Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for 1941: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, Third Session, on the Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for 1941

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777. lappuse - Committee, and in necessary travel, and while so engaged they may be paid actual travel expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence and other expenses.
875. lappuse - Provided, That none of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the purchase of oleomargarine or butter substitutes for other than cooking purposes, except to supply an expressed preference therefor or for use where climatic or other conditions render the use of butter impracticable.
761. lappuse - Encouragement of rifle practice. — The Secretary of War shall annually submit to Congress recommendations and estimates for the establishment and maintenance of indoor and outdoor rifle ranges, under such a comprehensive plan as will ultimately result in providing adequate facilities for rifle practice in all sections of the country. And that all ranges so established and all ranges which may have already been constructed...
865. lappuse - The Secretary of War is hereby authorized, in his discretion and under rules, regulations, and limitations to be prescribed by him, to lend to accredited civilian aviation schools, one or more of which shall be designated by the Civil Aeronautics Authority for the training of any Negro air pilot, at which personnel of the Military Establishment are pursuing a course of education and training pursuant to detail thereto under competent orders of the War Department, out of aircraft, aircraft parts,...
765. lappuse - The Secretary of War shall annually submit to Congress recommendations and estimates for the establishment and maintenance of indoor and outdoor rifle ranges, under such a comprehensive plan as will ultimately result in providing adequate facilities for rifle practice in all sections of the country. And that all ranges so established and all ranges which may have already been constructed, in whole or in part, with funds provided by Congress shall be open for use by those in any branch of the military...
859. lappuse - We have over 8,000 member stores located in every State in the Union and in the District of Columbia.
84. lappuse - System, 1917-1919; the Planning Branch of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, 19221934; and the Navy Department Bureaus of Engineering, 1910-1940, and Construction and Repair, 1896-1940.
804. lappuse - Silverman, chief counsel of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior, was detailed by the Secretary of the Interior at the committee's request to serve as counsel of the committee.
321. lappuse - We only have from then until about the latter part of August or the first part of September during which any construction work can be done.
31. lappuse - The CHAIRMAN. On account of the fact that we do not want to put all our eggs in one basket ? Mr. SMART. Well, the key to it is keeping the production line in a meaningful way. And then you determine the number of bombers — you end up getting more bombers, inevitably. But numbers are yet to be determined. But may I say to the committee : let me ask — I have used two figures here. I have...

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