY 2004 annual operations The Department requests a sworn authorization of 1,805 FTEs, which is an increase of 213 FTEs including 10 FTEs to cover Library of Congress attrition. The Department has a civilian authorization of 401 FTEs and requests an additional 155 FTEs for a total authorization of 556. The requested staffing authorization for FY 2005 is 2,361 FTEs. Nine-months funding of the FY 05 COLA estimated at 3.5%. 5,574 Estimated longevity and promotion pay increases for within rank and grade and paid in accordance with the USCP Unified Pay Schedule. 4,421 Overtime and holiday pay required for the 2005 Inauguration activities. 1,350 Other increases are estimated for an extra FY 2004 payday (-$548), 177 7 Sworn Pay scale: Equitable Corrections among Pay Ranks Corrections and adjustment to the entire sworn pay scale to level and balance out inequities and anomalies across pay ranks and between pay steps. This amount is based on a proposal developed by an independent contractor. This increase is the first of a two-phase implementation plan and a similar amount will be requested in FY 2006. 5,723 Price Level Change Appropriation 273 1 Cost increases due to inflation and increasing prices for services related to various non-personnel costs throughout the Department. Sworn positions are proposed to increase by 213 FTEs, which 6,187 includes 10 FTEs to fill attrition for the Library of Congress. The total authorization requested is 1,805. Civilian positions are proposed to increase by 155 for a total of 556 6,499 Transit subsidy costs will increase due to sworn and civilian staff increases. 22 Program Non-Personnel Cost Increases 36,502 1 Assess the Threat Provide a comprehensive internal assessment capability to identify and validate threats to Members of Congress; the legislative process; and the buildings, staff, and visitors that make up the Capitol community. 382 2 Prevent Criminal and Terrorist Activity Prevent criminal or terrorist activity from disrupting the legislative 4,487 Legislative Branch Alternate Computer Facility security system |