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" That the provisions of this Act shall apply to any corporation or any person or persons engaged in the transportation of oil or other commodity, except water and except natural or artificial gas, by means of pipe lines, or partly by pipe lines and partly... "
Proceedings of the American Street and Interurban Railway Association - 220. lappuse
autors: American Street and Interurban Railway Association - 1910
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, 308. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1940 - 894 lapas
...owned 'Sec. 1. (1) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to common carriers engaged in— (b) The transportation of oil or other commodity, except water and except natural or artificial gas, by pipe line, or partly by pipe line and partly by railroad or by water— From one State ... to any other...
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., 3. sējums

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1907 - 796 lapas
...United States of America in Congress assembled, SEC. 1. (As amended June 29, 1906.) That the provisions of this Act shall apply to any corporation or any person or persona engaged in the transportation of carriers ana oil or other commodity, except water and except...
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New Outlook, 83. sējums

1906 - 1232 lapas
...bill came from the House its first section, defining common carriers, was amended by the Senate to apply to "any corporation or any person or persons...natural or artificial gas, by means of pipe lines," thus bringing, we are glad to say, the oil industry of the country under the Commission's control....
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The Central Law Journal, 90. sējums

1920 - 498 lapas
...1910,15 Section 1 of the original act was amended to read as follows: "Section 1. That the provisions of this Act shall apply to any corporation or any...or partly by pipe lines and partly by water, and to tele(14) Act of Feb. 4, 1887, Ch. 104, 24 Statutes at Large, 379; Act of March 2, 1889, Ch. 382, 25...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the ..., 4. daļa

Pennsylvania. Bureau of Industrial Statistics - 1907 - 1166 lapas
...United States of America in Congress Assembled, Sec. 1. (As amended June 29, 1906.) That the provisions of this Act shall apply to any corporation or any...railroad, or partly by pipe lines and partly by water, who shall be considered and held to be common carriers within the meaning and purpose of this Act,...
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The Federal Reporter: Cases Argued and Determined in the ..., 245-246. sējumi

1918 - 2060 lapas
...Act. The material portion of the act relied upon reads as follows : "Section 1. That the provisions of this act shall apply to any corporation or any...pipe lines and partly by railroad or partly by pipe lilies and partly by water, and to telegraph, telephone, and cable companies (whether wire or wireless)...
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Railroad Commission of Kentucky - 1910 - 576 lapas
...heretofore amended, is hereby now amended so as to read as follows : " 'Section 1. That the provisions of this Act shall apply to any corporation or any...pipe lines and partly by railroad, or partly by pipe and partly by water, and to telegraph, telephone, and cable companies (whether wire or wireless) engaged...
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The Southwestern Reporter, 210. sējums

1919 - 1016 lapas
...545 [United States Compiled Statutes 1916, | 8503]), it is provided as follows: "That the provisions of this act shall apply to any corporation or any...telegraph, telephone, and cable companies (whether loire or wireless) engaged in sending messages from on« state, territory, or district of the united...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of the ...

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1908 - 828 lapas
...Commission, under the language of section 1 of the act to regulate commerce, which reads: The provisions of this act shall apply to any corporation or any...railroad, or partly by pipe lines and partly by water, who shall be considered and held to be common carriers within the meaning and purpose of this act,...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of ..., 47. sējums

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1918 - 892 lapas
...common carriers is consistently followed throughout the act. Under section 1 the provisions of the act "apply to any corporation or any person or persons...pipe lines and partly by railroad, or partly by pipe hues and partly by water, and to telegraph, telephone, 1 SECTION 1. That the provisions of this act...
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