Interior Department Appropriation Bill in 1942: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Seventy-seventh Congress, First Session ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1940 |
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acres additional administrative Admiral LAND agencies Agricultural Agricultural Adjustment Administration Air Safety Alaska allotment ledgers amendment amount appropriation approved ator attorneys Authority bill bituminous coal Board Bonneville Budget estimate building Bureau CARMODY Chairman coal COLLIER Colonel PARKER Commission Congress construction contract cost DEMARAY Department employees enator expenses Federal fiscal year 1940 funds Gatlinburg Gilbertsville Government GREENWOOD HINCKLEY hospital House committee increase Indian industry Interior irrigation June 30 margarine MYERS National Park Service Oklahoma operation percent personnel present purchase question Reclamation record reduction reimbursable reindeer requested River salary Secretary Senator ADAMS Senator BYRNES Senator GREEN Senator HAYDEN Senator HOLMAN Senator MCCARRAN Senator MCKELLAR Senator O'MAHONEY Senator THOMAS Senator TOWNSEND statement station Tennessee Valley Authority TETLOW tion triple superphosphate United United States Senate vouchers Washington
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128. lappuse - Secretary the average of the salaries of the total number of persons under any grade in any bureau, office, or other appropriation unit shall not at any time exceed the average of the compensation rates specified for the grade by such act...
132. lappuse - Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of oleomargarine or butter substitutes except for cooking purposes...
54. lappuse - I present to the Congress the question of whether or not the United States should have an adequate merchant marine. "To me there are three reasons for answering this question in the affirmative. The first is that in time of peace subsidies granted by other nations, shipping combines, and other restrictive or rebating methods may well be used to the detriment of American shippers. The maintenance of fair competition...
34. lappuse - Senator ADAMS. All right, gentlemen, I think if it meets with your approval we will take a recess until 2:30. (Thereupon, at 12:30 pm, a recess was taken until 2:30 pm of the same day.) AFTER RECESS At the expiration of the recess, the subcommittee resumed its session. STATEMENT OF ABBOTT SIMON, LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN YOUTH CONGRESS Senator ADAMS.
80. lappuse - ... provided for by the Congress from time to time. The compensation of the director and such experts and clerical and other assistants shall be fixed in accordance with the classification Act of 1923, as amended. The director and his staff may be domiciled in and attached to one of the executive departments. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually such sum as may be necessary for the expenses of the board. BASIS OF ACTION OF BOARD SEC.
162. lappuse - Klamath, $110,000, of which not to exceed $4,500 shall be available for fees and expenses of an attorney or firm of attorneys selected by the tribe and employed under a contract approved by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with existing law...
60. lappuse - The United Federal Workers of America, affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, as a union of Federal employees with local unions in all departments of the Government service...
83. lappuse - For the preservation and maintenance of existing river and harbor works, and for the prosecution of such projects heretofore authorized as may be most desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation...
16. lappuse - Administrator shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall receive a salary at the rate of $12,000 per annum.
84. lappuse - AN ACT To provide for the advance planning and regulated construction of public works, for the stabilization of industry, and for aiding in the prevention of unemployment during periods of business depression.