Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]


Shapiro, Alvin, vice president, American Merchant Marine Institute,
Inc., 1701 K Street NW., Washington, D. C.-


Thompson, Chester C., president, the American Waterways Operators,
Inc., 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington, D. C..

Statement submitted—

Letter from-

Vogel, Herbert D., Chairman of the Board, Tennessee Valley Au-
thority, Knoxville, Tenn....


Baker, George P., president, Transportation Association of America
care of Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston, Mass
Boyle, Robert E., Jr., chairman, Southern Freight Association, 10
Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga___

Childe, C. E., transportation consultant, 905-906 Washington Build
ing, 15th and New York Avenue NW., Washington, D. C..

Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission

Washington, D. C.

Hood, J. M., president, American Shortline Railroad Association
2000 Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.

Lawrence, John V., managing director, American Trucking Associates
Inc., 1424 16th Street NW., Washington, D. C...

Parish, L. A., vice president, PanAtlantic Steamship Corp., 61 St
Joseph Street, Mobile, Ala..

Roberts, Austin L. Jr., general solicitor, National Association of Rail
road and Utilities Commissioners, 5310 Interstate Commerce Com-
mission Building, Washington, D. C......----

Rothschild, Louis S., Under Secretary for Transportation, Depart
ment of Commerce, Washington, D. C.

Shapiro, Alvin, vice president, American Merchant Marine Institute,
Inc., 1701 K Street NW., Washington, D. C..

Staley, John R., vice president, the Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Ill..
Thompson, Chester C., president, the American Waterways Operators,
Inc., 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.

Statement submitted by-

Brown, Harry S., chairman, Intercoastal Steamship Freight Associa-
tion, 80 Broad Street, New York, N. Y..

Letters from-

Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 404 South Bixel Street, Los Ange-
les 54, Calif

Young, Hon. Milton R., a United States Senator from the State of
North Dakota, dated March 29, 1957.

Baker, George P., president, Transportation Association of America,
care of Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Bos-
ton, Mass

Burns, William J., managing director, Munitions Carriers Conference,

Inc., American Trucking Associations, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW.,

Washington 6, D. C..

Clarke, Hon. Owen, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission,

Washington, D. C.

Denniston, Frederick W., Assistant General Counsel, General Services

Administration, Washington, D. C.

Hood, J. M., president, American Shortline Railroad Association,

2000 Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, D. C...

Flavin, E. J., assistant to the president, Allied Van Lines, Inc., 4124
156th Street, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y..

Lawrence, John V., managing director, American Trucking Associa-
tions, Inc., 1424 16th Street NW., Washington, D. C..-

Maguire, Thomas H., chairman and counsel of the executive com-
mittee, Western Traffic Association, Chicago, Ill..

Parish, L. A., vice president, Pan Atlantic Steamship Corp., 61 St.

Joseph Street, Mobile, Ala___

Roberts, Austin L., Jr., general solicitor, National Association of Rail-

road and Utilities Commissioners, 5310 Interstate Commerce Com-

mission Building, Washington, D. C.

Shapiro, Alvin, vice president, American Merchant Marine Institute,
Inc., 1701 K Street NW., Washington, D. C.

Shepherd, Warner B., United States Chamber of Commerce, 1615 H

Street NW., Washington, D. C................

Smith, Earl B., Director for Transportation and Petroleum Logistics,
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, The Pentagon, Wash-
ington, D. C..

Staley John R., vice president, the Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Ill. --
Thompson, Chester C., president, the American Waterways Opera-
tors, Inc., 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW., Washington, D. C.......

Statement submitted-

Brown, Harry S., chairman, Intercoastal Steamship Freight Associa-

tion, 80 Broad Street, New York, N. Y..

Dewey, Ralph B., vice president, Pacific American Steamship Associ-
ation, 1625 K Street, NW., Washington, D. C..........
Durand, J. D., secretary and assistant general counsel, Air Transport
Association of America, World Center Building, Washington, D. C.
Letters from-

Burns, W. J., managing director, Munitions Carriers Conference, Inc.,
1424 16th Street NW., Washington, D. C., dated May 2, 1957--
General Accounting Office to Administrator of General Services Ad-
ministration, dated April 13, 1951, on subject matter of S. 939--
General Accounting Office to P. M. Shoemaker, Commission on Or-
ganization of the Executive Branch of the Government, dated Octo-
ber 19, 1954, on subject matter of S. 939_ _
Vogel, Herbert D., Chairman of the Board, Tennessee Valley Author-
ity, Knoxville, Tenn., dated April 25, 1957--

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Welty, Harvey A., commerce counsel, Central States Motor Freight
Bureau, Inc., 316 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill.


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