Lapas attēli

United States. War


Public Library,



1. The Library will be open in the afternoon and evenings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

2. Members shall be entitled to draw books from the Library only on presentation of their card of membership.

3. No person who has borrowed a book from the Library shall Loan it to any one, not a member of the same household.

4. No book can be retained from the Library longer than two weeks. 5. Members retaining books from the Library beyond the time specifie in the Regulations, shall forfeit and pay a fine of two cents per day on every book so retained.

6. Any book detained one week beyond the time limited by the regu latious shall be sent for by the Superintendent and a sum not less than twenty cents shall be paid by the person who has so retained it.

7. Any member who shall deface, or in any way injure any book belonging to the Library, shall forfeit and pay such sum as the Librarian shall asess therefor.

8. No member will be permitted to take books from the Library while any fines remain unpaid.

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