Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1981: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, Second SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1980 |
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17. lappuse
... result of that ? Mr. HARTNETT . It is my understanding that there is a section of the Library of Congress under - I can't think of his name right now . They are trying to put together some brief video tape cassette material that ...
... result of that ? Mr. HARTNETT . It is my understanding that there is a section of the Library of Congress under - I can't think of his name right now . They are trying to put together some brief video tape cassette material that ...
25. lappuse
... result of your study ? Mr. GUTHRIE . We hope to make a determination on the Baron system some time in April . That ... results from the computer- aided transcription system yet . Mr. BENJAMIN . Is the GAO still participating in ...
... result of your study ? Mr. GUTHRIE . We hope to make a determination on the Baron system some time in April . That ... results from the computer- aided transcription system yet . Mr. BENJAMIN . Is the GAO still participating in ...
48. lappuse
... result of some consolidation of copying machines and more efficient usage of same . $ 22,500 , Laundry and Dry ... results from several factors : An anticipated increase in personnel to be trained due to the projected vacancies ...
... result of some consolidation of copying machines and more efficient usage of same . $ 22,500 , Laundry and Dry ... results from several factors : An anticipated increase in personnel to be trained due to the projected vacancies ...
79. lappuse
... result , per se , in a reduction in police services . It is believed that a little planning can result in the savings this Memorandum is designed to effect without a noticeable reduc- tion in services . By Order of : mes M. Powere James ...
... result , per se , in a reduction in police services . It is believed that a little planning can result in the savings this Memorandum is designed to effect without a noticeable reduc- tion in services . By Order of : mes M. Powere James ...
137. lappuse
... result from an analysis of the actual fiscal year 1979 expendi- tures and subsequent adjustment to provide a more realistic esti- mate based on latest cost information . The fiscal year 1981 esti- mate assumes the workload and staffing ...
... result from an analysis of the actual fiscal year 1979 expendi- tures and subsequent adjustment to provide a more realistic esti- mate based on latest cost information . The fiscal year 1981 esti- mate assumes the workload and staffing ...
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96th Congress additional agencies amount annual appropriation audit BENJAMIN bill Board BOORSTIN BOYLE budget Capitol Police Capitol Police Board Capitol Power Plant Chairman Chief POWELL Clerk COLLEY Congressional Budget Office Congressional Record Congressional Research Service contract contractor copies Cost Accounting Standards depository libraries employees equipment estimate expenditures expenses Federal fiscal year 1981 floor funds GAO's going hearings House Office Building House Post Office increase information follows Joint Committee Legislative Branch Library of Congress Madison Building Members ment MICHEL million Miss BURG operation percent personnel positions printing and binding productivity proposed question reduce request Response result RIVLIN RUDD salary savings Senate SHAPIRO specific STAATS staff statement Subcommittee Thomas Jefferson Building tion Title 44 U.S. Code WHITE workload
Populāri fragmenti
650. lappuse - The financial transactions of the Corporation for any fiscal year during which Federal funds are available to finance any portion of its operations may be audited by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial corporate transactions and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States.
648. lappuse - The Comptroller General shall investigate, at the seat of government or elsewhere, all matters relating to the receipt, disbursement, and application of public funds...
532. lappuse - He also is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Maryland Assocation of Certified Public Accountants.
83. lappuse - Senate, and shall be compensated at the rate provided for level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code.
650. lappuse - ... wholly owned Government corporations by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended; (2) maintain an integral set of accounts which shall be audited annually by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial transactions as provided by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended...
187. lappuse - The Joint Committee on Taxation. For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Taxation, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House, $2,670,000.
84. lappuse - ... the first day of the second month after the month in which he...
153. lappuse - Cemeteries. 25. Indians. 26. Internal Revenue Code. 27. Intoxicating Liquors. 28. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. 29. Labor. 30. Mineral Lands and Mining. 31. Money and Finance. 32. National Guard. 33. Navigation and Navigable Waters. 34. Navy (See Title 10, Armed Forces). 35. Patents. 36. Patriotic Societies and Observances. 37. Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services. 38. Veterans
154. lappuse - Mr. Ward M. Hussey, the Legislative Counsel of the House, is here today to discuss his office with the Subcommittee. Mr. Hussey's salary is set by law. All other positions and rates of salaries are established by him with the approval of the Speaker. APPROPRIATIONS BY FISCAL YEARS Mr.
538. lappuse - Standard 410 allocation of business unit general and administrative expenses to final cost objectives Oct.