Since the average number of copies obtained by our Committees would be in the range of six to eight copies, the average cost per page would be increased by $.75. For computation purposes, the average reporter produces approximately 35-40 pages per hour. Mr. BENJAMIN. I appreciate that. Are there any further questions of Mr. Guthrie? OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS WITNESSES KENNETH R. HARDING, SERGEANT AT ARMS ELWYN G. RAIDEN, DEPUTY SERGEANT AT ARMS JAMES M. POWELL, CHIEF OF THE CAPITOL POLICE Mr. COLLEY. We will go to page 14 of the Clerk's basic statement. I would like to submit for the Subcommittee's consideration four requests under the direct control of the Sergeant at Arms. Compensation and Mileage for Members, $29,464,300; the Sergeant at Arms' Office, which includes the police, $14,308,500; the Capitol Police, General Expenses, $834,000; the Capitol Police Board, $1,351,600. [The information follows:] I will now submit for the Subcommittee's consideration four requests under the direct control of the Sergeant at Arms. Mr. COLLEY. Before we begin the Sergeant at Arms detailed testimony, I am pleased to recommend a reduction of $436,700 in the fiscal year 1981 request for the Capitol Police Board. Mr. Chairman, P.L. 96-152 approved December 20, 1979, provided for the phase out of the Metropolitan Police detail. The law requires that a member of the Metropolitan Police detail, after 'he has completed 20 years of police service, be reassigned to the Metropolitan Police force, unless within a 30-day period after completion of 20 years service, the member elects to transfer to the Capitol Police force. The phase out began on February 1, 1980, with the transfer of Chief Powell to the Capitol Police Force. Chief Powell, who will testify on this in more detail, advises us that seven more police officers will be phased out on October 1, 1980. This will reduce our budget request for fiscal year 1981 by $436,700. The phase out will be completed by the close of fiscal year 1990. I would like to insert in the record a schedule showing the phase out, the cost reduction, and the estimated cost of the remaining detail. [The information follows:] 1/ Based on current salary rates, does not include increased cost estimates for cost of living or longevity increases. TESTIMONY OF SERGEANT AT ARMS Mr. COLLEY. Mr. Chairman, the Hon. Kenneth R. Harding and his associates are here to discuss in detail the four aforementioned estimates. And I would like to place in the record the Compensation and Mileage of Members table on page 15, the information on page 16 on the Office of the Sergeant of Arms and the Capitol Police, and the information on page 17 on the Capitol Police Board but before I do, let me introduce Mr. Harding and Chief Powell who will testify on these requests. [The information follows:] COMPENSATION AND MILEAGE FOR THE MEMBERS The funds required for compensation of Members of the House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, the Delegate from the District of Columbia, the Delegate from Guam and the Delegate from the Virgin Islands in fiscal year 1981 are $29,254,300. The estimate for mileage fiscal year 1981 is $210,000. For salaries, including overtime for the Police, for the Office of Sergeant at Arms, $14,308,500., For payment of general expenses for the U.S. Capitol Police $834,000. The following summary outlines the areas of cost for the fiscal 1981 estimate: Office supplies........ $32,000 Laundry and dry cleaning..... 22,500 Communications...... .100,300 Purchase, repairs, and gasoline for scout cars and other police vehicles .121,250 480 Purchase and repair of equipment and of uniforms 277,970 Investigation divisions.... 69,000 Training..... Miscellaneous items.. ..193,000 17,500 The increase of $24,500 over the FY '80 appropriation is attributed to increased costs for current levels of service. The amount requested for FY '81 is $1,351,600. The funds are for the reimbursement to the Metropolitan Police Department for personnel detailed to the Congress. This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 24, 1979 relative to our estimate of the Bureau of the Budget for Fiscal Year 1981. It is requested that the following sums for this office be included when you submit estimates for Fiscal Year 1981 based on the 5.5% pay increase effective October 1, 1979. Salaries for Members, Commissioner Mileage $29,254,300.00 210,000.00 This represents Salary and Contributions to Retirement, Life and Health Insurance and Mileage as follows: |