Lapas attēli

Mr. COLLEY. That is correct, but occasionally, in the haste of business or travel or staff operations, a voucher will be submitted that may be incorrect or may lack a little thought, so we try to help out where we can.

Mr. BENJAMIN. Does it show up in the Member's Quarterly Report?

Mr. COLLEY. It is published in the quarterly report and that is another reason we call it to their attention. They seem to appreciate the fact that we bring it to their attention.

Mr. BENJAMIN. Do you think there is a trend of Members buying more stamps? I am not talking about cash sales. I am talking about vouchered sales.

Mr. ROTA. We are down on vouchered sales. In fact, the overall stamp sales were down $183,233.22.

Now these vouchered stamps, I would say approximately, the percentage would be difficult to predict, but it would be in the neighborhood of 60 or 70 percent of the total sales.

Mr. BENJAMIN. All right. I thank you very much for a good report. We will check out what appears to be a disparity. I don't know if it is or not, but we will analyze that and we will let you know.

Mr. ROTA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Mr. COLLEY. Mr. Chairman, we are on page 20, the Office of the Chaplain. There are a series of small items here. With the Chairman's permission, I will just read the headings and the amount, and if you would like for me to stop for questions, I will be happy to do so, and ask the reporter to place these tables in the transcript.

For the Office of the Chaplain, $52,800; Office of Parliamentarian, including the Parliamentarian, the $2,000 for preparing the digest of the rules, $292,000; Compilation of Precedents, $190,000; Technical Assistance to the Office of the Attending Physician, $34,700; the House Democratic Steering Committee, $344,800; the House Democratic Caucus, $90,900.

[The information follows:]


For the Office of the Chaplain, $52,800. Mr. Chairman, the increase of $2,800 is to cover the October 1, 1979, Federal Pay Comparability increase.

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For the Office of the Parliamentarian, including the Parliamentarian, and $2,000 for preparing the Digest of the Rules, $292,000. The increase over fiscal year 1980 is included to cover the October 1979 Federal Pay Comparability costs and meritorious promotions in fiscal year 1981. The fiscal year 1980 budget included $30,000 for the possible employment of an additional attorney. That position has not been filled. The same amount has been included in this year's estimate in the event the demands of the office merit such increase in personnel.

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For the Compilation of Precedents of the House of Representatives, $190,000. The reduction from the 1980 appropriation is due to the completion of the research phase of the project.

We have been advised by the Parliamentarian, Mr. William Holmes Brown, Jr., that continued reductions may be possible depending upon the status of the research and publication of the Precedents of the House.

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For a technical assistant in the Office of the Attending Physician, to be appointed by the Attending Physician, subject to the approval of the Speaker, $34,700. This is an increase of $2,300 over the amount appropriated for fiscal year 1980. This increase is due to the Federal Pay Comparability increase granted in October 1979. APPROPRIATIONS, ACTUAL EXPENDITURES, UNEXPENDED BALANCES

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For salaries and expenses of the House Democratic Steering Committee, $344,800. This increase of $21,800 over the amount appropriated for fiscal year 1980 is attributed to pay increases. As in prior years, this amount, when added to our request for the House Democratic Caucus, will equal the fiscal year 1981 request for the House Republican Conference.

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For salaries and expenses of the House Democratic Caucus, $90,900. This represents an increase of $5,300 over the amount appropriated for fiscal year 1980, which is attributed to pay increases.

Mr. Chairman, I would like to place in the record at this time a letter from the Honorable Thomas S. Foley, Chairman, requesting an increase of $12,900. I understand this request is necessary for the Caucus to pay for equipment which was previously paid for from the Contingent Fund of the House. The Chairman is requesting a total of $103,800 for fiscal year 1981.

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Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

DEAR MR. HENSHAW: In an effort to be of assistance in estimating your budget for fiscal year 1981, I have listed below the actual estimated cost for running the Democratic Caucus for the next fiscal year.

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You will note that the figures listed above exceed the appropriation that the Caucus has received in the past. This is due to the fact that the House Administration Committee decided to no longer allow Caucus equipment to be charged to the Clerk's fund. In addition, the Caucus Committee on Organization, Study, and

Review will be particularly active this year as it will be examining the work of the Select Committee on Committees and codification of the Caucus rules.

With every good wish.

THOMAS S. FOLEY, Chairman.


Mr. COLLEY. Mr. Chairman, on page 23 under the paragraph on the House Democratic Caucus I call attention to a letter from Chairman Foley requesting an increase in that item.

Mr. BENJAMIN. Why would that be necessary if it is from the contingent fund of the House?

Mr. LAWLER. Chairman Foley has indicated in his letter that there has been a change in policy with regard to leasing office equipment.

The Committee on House Administration is requiring certain offices to pay for the lease of their office equipment through their own funds rather than the contingent fund of the House. They have determined that $12,900 will be necessary for that office equipment.

Mr. BENJAMIN. Do you have Mr. Foley's letter with you?


Mr. COLLEY. Yes. The House Republican Conference, $435,700. Mr. BENJAMIN. Excuse me. Are you going to submit this change to OMB?

Mr. COLLEY. Yes, sir, we will.

The House Republican Conference has submitted a letter pointing out that we have always maintained parity between the Republican Conference and the Democratic groups and they request a similar increase to be added in this particular item. We will submit that letter for the record, also. This is from Congressman Devine who is Chairman of the Republican Conference.

[The information follows:]


For salaries and expenses of the House Republican Conference, $435,700. This is a decrease over the amount appropriated for fiscal year 1980 due to the transfer of the photographers to the Office of the Doorkeeper. Mr. Chairman, subsequent to our submission to OMB, the Chairman of the House Republican Conference, the Honorable Samuel L. Devine, requested such additional funding as may be necessary to continue the parity between the Democratic Steering Committee plus the Democratic Caucus and the Republican Conference.


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Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives.


Washington, D.C., January 24, 1980.

DEAR MR. HENSHAW: I hereby request additional funding for the Republican Conference in fiscal year 1981 to maintain the traditional parity between funds for the Democratic and Republican leadership groups.

For many years this customary funding relationship has worked satisfactorily for Members on both sides of the aisle, and I think it important that this practice be continued to offset as much as possible the rising costs of supplies and equipment. Sincerely yours, SAMUEL L. DEVINE, Member of Congress,



Mr. COLLEY. For the payment of salaries of six minority employees, $326,500.

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For the payment of salaries of the six Minority Employees, $316,500

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Mr. COLLEY. LBJ Interns and Former Speakers' Staff, for a total of $692,900. The current allowance rate for the LBJ Intern Program is $1,480 for the 2-month period payable at a rate not to exceed $740 per month. The equivalent annual rate is $8,880.

Mr. Chairman, the LBJ Intern Program is separate from the intern program which was established under H. Res. 359 and became effective in August, 1979. We will go into a more detailed discussion of the nonpermanent employee intern positions under H. Res. 359 when we reach Members' Clerk Hire.

There is little change in either of these items except for the 7 percent pay raise.


We go to the Committee Employees on page 26. This totals $27 million. This is for the 600 authorized professional and clerical employees.

As you know, we have additional Committee Employee expenses in the investigative areas, the Special and Select Committees.

I would ask that pages 26 and 27 be made a part of the record. I have a table I would like to insert showing all the employees, both for Standing Committees and Investigating Committees.

[The information follows:]

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