The Case of the Arrest, Trial and Sentence in the City of Havana, Island of Cuba of Julio Sanguily: A Citizen of the United States of America

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W.F. Roberts, 1897 - 114 lappuses

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38. lappuse - The Citizens and Subjects of both Parties shall be allowed to employ such Advocates, Solicitors, Notaries, Agents, and Factors, as they may judge proper in all their affairs and in all their trials at law in which they may be concerned before the tribunals of the other Party, and...
20. lappuse - And in all cases of seizure, detention, or arrest, for debts contracted or offences committed by any citizen or subject of the one party, within the jurisdiction of the other, the same shall be made and prosecuted by order and authority of law only, and according to the regular course of proceedings usual in such cases.
20. lappuse - The citizens and subjects of both parties shall be allowed to employ such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents, and factors, as they may judge proper, in all their affairs, and in all their trials at law, in which they may be concerned, before the tribunals of the other party ; and such...
87. lappuse - to communicate to the Senate (if, in his opinion, not incompatible with the public...
106. lappuse - Representatives of the 8th ultimo, requesting the President to communicate to that body, "if not incompatible with the public interest, copies of...
24. lappuse - No citizen of the United States residing in Spain, her adjacent islands, or her ultramarine possessions, charged with acts of sedition, treason, or conspiracy against the institutions, the public security, the integrity of the territory, or against the supreme Government, or any other crime whatsoever, shall bo subject to trial by any exceptional tribunal, but exclusively by the ordinary jurisdiction, except in the case of being captured with arms in hand.
91. lappuse - Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Government of the United States should...
109. lappuse - ... and intended to be closed by a conditional pardon granted as the result of an international agreement, should now be reopened. " With this view of the case it is unnecessary to determine whether or not the alleged loss of claimant's nationality of origin by expatriation is sustained.
20. lappuse - Parties shall be allowed to employ such Advocates, Solicitors, Notaries, Agents, and Factors, as they may judge proper in all their affairs and in all their trials at law in which they may be concerned before the tribunals of the other Party, and such Agents shall have free access to be present at the proceedings in such causes, and at the taking of all examinations and evidence which may be exhibited in the said trials.
91. lappuse - Cuba upon allegad grounds of rebelion and kidnaping contrary to the treaty rights of each of said governments and in violation of the laws of nations. And the President of the United States is requested to communicate this resolution to the government of Spain, and to demand of that government such compensation as he shall deem just for the imprisonment and sufferings of Julio Sanguily. 2« la del Senador Alien, de Nebraska.

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