assimilated than are the Asiatics, and that in a comparatively short time they will become available as part of the general labor supply and prove to be, both as laborers and as citizens, more satisfactory than the Asiatics. XIV AGENCIES OF PROTECTION, DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIMILATION Needs and Present Methods of Distribution It has been the general feeling, not only of those who have studied carefully the immigration problem, but also of casual observers, that one of the greatest evils that spring from immigration is the congestion of the newly arrived immigrants in our great cities. In consequence, it has been thought that any methods that could be adopted by which these immigrants could be more widely distributed over the different sections of the country, particularly in the agricultural districts, would not merely relieve the evil of the overcrowding, but would also improve the general economic condition of the country. It has been thought that every effort possible ought to be made: (1) To give information to the people in Europe who are about to come to America, regarding the sections of the country and the opportunities for work in different lines, so that they may go directly to the place best suiting their means. (2) That when the immigrant lands he should have the opportunity of getting information along the same lines, so that even at the beginning he may change his mind and go to a new section where conditions will suit his needs. (3) Particularly, however, is it desirable, after the immigrant has remained in this country for a time and has learned to know our language, our institu tions, and the kind of work for which he is best adapted, that he should learn through some trustworthy agency conducted by the Government where he can find the type of work for which he is suited, the cost of transporting himself from his present location to that district, and the amount of money required for him to make a proper investment. In very many instances, after immigrants have remained in this country from two to five years, they have accumulated considerable money which they wish to invest properly. They often send the money back to Europe for investment, even tho there are better opportunities for investment here. If their attention could be called to the section of the country in which good farming lands, for example, were available, at cheap rates, they could buy them; they would find it safe to move from the overcrowded cities into the country districts, and could thereby benefit both themselves and the country that they have chosen to be their home. The discussion in Chapter VI, regarding the congestion and living conditions, especially in our great cities, but also in our smaller mining and manufacturing communities, shows how great this need is. Of equal importance to that of distribution are the needs of protecting the newly arrived immigrant from exploitation on the part of those who see in him a prey for plunder. The new arrivals should also be furnished with opportunities for learning the English language, acquiring a knowledge of American business methods and information regarding American political and social institutions that will lead them to wish to fix their interests here and to become American citizens of the better type-in brief, to become assimilated. In the present chapter are discust the conditions of a number of institutions already in existence, which are attempting to meet these needs. Later will be suggested a way of improving these institutions, or of providing better institutions to carry out these purposes. Immigrant Homes and Aid Societies When the immigrant reaches his port of destination in the United States, it is desirable that he be so received as to make upon him a good impression, and particularly that he shall not, through his ignorance of the language and of the new conditions, fall into difficulties which may either cause him suffering or prejudice him unfavorably against the institutions of the country of his adoption. WORK OF AID SOCIETIES Usually, immigrants to the United States know, in advance, that they are going to join relatives or friends who have preceded them. Often, however, these friends are situated hundreds or even thousands of miles from the port of entry; in other cases, through some misunderstanding, they fail to meet their friends when they enter the port. Very often the immigrants need advice or a place where they can remain in safety for a few days while they are getting their bearings and learning just what it is best to do. In order to meet these needs there have been established at a number of our important ports societies that, with the permission of the Government, send representatives to the port of entry, in order that they may note those immigrants who are in need, and may give them advice; that they may, if necessary, furnish them a place where they can remain for a few days until their first needs are met. Usually, the immigrants who need this assistance are: (a) Those whose friends and relatives have failed to meet them at the immigrant station, and whom the authorities do not deem it wise to land, unless some one becomes responsible for their care, but for whom some provision must be made. (b) Those who are without sufficient money to enable them to reach their destination and who must therefore be cared for until their friends may send them the necessary funds; and (c) Particularly women and girls who have no friends or relatives in this country and who are in need of some home where they may stay in safety until they can secure employment-this class calling for special consideration. It is the usual custom at Ellis Island for those immigrants whose friends fail to call for them within five days, either to leave the immigrant station in company with a representative of some philanthropic or religious society, or to return to Europe on a steamship of the line which has brought them hither. It would thus seem that there is an opportunity for a properly organized and properly conducted immigrant home or immigrant aid society to accomplish a work of the very greatest importance both to the immigrant and to the country. It is, however, desirable that this work be very carefully done, under discreet supervision, in order to assure the best and most humane results. |