Discovery of the Origin of the Name of America, 1. daļa

Pirmais vāks
éditeur non identifié, 1888 - 140 lappuses

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56. lappuse - So as both to be revenged of the former wrong, as also considering that to enter Guiana by small boats, to depart 400 or 500 miles from my ships, and to leave a garrison in my back interested in the same enterprise, who also daily expected supplies out of Spain, I should have savoured very much of the ass...
62. lappuse - Manoa, but was not suffered to wander into the country anywhere. He was also brought thither all the way blindfold, led by the Indians, until he came to the entrance of Manoa itself, and was fourteen or fifteen days in the passage.
61. lappuse - Martinez into the land to be wondered at, and so from town to town, until he came to the great city of Manoa, the seat and residence of Inga the emperor. The emperor, after he had beheld him, knew him to be a Christian, for it was not long before that his brethren Guascar and...
54. lappuse - The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empire of Guiana, with a relation of the Great and Golden...
57. lappuse - Castellani in respect of their tyranny and oppression, and that she delivered all such nations about her, as were by them oppressed; and having freed all the coast of the northern world from their servitude, had sent me to free them also, and withal to defend the country of Guiana from their invasion and conquest.
57. lappuse - This Berreo is a gentleman well descended, and had long served the Spanish king in Milan, Naples, the Low Countries, and elsewhere, very valiant and liberal, and a gentleman of great assuredness, and of a great heart. I used him according to his estate and worth in all things I could, according to the small means I had.
63. lappuse - I went any farther I made him know the cause of my coming thither, whose servant I was, and that the Queen's pleasure was, I should undertake the voyage for their defence, and to deliver them...
55. lappuse - Whiddon that they should take water and wood safely. The other cause of my stay was, for that by discourse with the Spaniards I daily learned more and more of Guiana, of the rivers...
69. lappuse - If you have such a love of gold that, to obtain it you disquiet and harass the peaceful nations of these lands, and, suffering such labours, banish yourselves from your own lands, I will show you a country where you may fulfil your desires.
30. lappuse - ... and them convey and lede to the londe and isles of late founde by the seid John...

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