SCHEDULE C-TOTAL - OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENTARIAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DETAILED ANALYSIS OF CHANGE BY APPROPRIATIONS Office of the Law Revision Counsel SCHEDULE A - OFFICE OF THE LAW REVISION COUNSEL OF THE HOUSE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFFICE OF THE LAW REVISION COUNSEL OF THE HOUSE SCHEDULE C-OFFICE OF THE LAW REVISION COUNSEL OF THE HOUSE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DETAILED ANALYSIS OF CHANGE BY ORGANIZATION Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OFFICE OF THE LAW REVISION COUNSEL OF THE HOUSE For salaries and expenses of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House, $2,346,000. The fiscal year 2005 budget request is an increase of $83,000 or 3.7% over the amount provided in fiscal year 2004. This amount includes $2,104,000 for mandatory items, $4,000 for price level changes, $253,000 for program current services and a decrease of $15,000 for program changes. I. Personnel Details: FY'05 Request - $2,104,000 A. Base: $2,010,000 i. The estimated FY'04 personnel compensation will be $2,000,000 ii. The estimated FY'04 personnel benefits will be $10,000 B. Budget Calculations: i. FY'04 Cost of Living Annualized - (1.025%) 4.1% ii. FY'05 Cost of Living Prorated-(2.625%) 3.5% iii. FY'05 Meritorious Increase - 1% C. Requested Changes: i. FY'04 Cost of Living Annualized - $20,000 II. Price Level Details: FY'05 Request - $4,000 The increase of $4,000 is based upon an inflation factor of 2.4% III. Program Details: FY'05 Request - $238,000 A. Current Services: i. Publication of the U.S. Code: $181,000 - Publication of the U.S. Code involves maintaining an updated database of the official United States Code, which is a consolidation and codification of the general and permanent laws of the United States. This database is used to print a complete edition every six years and annual cumulative supplements in each of the five intervening years. It also is used to produce Internet versions of the Code and an annual CD-ROM version of the Code. Maintaining the U.S. Code database involves analyzing each new law to determine whether it affects any existing provisions in the Code or contains any provisions that should be added to the Code. Changes are then incorporated into the Code database, along with editorial matter to document the changes. The tables, index, and non-statutory materials also must be updated and added. All work is carefully reviewed multiple times to ensure the accuracy of the Code. ii. Codification of the U.S. Code Titles: $37,000 - Codification of U.S. Code titles involves drafting bills to enact individual titles of the Code as positive law and to repeal laws incorporated in the new title. This requires determining |