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perpetuate their life and death by some suitable memorial on the Campus.

NEW BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS:-The legislature of 1917 made an appropriation of $100,000 to the College for buildings and improvements. Plans and specifications were prepared by Unkelbach and Perry and bids were received for the erection of a Dining Hall, Infirmary and four Faculty Cottages. Before letting the contracts the Trustees consulted the State Council of Defense regarding the advisability of undertaking construction and on their recommendation, the Board decided to defer all building operations with the exception of one cottage until after the close of the War. Several houses located near the campus were purchased on advantageous terms, also the Rosebrooks Farm. One cottage was erected and an exchange made for other property with Mrs. M. B. Whitney. The appropria tion of 1917 for buildings and improvements has been expended or contracted for as follows:


Appropriation for Buildings and Improvements

1. Purchase of eight dwelling houses including 225

[blocks in formation]


The Chemical Laboratory was destroyed by fire on the night of November 27th, 1917. The building and contents were insured for $13,500. The Chapel room in the Administration building has been remodeled to provide accommodations for laboratory instruction in chemistry and arrangements have been made for the analysis of samples in connection with the research work of the Experiment Station at the laboratory of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven.

GIFTS:-The Trustees received from the late Austin C. Dunham, a deed to a farm of 135 acres of land located in the town of Newington. The farm, including buildings, tools and livestock, was valued at $25,000. The only restriction by the donor was that the farm or the money received from the sale of the property should be used for the promotion of the agriculture of the State.

SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS DISCONTINUED:-The policy of a State College should be to connect with the secondary school system of the state but not to duplicate it. Instruction in cooking and sewing is scheduled in a majority of High School courses. It seemed to the Trustees unnecessary, therefore, to continue the instruction in the secondary school of Home Economics. A decision was made to concentrate upon the instruction in College Courses in Home Economics, and to discontinue the School. The first year of the School of Home Economics was omitted in 1917-18 and the second year will be omitted in 1918-19. The same arguments do not apply as yet to the School of Agriculture, a secondary course for boys, in as much as there are but three High Schools offering instruction in Agriculture.

TEACHER TRAINING COURSES:-In accepting the benefits of the Federal Smith-Hughes Act, the Legislature in 1917, designated the Connecticut Agricultural College as the Institution for the training to teachers in Agriculture and Home Economics, and for the supervision of agricultural instruction in High Schools

This arrangement will tend to bring the State College and High Schools of the State into closer relationship and coordination. The graduates of secondary schools who are interested in agriculture and Home Economics will receive encouragement to continue their studies and find it possible to obtain a college training. The College will benefit by the additional funds and the students in the opportunity for wider electives.

STUDENT ENROLLMENT:-The male attendance in regular courses was 161 for the year 1917-18 as compared with 208 for the year preceding. The decrease in attendance is attributed to the draft of students over twenty-one years of age for military service, to voluntary enlistment on the part of those under draft age and to the demand for labor and the attending high wages. The lowering of the draft age to eighteen years, effective September 12, 1918, and the establishment of the Students' Army Training Corps resulted in an enrollment of 411 men students for the Fall Term in 1918.

11 young women were enrolled in the College Course in Home Economics for the year 1916-17 and 25 for the year 1917-18 and 23 for the Fall Term of 1918.


1. MAINTENANCE OF THE STORRS EXPERIMENT STATION:The State appropriates $7,500. and the Federal Government appropri ates $15,000, annually to the Experiment Station. The Federal Grant was intended to form a nucleus of a fund to be supplemented by equal, if not larger, appropriations from the State. All disseminating agencies, the College, the Extension Department, Institute Boards and Agricultural Associations are dependent upon Experiment Stations for the information which they disseminate. Connecticut should do her share, and it is not to the credit of the State that she draws so large an amount from outside sources. The appropriation for the Storrs Experiment Station should be increased to an amount equal to that contributed by the Federal Government.

2. EXTENSION DIVISION:-As the term implies, agriculture extension is an activity that aims to extend to the farmer the results of scientific research and experiment. The farmer cannot come to the College, but information can be taken to him. The Federal Government and the several states have expended large sums of money in developing scientific knowledge relating to agriculture. The Extension Department is an agency which aims to afford instruction and demonstration in Agriculture and in Home Economics to persons not attending the Agricultural College, by lectures and demonstrations and otherwise in the various communities of the State. An Extension Department has been organized at the College with a director and a staff of assistant specialists in the lines of Dairying, Poultry Husbandry, Home Economics, Marketing, Farm Management, Agronomy, and Boys' and Girls' Club Work. An organization has been form. ed and a leader appointed in each county of the State. The activities of the Extension Division has been gradually extended by reason of the War. The famine conditions in Europe which must be alleviated by large shipments of food from the United States call for a continued stimulation of crop production and food conservation. The Extension Division should receive liberal offers from the legislature in order that its activities need not be curtailed at this time.

COLLEGE:-The College offers to resident students, instruction in Agriculture designed to train young men as farmers, investigators, teachers and agricultural experts. Parallel courses are offered in Home Economics to young women. The State appropriation to the College is used to pay the salaries of officers of administration, of enployees not engaged in instruction, for repairs to building and care of grounds, heating and lighting, insurance, freight and cartage and for the support and improvement of the plant as a whole. The cost of the maintenance of the institution has increased by reason of the advance in wages and the added cost of materials and supplies.

The Trustees have authorized the President to engage, when funds are available, an assistant in Agronomy, a Director of Physical

Education and a Registrar. For the maintenance of the College for the two years beginning October 1, 1919, the expenditures from State funds is estimated at $180,000.

Summary of Needs of the Institution for Maintenance for a Period of Two Years.

Experiment Station

Extension Division
College Division



181,220 $340,520


1. HOME ECONOMICS:-The State College of Agriculture is co-educational. It is recognized that it is quite as important to train young women for home making as to educate young men for farming. The young woman who is to take her place as the head of a home should have a knowledge of human nutrition, of personal hygiene and home sanitation, of house decoration, and of cooking and sewing.

It may be that our system of agricultural education for men will fail of its purpose until an equal number of young women are trained for home making and country living.

The Connecticut Agricultural College has been designated as the institution for the training of Women in Home Economics and receives the Federal Smith-Hughes funds for this purpose. The enrollment of young Women in the College in the Department of Home Economics was 11 in 1916; 25 in 1917; and 43 in 1918. Grove Cottage, the present girls dormitory has accommodations for 20 students. The overflow of young women is at present quartered in the Valentine House, but even with this outlet there is no room for growth. A Home Economics building is needed with class rooms and laboratories for instruction and to provide dormitory accommodation for 100 young women.

2. DINING HALL:-The Legislature of. 1911 granted the Trustees an appropriation for the erection of a building to be used "temporarily" as a Dining Hall. A Mechanic Arts Building was erected. An appropriation is now needed for the erection of a Dining Hall in order that the building now being used for the purpose may be released for instruction in Mechanic Arts.

At present, instruction in wood working and iron work is given in poorly lighted rooms in the basement of the Main Building. Instruction in drafting is given in the attic of the annex to Whitney Hall; instruction in forging in a rented blacksmith shop, and in struction in designing farm buildings in the attic room of the Horticultural Building. The erection of a Dining Hall will release the Mechanic Arts Building and provide facilities for instruction which are so much needed by this department.

3. COTTAGES:-The addition of new members to teaching and extension staffs and the marriage of the younger members of the faculty, make it necessary to provide for additional cottages. No provision having been made by the State for the lease of building sites on the campus. it is necessary for the Trustees to erect a sufficient number of buildings for the members of the teaching, extension and experiment station staffs. The College owns 34 cottages and two apartment houses which are rented and yield a fair return on the investment. There is need at present for four double and four single faculty cottages. Additional cottages are needed for the accommodation of the employees of the institution.

4. FARM IMPROVEMENTS:-The tillable area of the farm could be increased to the extent of about 100 acres by the drainage of the Valentine meadow and swamp near the dairy barn. These fields, easily accessible, free from stone, should be underdrained and made more productive. A small sum should be available also for the removal of walls, for fencing and other improvements. An appropriation is needed for the erection of an ice house and for remodeling the Rosebrooks farm.


TEMPORARY CHEMICAL LABORATORY:-Fire destroyed the Chemical Laboratory in November 1917. Temporary but inadequate accommodations were provided by taking over and remodeling the Chapel Room in the administration building for a qualitative laboratory. Additional space is needed for instruction in quanitative chemistry, organic chemistry and for the research work of the Experiment Station. An additional space of approximately 2000 square feet is urgently needed. The cost of an addition to the Chemical Laboratory 30x60 feet in size is estimated at $15,000.

6. POULTRY: -For the purpose of economy, the Experimental Poultry Plant is to be consolidated with that of the College. Addi. tional appropriation is needed to complete the buildings as originally planned.

7. STUDENT INFIRMARY:-The college buildings are located on high ground, with good natural drainage. The water supply is pure, and the sewage system is modern and adequate. While the natural sanitary conditions are excellent, yet when so many congregate, various diseases may be brought by the students themselves. Complaint is made that there is no one to care for students in time of sickness. The charge of $5. per visit by Willimantic physicians is a severe tax on the resources of many with limited means. Nervousness or timidity has been the cause of temporary withdrawal of a considerable number of the student body in the case of the illness of a single fellow student. In February, 1916, the college was closed for four weeks on account of an epidemic of scarlet fever, twelve students contracting the disease. A small infirmary, well equipped with hospital furnishings and medicine, should be provided for the

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