ings are $0.93. The maximum for the native-born females is $1.II, which is earned by those employed in oil refineries, and the minimum is $0.89, which is shown by employees of the cigar and tobacco factories. The foreign-born females in this age-group show the highest daily earnings of $1.10 in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry and the lowest, of $1.05, in the manufacture of cigars and tobacco. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF DAILY EARNINGS OF FEMALE EMPLOYEES, BY GENERAL NATIVITY AND INDUSTRY* 18 years of age or over. a Not computed, owing to small number involved. This table shows wages or earnings for the period indicated, but no account is taken of voluntarily lost time or lost time from shut-downs or other causes. In the various tables in this report showing annual earnings allowance is made for time lost during the year. Annual Earnings, According to Race, Age and Sex The earnings of recent immigrants and other industrial workers which have already been shown represent, as it were, an instantaneous view of the situation. They cover only a short period and no allowance is made for lost time arising from causes affecting the individual workman or the industry in which he may be employed. The wage-earner, or some member of his family, may be ill, or he may meet with an accident which may cause an absence from work. Employment may be curtailed through business depression, labor dissensions, or other causes. For these reasons it is only when an extended period of time is taken into consideration that the real status of the industrial worker may be ascertained. The following table is therefore presented, which shows, by general nativity, the approximate average annual earnings of 26,616 adult male wage-earners who were engaged in different branches of mining and manufacturing: Upon comparing the totals of the nativity groups, it is seen that the average annual earnings of the 22,938 adult foreign-born male wage-earners were only $455, as contrasted with average yearly earnings of $566 for the 2,059 industrial workers of native birth but of foreign father, and of $666 for the 1,454 native-born white American wage-earners. Only a small percentage of the last-named group were earning under $400 annually, while the greater proportion were earning between $600 and $1,000 per year. On the other hand, the greater number of male wageearners, either of native birth and of foreign father or of foreign birth, were receiving as a result of their labor less than $600 per annum. It is a striking fact that of the total number of foreign-born male wageearners 77.9 per cent. were receiving under $600 per year, and 43.5 per cent. under $400. Only 1.9 per cent. of the foreign-born males earned more than $1,000 a year, as contrasted with 6.6 per cent. of the native-born wage-earners of foreign father, and 11.4 per cent. of the native-born white persons of native father, or native Americans. The earning ability of the foreign-born wage-earners of past immigration from Great Britain and northern Europe is considerably greater than that of recent immigrants from southern and eastern Europe. The yearly earnings of the female wage-earners are considerably lower than those of the men. This fact is set forth in the next table, which shows, by general nativity, the approximate average annual earnings of 3,609 females who were eighteen years of age or over and who were employed for wages outside the home: The average annual earnings, as shown in the fore going table, for the 3,609 females who were working for wages, were $304. The earnings of the foreignborn women were much lower than those of the native-born, and the earnings of the native-born white women of native father were somewhat higher than those of the native-born of foreign father. A large proportion of the foreign-born women, or 26.4 per cent., earned less than $200 per annum, and the greater number of female wage-earners of foreign birth, or 54.8 per cent., earned under $300 annually. Only 19.1 per cent. of the women of foreign birth who were working for wages received more than $400 a year, as compared with 31.4 per cent. of the women of native birth but of foreign father, and 35.8 per cent. of the native American women. The lowest earnings are exhibited by the females of races of southern and eastern Europe. ANNUAL EARNINGS OF MALE HEADS OF FAMILIES The male heads of families, while showing a low range of annual earnings, exhibit a somewhat greater earning capacity than the industrial workers as a whole. The males of native birth who are married and who are heads of families also have a higher range of annual earnings than those of foreign birth. The greater proportion of the former earn yearly between $400 and $800, while the greater number of the latter earn between $300 and $600. Of the heads of families who were white native-born employees of native father, or native Americans, about one-half earn between $500 and $800 per annum. In the lower ranges of annual earnings the heads of families who were born abroad have a much larger proportion than those of native birth, while in the higher ranges of annual earnings the situation is reversed. Less than 3 per cent. of the foreign-born heads of families, as compared with 13 per cent. of the total native-born and 14 per cent. of those of the second generation of immigrants, have yearly earnings in excess of $1,000. On the other hand, only about one-eighth of the total native-born heads of families, and one-tenth of the white industrial workers of native birth and native father, as contrasted with slightly more than onethird of the total number of foreign birth, earn under $400 each year. The races of old immigration from Great Britain and northern Europe also have a higher range of annual earnings than have those of recent immigration from southern and eastern Europe. Annual Family Income The meager earnings of the married industrial workers, both of native and of foreign birth, are not sufficient to meet the needs of their families. This fact is shown by the following table, which sets forth the average amount of the annual income of 15,726 families, the heads of which were wage-earners in mines and manufacturing establishments. The presentation is by general nativity of heads of families. |