| Indiana - 1921 - 1058 lapas
...terms herein required. Conditions Not Permitted. SEC. 3. A warehouseman may insert in a receipt, issued by him, any other terms and conditions, provided that...that degree of care in the safe-keeping of the goods entrusted to him which a reasonably careful man would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own.... | |
 | Michigan. Supreme Court, Randolph Manning, George C. Gibbs, Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Elijah W. Meddaugh, William Jennison, Hovey K. Clarke, Hoyt Post, Henry Allen Chaney, William Dudley Fuller, John Adams Brooks, Marquis B. Eaton, Herschel Bouton Lazell, James M. Reasoner, Richard W. Cooper - 1917 - 824 lapas
...conditions as do not impair his obligation to exercise the "degree of care in the transportation and safe-keeping of the goods intrusted to him which a...would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own." Uniform Bills of Lading Act (Act No. 165, Pub. Acts 1911). But this can hardly be intended to require... | |
 | American Bar Association - 1906 - 474 lapas
... [Form of Receipts. What Terms may be Inserted.] A warehouseman may insert in a receipt, issued by him, any other terms and conditions, provided that... (a.) Be contrary to the provisions of this act. (6.) In any wise impair his obligation to exercise that degree of care in the safe-keeping of the goods... | |
 | William John Tossell - 1918 - 744 lapas
...Judge Scott in Welch v. Railway, supra, for this section provides"A carrier may insert in a bill issued by him any other terms and conditions provided that...terms and conditions shall not (a) be contrary to law or public policy; or (6) in auy wise impair his obligation to exercise at least that degree of... | |
 | William John Tossell - 1921 - 744 lapas
...provided that such terms and conditions shall not: "1. Be contrary to the provisions of this chapter. "2. In any wise impair his obligation to exercise that degree of care in the safekeeping of the goods entrusted to him which a reasonably careful man would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own."... | |
 | American Bar Association - 1906 - 474 lapas
... [Form of Receipts. What Terms may be Inserted.] A warehouseman may insert in a receipt, issued by him, any other terms and conditions, provided that...that degree of care in the safe-keeping of the goods entrusted to him which a reasonably careful man would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own.... | |
 | Rhode Island - 1907 - 1308 lapas
... [FORM OF RECEIPTS. WHAT TERMS MAY BE INSERTED.] A warehouseman may insert in a receipt, issued by him, any other terms and conditions, provided that...that degree of care in the safe-keeping of the goods entrusted to him which a reasonably careful man would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own.... | |
 | New York (State) - 1907 - 1534 lapas
...§ 3. Form of receipts; what terms may be inserted Awarehouseman may insert in a receipt, issued by him, any other terms and conditions, provided that...that degree of care in the safe-keeping of the goods entrusted to him which a reasonably carcfid man would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own.... | |
 | New Jersey - 1907 - 856 lapas
...receipt. terms and conditions shall not (a) Be contrary to the provisions of this act; (&) In anywise impair his obligation to exercise that degree of care...would exercise in regard to similar goods of his own. Non-neKo-. 4. A receipt in which it is stated that the goods retiabie receipt. ceived wjll ^ delivered... | |
 | Illinois - 1907 - 644 lapas
...negotiable receipt of the terms herein required. § 3. A warehouseman may insert in a receipt, issued by him, any other terms and conditions : Provided,...Be contrary to the provisions of this Act. (b) In anywise impair his obligation to exercise that degree of care in the safe keeping of the goods entrusted... | |
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