*NOTE (Holiday and overtime are based on an average of ten holidays and ten days of overtime per officer, per year) *NOTE (Holiday and overtime are based on an average of ten holidays and ten days of overtime per officer, per year) *NOTE Holiday and overtime are based on an average of ten holidays and ten days of overtime per officer, per year) TOTAL ESTIMATED REIMBURSEMENT FOR FY 1987, 1988 & 1989 $39,293.76 *NOTE (Holiday and overtime are based on an average of ten holidays and ten days of overtime per officer, per year) Mr. HARDING. May I make a comment off the record. [Discussion off the record.] Mr. BENJAMIN. On the record. PROMOTION POLICY Mr. RUDD. What is the policy going to be with regard to promotions of the Metropolitan Police officers serving here? Mr. HARDING. Well, we are very proud of what we have been able to work out on the overall promotion system. We think it is very, very fair and no one is going to gain any advantage, I can assure you, irrespective of what their background is or anything else. They are all going to have to vie equally with everyone else. Mr. RUDD. I think you have it worked out. Mr. HARDING. We hope so, yes, sir. Mr. RUDD. Each Metropolitan Police officer who stays with the police, you have given us a rundown on that and how much it will cost individually? Chief POWELL. That is on the chart. Mr. RUDD. There are a couple of things left over from last year that I would like to talk about for the moment. I commend you for the outstanding 39-year service that you have. I don't know whether you have any plans for retirement or not Chief POWELL. I am too young. LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM Mr. RUDD. The Capitol Police policy requires that all new Capitol Police attend this Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at Glynco, Georgia, is that correct? Chief POWELL. Yes, sir. Mr. RUDD. I assume that everybody who comes aboard must do that. How long has that been in effect? Chief POWELL. It has been in effect for three years, ever since we have been a part of it. Mr. RUDD. Has everybody been trained then? Chief POWELL. Yes, sir. Before we became involved with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, of course we had many members of the force who had attended the then authorized training program as was then provided. We have some members of our force who have not yet been to Georgia who were on maybe 10, 12 or 15 years. We are sending them under a retraining program. Mr. RUDD. Would you go? Chief POWELL. I have talked this over with my wife. I would not mind. I rather doubt it in view of the fact that the law specified that my appointment date would be November 1, 1940; I still retain my seniority. Mr. RUDD. You are not going? Chief POWELL. No, sir. Mr. RUDD. You have requested $193,000 for training in FY 1981. Is that training money requested for sending your people to Glynco, by and large? |