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The Immigration Problem is one of vital interest to the American people. President Roosevelt said that he considered it, with the possible exception of that of the conservation of the natural resources of the country, our most important problem. Upon our policy in dealing with the immigrants depend, to a very noteworthy extent, the progress and nature of the development of the nation economically, politically, and socially.

Heretofore the discussions on the subject of Immigration have of necessity been based very largely upon conjecture or the personal observation of individuals, and, far too often, upon prejudice. There has not been in existence trustworthy statistical material showing the effects of immigration. The United States Immigration Commission during the last four years has, however, gathered such material on a scale complete enough to enable a reasonably accurate judgment to be formed regarding the effects of immigration.

Both of the authors of this book were associated with the Commission from the beginning, and it has been their purpose to put into shape for the public, in such a manner that its significance may be readily understood by any thoughtful reader, the gist of the information collected in the forty-two volumes of the original material published by the Commission. Free use has been made of the data of the Commission and

of the special reports of its experts. The writers are not advocates, but interpreters of facts. They are not members of any league for the restriction of immigrants or for the encouragement of a more liberal policy toward immigration. Until about the time the investigation was completed, they had not formulated in their own minds any definite policy which they believed the Government should follow. Such opinions as they have exprest in this volume are the result of careful deliberation following study of the facts gathered by the Commission.

If any person is inclined to differ from the judgments in this volume, it is suggested that he examine carefully the data in an unprejudiced spirit before he condemns the conclusions. The attempt has been made to furnish in either the text or the appendices enough material to enable the reader to form an independent opinion. But, if the material presented seems insufficient, the reader is referred to the detailed reports of the Immigration Commission, where the original material is presented in such form that a careful student may reach an independent judgment. On a question of so profound importance to the welfare of the country it is hoped that many citizens will attempt through careful study to reach a sound conclusion.

The authors wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to Miss Elizabeth A. Hyde for her editorial suggestions and her assistance in reading proofs.

December, 1911.

J. W. J.

W. J. L.


The first edition of "The Immigration Problem," of which the second was a direct reprint, drew largely from the first printing in pamphlet form of the “Abstract of the Report of the United States Immigration Commission." When the Immigration Commission's report was collected into volumes it was revised and numerous changes were made in many of the tables, altho none affected in any way the conclusions of the Commission.wher

In this, the third edition of "The Immigration Problem," every figure taken from the Immigration Commission's Report has been carefully compared with the final form of that Report. Efforts have also been made to bring the book up to date in all important particulars by using freely the results of the United States Census of 1910, which had not appeared at the time of the first edition, and also the latest Reports of the United States Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. The late literature of private publishers on this subject has also been noted, so as to see where it was advisable to add new data or to complete arguments on any of the points considered.

In making this revision, some of the chapters have been completely rearranged; others have been cut in some places; still others have been largely supplemented. To the appendices a number of new tables have been added, with the thought that the book should furnish enough material to become the standard compact work of reference on this subject, which is sure to be of vital importance for years to come. Attention

is called particularly to this feature of the book. There should be noted also the colored diagram taken from the last Report, 1912, of the Bureau of Immigration, which gives by races, in very compact form, the statistics of immigration into the United States from 1820 to date.

Altho the Reports of the Immigration Commission -especially, and naturally, the abstracts-form the chief basic material for this work, in a good many instances facts are given or opinions are stated for which no specific authority is cited. Both authors of the book themselves worked for four years directly upon this investigation; and in consequence they have felt justified in giving facts on their own authority which have not elsewhere appeared in print.

It has not been possible in every case to give credit to all the individuals taking part in collecting or preparing material for the Immigration Commission on which some of the chapters are largely based. Both authors had an active part in directing the work. In a number of cases special credit has been given at the beginning of a chapter to the experts of the Commission who were especially active in collecting or preparing material. Besides those should be mentioned Dr. Joseph A. Hill, who supervised the work on occupations and the fecundity of immigrant women; Professor H. A. Millis, who had immediate charge of the investigations on the Pacific Coast; Dr. E. A. Goldenweiser, who had special charge of the investigation of congestion in large cities; and W. W. Husband, secretary, and F. C. Croxton, chief statistician, who had general supervision of the work of the Commission.

In the Report of the Immigration Commission, due credit is given to the experts doing special work, many

of whom, on account of their number, it would not be practicable to enumerate here, but whose work has been freely used.

While every effort has been made to secure accuracy, it is quite possible, of course, that, in attempting to give in brief form so many details of information, errors may have crept in. The authors will consider it a favor if their attention can be called to any such errors.

Mrs. Franklin W. Edgerton, besides reading all the proof, has rendered especial service in comparing and checking up carefully all statistical material, besides preparing the index and furnishing valuable suggestions throughout. The authors wish to acknowledge to her their special indebtedness.

November, 1913.

J. W. J. W. J. L.

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