THE NAME OF THIS ASSOCIATION WAS FORMERLY AMERICAN STREET RAILWAY ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED AT BOSTON, MASS., DECEMBER 13, 1882. REORGANIZED AT PHILADELPHIA, PA., SEPTEMBER 27, 1935. THE NAME OF THIS ASSOCIATION IS NOW AMERICAN ELECTRIC RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. (CHANGE MADE AT 1910 ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION.) FEDERAL PRINTING COMPANY WITH WHICH IS CONSOLIDATED THE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Officers, 1909-1910 (officers of the 1910 Convention) Annual Report of the Executive Committee. Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer. Report-Committee on Subjects......... Report-Committee on Active Membership. Report-Juror to Represent the American Street and Inter- urban Railway Association in the Matter of the Prizes to Be Offered by the J. G. Brill Company for the Three Best Theses on "Design of an Electric Railway Car for Report-Committee on Associate Membership............ Report-Supervising Committee to Co-operate in the Prep- Paper-"Street Railway Franchises," by Charles V. Weston.. 254 Discussion of Mr. Weston's Paper...... Paper-"Taxes and Licenses," by G. E. Tripp............. Report-Committee to Review the Recommendations Con- tained in the Address of the President. (Officers of the 1910 Convention.) PRESIDENT: JAMES F. SHAW, President, Citizens' Electric Street Railway Co., BOSTON, MASS. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: ARTHUR W. BRADY, President, Indiana Union Traction Co., ANDERSON, IND. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: THOMAS N. McCARTER, President, Public Service Railway Co., NEWARK, N. J. THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT: GEORGE H. HARRIES, Second Vice-President, Washington Railway & Electric Co., WASHINGTON, D. C. FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT: CHARLES N. BLACK, Vice-President and General Manager, United Railroads of San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SECRETARY-TREASURER: H. C. DONECKER, 29 WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS AND H. S. SWIFT, Secretary and Auditor, Toledo Railways & Light Toledo, Ohio W. J. HARVIE, Chief Engineer, Utica & Mohawk Valley Railway Utica, N. Y. E. C. CARPENTER, Claim Adjuster, Indiana Union Traction Co. (President American Street and Interurban Claim Agents' Association), Anderson, Ind. R. I. TODD, Vice-President and General Manager, Indianapolis Indianapolis, Ind. (Elected at the 1910 Convention.) PRESIDENT: ARTHUR W. BRADY, President, Indiana Union Traction Co., ANDERSON, IND. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: THOMAS N. McCARTER, President, Public Service Railway Co., NEWARK,. N. J. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: GEORGE H. HARRIES, Second Vice-President, Washington Railway & Electric Co., WASHINGTON, D. C. THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT: CHARLES N. BLACK, Vice-President and General Manager, United Railroads of San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT: W. G. ROSS, Managing Director, Montreal Street Railway Co., MONTREAL, QUEBEC. SECRETARY-TREASURER: H. C. DONECKER, 29 WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS AND W. H. FORSE, JR., Secretary and Treasurer, Indiana Union Traction Co. (President American Electric Railway Accountants' Association), Anderson, Ind. W. J. HARVIE, Chief Engineer, Utica & Mohawk Valley Railway Co. (President American Electric Railway Engineering Association), Utica, N. Y. H. V. DROWN, General Claim Agent, Public Service Railway Co. (President American Electric Railway Claim Agents' Association), Newark, N. J. H. C. PAGE, General Manager, Worcester Consolidated Street Railway Co. (President American Electric Railway Transportation and Traffic Association), Worcester, Mass. |