Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, 27. sējums

Pirmais vāks
F. Hunt, 1852

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225. lappuse - Such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealings. Fourth. Such as it shall purchase at sales under judgments, decrees or mortgages held by the association, or shall purchase to secure debts due to it.
118. lappuse - ... respectively ; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce; and, generally, the merchants and traders of each nation, respectively, shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce ; subject always to the laws and statutes of the two countries respectively.
366. lappuse - ... exportation, of any articles to the United States, or to his Britannic majesty's territories in Europe, respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign country...
74. lappuse - Whatever subjects of this power are in their nature national, or admit only of one uniform system, or plan of regulation, may justly be said to be of such a nature as to require exclusive legislation by Congress.
368. lappuse - The articles of contraband before enumerated and classified, which may be found in a vessel bound for an enemy's port, shall be subject to detention and confiscation, leaving free the rest of the cargo and the ship, that the owners may dispose of them as they see proper.
118. lappuse - The inhabitants of the two countries respectively, shall have liberty freely and securely to come with their ships and cargoes to all such places, ports, and rivers, in the territories aforesaid, to which other foreigners are permitted to come...
74. lappuse - Now, the power to regulate commerce embraces a vast field, containing not only many but exceedingly various subjects quite unlike in their nature; some imperatively demanding a single uniform rule, operating equally on the commerce of the United States in every port; and some, like the subject now in question, as imperatively demanding that diversity which alone can meet the local necessities of navigation.
73. lappuse - That all pilots in the bays, inlets, rivers, harbors, and ports of the United States, shall continue to be regulated in conformity with the existing laws of the States, respectively, wherein such pilots may be, or with such laws as the States may respectively hereafter enact for the purpose, until further legislative provision shall be made by Congress.
367. lappuse - Citizens of the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves or others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the Country wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases...
172. lappuse - If the payment be less than the interest, the surplus of the interest must not be taken to augment the principal ; but interest continues on the former principal until the period when the payments, taken together, exceed the interest due...

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