5-Occupations Abroad 445 PER CENT. OF FOREIGN-BORN MALE EMPLOYEES IN EACH SPECIFIED OCCUPATION Before coming to the United States, by race (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES) [This table includes only races with 80 or more males reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.] 5-Continued OCCUPATIONS OF ALL ALIENS ADMITTED AND DEPARTED, FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1912 (From Report of Commissioner-General of Immigration, 1912) 5-Continued OCCUPATIONS OF ALL ALIENS ADMITTED AND DEPARTED, FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1912 -Continued (From Report of Commissioner-General of Immigration, 1912) Occupation. 5-Continued IMMIGRANT ALIENS ADMITTED, FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1912, BY OCCUPATIONS AND RACES OR PEOPLES (From Report of Commissioner-General of Immigration, 1912) Italian (north). Italian (south). Japanese. Korean. 37 ;➢©g་ 77 86 888 88 37 31 17 97 25 1 6 1 2 23 3422 8 6 9 2 113 101 1 17 135 16 5 29 1 4 90 261 31 45 667 51 959 50 86 173 21 31 1 2 7 39 12 33 3 100 13 3 27 206 41 1 58 14 13 282 837 94 306 1,056 310 2,042 335 278 1,342 37 Cigar makers. Cigar packers. 1 1 1 7 48 6 3 1 22 Clerks and accountants. 171 391 109 33 321 270 1491 2,0341 541 323 2,010 405 2,104 1,353 120 2451 49 448 |