BRITISH AND FOREIGN STATE PAPERS. 1856-1857. VOL. XLVIJ. COMPILED BY THE LIBRARIAN AND KEEPER OF THE PAPERS, London: WILLIAM RIDGWAY, 169, PICCADILLY, TREATIES, &c. relating to the Slave Trade, Commerce, &c. be- AUSTRIA-continued. PROTOCOL of Conference with Turkey, &c. relative to the Bess- arabian Frontier .. Paris, 6th January, 1857.. BADEN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857.. 1277 Netherlands. Convention. Consuls in Dutch Colonies. Carlsruhe, 27th July, 1857.. 518 Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Customs Dues and Navi- Naples, 7th July, 1856.. 1267 gation BAVARIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857.. 1277 Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Customs Dues and Navi- gation .. Naples, 7th July, 1856.. 1267 BELGIUM. LAW, relative to the Immunities of Foreign Consuls in Belgium. Brussels, 1st January, 1856.. 991 PROTOCOL of Conference with Denmark, &c. relative to the Redemption of the Sound Dues. Copenhagen, 14th March, 1857.. 35 SPEECH of the Emperor, on the Opening of the Legislative Rio de Janeiro, 3rd May, 1856.. 1038 |