HEARINGS A BILL TO PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE BY GATHER- ING INFORMATION RESPECTING THE OWNERSHIP, PRODUC- TION, DISTRIBUTION, COSTS, SALES, AND PROFITS IN THE COAL INDUSTRY AND BY PUBLICATION OF SAME, AND TO RECOGNIZE AND DECLARE COAL AND ITS PRODUCTION H9544 COMMITTEE ON MANUFACTURES. ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE, Wisconsin, Chairman. HENRY CABOT LODGE, Massachusetts. WILLIAM S. KENYON, Iowa. BERT M. FERNALD, Maine. CHARLES L. MCNARY, Oregon. ASLE J. GRONNA, North Dakota. ELLISON D. SMITH, South Carolin ATLEE POMERENE, Ohio. ANDRIEUS A. JONES, New Mexico DAVID I. WALSH, Massachusetts. PUBLICATION OF PRODUCTION AND PROFITS IN COAL. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1921. UNITED STATES SENATE, COMMITTEE ON MANUFACTURES, Washington, D. c. The committee met at 10.30 o'clock a. m., pursuant to call, in the room of the Committee on Interstate Commerce, Capitol, Senator Robert M. La Follette presiding. Present: Senators La Follette (chairman), Kenyon, Fernald, McNary, Gronna, Jones of New Mexico, and Walsh of Massachusetts. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. Gentlemen, the committee has before it Senate bill 4828, a bill introduced on January 12, 1921, by Senator Calder. It is a bill to promote the general welfare by gathering information respecting the ownership, production, distribution, costs, sales, and profits in the coal industry, and by publication of same, and to recognize and declare coal and its production and distribution charged with public interest and use, and for other purposes. The stenographer will insert the bill at this point. (The text of the bill is as follows:) [S. 4828, 66th Cong., 3d sess.] A BILL To promote the general welfare by gathering information respecting the ownership, production, distribution, costs, sales, and profits in the coal industry and by publication of same, and to recognize and declare coal and its production and distribution charged with public interest and use, and for other purposes.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this act may be cited as "The Federal coal act." SEC. 2. That coal and its sufficient and economical production and proper distribution, and information respecting ownership of coal and ownership, production, distribution, costs, sales, and profits in the coal industry are necessary to the general welfare of the people of the United States and to the Congress of the United States for the purpose of legislating from time to time respecting interstate and foreign commerce, public health, taxation, and other matters, and that the ownership and the production of and the distribution of and dealing in coal throughout the United States are hereby recognized to be, and are hereby declared to be, charged with public interest and use. SEC. 3. That when used in this act The term "coal" means anthracite and bituminous coal and all kinds thereof, including lignite, whether in place or extracted. The term "coal lands" means coal lands, coal in place, coal mines, or culm banks. The term "owner" means any person or corporation owning, leasing, or having any legal title or beneficial interest in coal lands or in buying or selling or otherwise dealing in coal lands. The term "operator" means any person or corporation engaged in the business of operating a coal mine or coal washery. The term "dealer" means any person or corporation engaged in the business of selling coal in commerce at wholesale or retail, including storage of coal, except storage by consumers. 3 |