Independent Offices AppropriationsU.S. Government Printing Office, 1941 |
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agencies aluminum amount annual contributions appropriation Arkansas Valley asking Barro Colorado Island bill Bureau Canal Zone Biological CHAIRMAN Congress construction contracts cost defense activities Defense Commission defense purposes Delano Director ELIOT employees estimated expenditures for press expenses Federal Government fiscal year 1942 Fort Loudoun Dam going House committee House hearings Housing Authority increased informational service functions JEWETT KEYSERLING kilowatts KRUG labor laboratory LILIENTHAL located Loudoun Dam MERRIAM milk fat National Defense needed oleomargarine operating budgets percent President press clippings private institutions problem proposed question recommended request requirements schedule scientific Senator ADAMS Senator BANKHEAD Senator BYRNES Senator GREEN Senator MCCARRAN Senator MCKELLAR Senator RUSSELL Senator TRUMAN Senator WHITE statement steam plant Straus studies Tenant Relations Division Tennessee Valley Authority termites thing Thomas Barbour tion United States Housing vitamin War Department WETMORE Zone Biological Area Аввот
Populāri fragmenti
14. lappuse - Two private companies were involved rather than a private bidder on the one hand and the Federal Government on the other. The co-op involved in that case did not pay taxes. The private...
24. lappuse - Emergency fund for the President" contained in the Military Appropriation Act, 1941, including the objects for which and subject to the conditions under which such allocation...
6. lappuse - I believe that there is going to have to be some sort of a policeman down there to prevent poaching.
74. lappuse - Board adjourned sine die. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. The Executive Committee of the Board of Kegents of the Smithsonian Institution respectfully submits the following report in relation to the funds of the Institution, the appropriations by Congress for the National Museum and other purposes, and the receipts and expenditures for the Institution and the Museum, for the year ending June 30, 1886.
17. lappuse - House bill carries two items for the work of the National Resources Planning Board for the fiscal year beginning next July 1.
25. lappuse - The second one is the one you were discussing here, the industrial plant locations. Of course, the Planning Board in this matter is not a board with executive powers and should not be. We can, at the President's request, do trouble shooting and make recommendations and devise various ways and means by which they may make more effective plant locations and wider distribution of industries throughout the country. We have no power to act. We can report to the President, as we have, or report to the...
73. lappuse - ... park extended to a point beyond the immediate development so that we can plan on out from there. And we are very much afraid that if we delay it too long, we will have lost the opportunity to make the park system what it should really be. Mr. WOODRUM. Thank you, gentlemen. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION STATEMENTS OF DR. CHARLES G. ABBOT, SECRETARY; DR. ALEXANDER WETMORE, ASSISTANT SECRETARY, IN CHARGE OF NATIONAL MUSEUM; HW DORSEY, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY;...
79. lappuse - Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. This bulletin explains that "The purpose of these experiments was to determine, by means of growth and digestion experiments with young male albino rats, the relative nutritive properties of refined lard, hydrogenated lard, leaf lard, neutral lard, oleo oil, cottonseed oil, hydrogenated cottonseed oil, and peanut oil with special reference to factors affecting those properties. The vitamin content of fhe fats was not determined, but essential vitamins were added...
31. lappuse - The subcommittee met, pursuant to adjournment, at 10 : 30 amT in the committee room, the Capitol, Hon. James F. Byrnes presiding. Present: Senators, Byrnes, Russell, Adams, McCarran, Truman, Green, McKellar, Bankhead, White, and Brooks. Senator BYRNES. The committee will please come to order. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY STATEMENTS OF DAVID E.
46. lappuse - Tennessee Valley Authority fund, [1941] 1943": Provided further, That purchases may be made by the Authority during the fiscal year [1942] 1943 without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes and section 9 (b) of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, as amended, when in the judgment of the Board of Directors of the Authority...