REPORTS-Continued. To Confer with the Interstate Commerce Commis- To Confer with the Interstate Commerce Commis- Resolutions Concerning Convention Matters. To Consider Suggestions Contained in the Address of the 186 President Associate Members, 88 In Attendance at Convention. List of, Arranged Alphabetically according to Names. List of, Arranged Alphabetically According to States... Associate Membership, Report of Committee on.. Association, Officers since Organization. Beggs, John I., Remarks of..... Brady, A. W., Remarks of....... Brush, M. C., Remarks of.... By-Laws, Amendment to the. By-Laws, Constitution and. Amendments to 53 367 426 158 17 180, 181, 197 178, 246, 247, 284, 287 .170, 181, 184, 287 297 290 297 Calhoun, Patrick, Paper, "The Public Side of Street Railroading". 232 Compensation for Carrying United States Mail, Report of.... 156 Compensation for Carrying United States Mail, Report of Com- Conventions of the Association Since Organization. Davies, H. J., Remarks of........ Delegates of Member Companies. Discussion of, Paper, "The Theory of Street Railway Rate Regulation as ........... 169 Paper, "Street Railway Franchises," by Charles V. Weston.... 263 16 198 28 Paper, "The Theory of Street Railway Rate Regulation as De- Harries, Gen. Geo. H., Remarks of, 88, 246, 247, 253, 263, 269, 274, 283, 287 Hegarty, D. A., Remarks of.. ...247 253 Index, Summary, of Reports of the American Street Railway Asso- 494 Summary, of Reports of the American Street and Interur- 508 Interstate Commerce Commission Affairs, Report of Committee on. 205 Juror on Theses on Design of Electric Railway City Car, Report of 156 Kruger, Charles O., Paper, "The Philadelphia Question". Littell, N. H., Remarks of.... Manufacturers' Association, Exhibit of the...... 246 66 .284, 287 Members of the..... McCarter, T. N., Remarks of... 72 72 176 McGowan, J. A., Paper, "What Interurban Railways Do for the Public". Arranged Alphabetically According to Names..... 367 426 In Attendance at the 1970 Convention... Members of the Manufacturers' Association... 53 72 |