INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REPORTS VOLUME 358 DECISIONS OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES AUGUST 1978-NOVEMBER 1978 REPORTED BY THE COMMISSION For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office *Denotes Cases Further Considered Page Aberdeen and R. R. Co., Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co., Inc.. Accounts for Rate Bureaus. Uniform System of - Action, Independent, Notification of Rate Proposals Following Prior - Agreement-Eastern Railroads 606 91 ---- 487 844 662 Railroads Per Diem, Mileage, Demurrage and Storage*. 481 696 662 Western Railroads 662 Basic Per Diem Charges-Car Service Compensation-Formula Revision in Accordance with the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976----- 715 Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co., Inc., v. Aberdeen and R. R. Co- 606 91 Car Service Compensation-Basic Per Diem Charges-Formula Revision in Cars. Empty Tank, Union Tank Car Co.-Declaratory Order --- Coal. Incentive Rate On-Cordero, WY to Smithers Lake. TX- Compensation, Car Service-Basic Per Diem Charges-Formula Revision in Accordance With the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976. Contracts for Protective Services** Declaratory-Order-Empty Tank Cars-Union Tank Car Co Order, Petition for. Department of Defense-RE: Establishing Effective 715 688 !14 462 537 611 715 638 688 45 509 Order. Petition for. Rates on Shipments of Superphosphate From 39 Order. Petition for. Security Deposits-Payment of Demurrage 312 Order, Petition for. Security Deposits-Payment of Demurrage Charges, 312 Order. Petition for. Switching Charges at Clinton, IL. Midwest 462 |