Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

and purchases by the War Department...

Contracts by the Commissioner of Pubhe Buildings for the year 1850.....

by the Treasuty Department...

Customs, balances due from officers of.....


Davis, Lieutenant C. H, Nautical Almanac...
Dayton, A. O., contingent expenses of the navy..........
De La Rosa, Luis, Mexican minister, letter from......

Docks and yards, report of Commodore Joseph Smith....
Donoho, Thomas, et al., inspectors of the penitentiary, report of.......
Dry dock in California........


5 24

5 36

4 18

5 31

5 38

4 22

3 7

[blocks in formation]

for expense of the southwest executive building.

Estimated receipts and expenditures of the Treasury Department......


Edes, William H., et al., inspectors of the penitentiary, report of.........
Edwards, J. L., Commissioner of Pensions, report of..

5 43

1 1 177

Emigrants, number to the United States during the year 1850....

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Farrelly, J. W., Sixth Auditor of the Treasury, report of........

Finances, report of the Secretary of the Treasury

list of tables accompanying the same..

receipts and expenditures..

[blocks in formation]

(aham, William A., Secretary of the Navy, report of..................

[blocks in formation]


Pt. Vol. Doc. Page.

Haines, Townsend, Register of the Treasury, report of...........



Hall, N. K., Postmaster General, report of...

[blocks in formation]

Harris, Thomas, chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, report of.....

[blocks in formation]

Henderson, General Archibald, report of...


[blocks in formation]

Hebbie, S. R., First Assistant Postmaster General, report of.......
Hughes, Colonel George W., report relative to supplying Washington city


[blocks in formation]

with water.

[blocks in formation]


Hydrography and Ordnance, bureau of..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sixth Auditor of the Treasury

First Assistant Postmaster General.




1 1 370

1 1 388

[ocr errors]

5 29






1 364







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Message, transmitting a letter from the Mexican minister, relative to Indian

incursions upon the frontier of Mexico..

transmitting the agreement of Texas to the propositions of Con-
gress for a boundary..

transmitting reports relative to rank in the army and navy.......
transmitting the annual report of the inspectors of the penitentiary
transmitting the annual report of R. M. Patterson, director of the

[blocks in formation]

transmitting opinions of the Attorneys General......1 & 2 7

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

frauds upon, (an abstract)..

5 44

Rockwell, C. W., letter transmitting a list of balances due from officers of

the customs..

5 42

[blocks in formation]

Naval Asylum


1 321

Smith, Captain G. W., report on General Patterson's route from Matamo-

ras to Victoria..

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

can seamen

clerks and others employed in

State, Secretary of, letter transmitting a statement showing the number of

emigrants to this country....

letter transmitting abstract of returns of registered Ameri-

Stuart, Alexander H. H., annual report of.



[blocks in formation]



Texas boundary, agreement to........




Towers, John T., and others, inspectors of the penitentiary, report of.....

[blocks in formation]

5 28

Pt. Vol. Doc, Page,

War Department, contracts and purchases.....

contingent expenses of.......
contingent expenses of the military establishment......
general annual militia returns....


5 23
5 24
4 22
5 34

War, Secretary of, letter transmitting a report on Gen. Patterson's route

from Matamoras to Victoria.....
letter transmitting a statement relative to the national


[blocks in formation]

letter transmitting reports of Colonels Abert and Hughes
relative to supplying Washington city with water...

5 33

War steamers.....
Water, supplying Washington city with

[blocks in formation]

Ways and Means...
Whittlesey, Elisha, letter transmitting a list of balances (see Doc. 49).....
letter transmitting a list of balances (see Doc. 40).....


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