United States v. American Tobacco Co.........13, 15, 25, 37 United States v. Armour & Co. .2, 46, 50 United States v. Eastman Kodak Co. 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 25, 37 United States v. E. I. DuPont De Nemours Co..... United States v. Ferreira.... United States v. Great Lakes Towing Co.......13, 18, 19, United States v. Grimaud.... 44 United States v. Hamburgh American S. S. Line....... 22 United States v. International Harvester Co. .....15, 17 United States v. Ju Toy...... 32 ..... 27 31 25 INDEX [References are to sections.] ACTS TO REGULATE COMMERCE: carriers subject to Act of February 4, 1887, not within inhi- ..... Trade Law not to prevent or interfere with enforcement of.. Trade Commission to make recommendations to Congress as .... ADDRESS OF TRADE COMMISSION: fixed by rules of practice...... ....(note 4) 1 ADMINISTRATIVE RULINGS: (see "POWERS OF TRADE COMMIS- ADVISORY POWER: of Trade Commission (see "POWERS OF TRADE COMMISSION").5, 34-40 AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS: exempted from inhibition of antitrust laws against combina- 39 AMENDMENT: of antitrust laws, desired by various interests..... ANTITRUST LAWS: remedies under ... term as used in Clayton Law and Trade Law, defined (note 19) APPEARANCE BEFORE TRADE COMMISSION: (see "PROCEED- APPLICATION: (see "PROCEEDINGS BY TRADE COMMISSION.") ATTEMPT TO MONOPOLIZE: (see "UNFAIR METHODS OF COM- PETITION.") 28 4 27 8 35 .35, 36 ATTORNEY GENERAL: and not Trade Commission, to be spokesman for government. [References are to sections.] ATTORNEY GENERAL.-Continued. difference of opinion among attorneys general as to applica- 38 exclusively empowered to seek injunctive relief under Sher- 28 how Trade Commission may affect indirectly.... 36 to apply for writs of mandamus, on request of Trade Com- 56 BANKS AND INTERSTATE COMMON CARRIERS: not subject to the jurisdiction of the Trade Commission, for exceptions (see "POWERS OF TRADE COMMISSION.") .7, 8, 11, 12, 44 as to alleged violations of antitrust laws by any cor- as to examining and copying documents of banks and com- 45 ........ as to individual directors, officers, and employees of banks violations of Clayton Law 12 11 36 by banks, within jurisdiction of Federal Reserve Board by interstate common carriers, within jurisdiction of In- BIG BUSINESS: (see "UNFAIR METHODS OF COMPETITION.") BOGUS INDEPENDENT COMPANIES: an unfair method of competition.... BOOKS OF CORPORATIONS: SION, INVESTIGATIVE POWER.") BOYCOTTS AND BLACKLISTS: .7, 11, 12 .15, (note 76) 17,20 (see "POWERS OF TRADE COMMIS- an unfair method of competition... ....(note 76) 17, 24 [References are to sections.] BRIEFS: (see "PROCEEDINGS BY TRADE COMMISSION.") BURDEN OF PROOF: (see "PROCEEDINGS BY TRADE COMMISSION.") BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS: TIONS.") abolished ..... (see "COMMISSIONER OF CORPORA- 1 1 6 all employees, records, and property of, transferred to Trade CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS: (see "PROCEEDINGS BY TRADE 12 4 13 .(note 37) 10 .9-12 operation of, as to interlocking directorates, suspended..... title of ... uncertainty of inhibitions of. COMMERCE: term as used in Clayton Law and Trade Law, defined (note 12) 3 COMMISSIONERS, FEDERAL TRADE (see “FEDERAL TRADE COM- appointed how 1 disability of, to have any other business avocation or em- 1 disclosures by improper, except when...... 57 of trade secrets and names of customers, forbidden....5, 34, 40 |