For example, one can quickly find in this book what it costs to organize a corporation, to probate an estate, the amount of inheritance tax, exemption for any particular heir, the name of a justice of peace or township constable, the name of an abstract company in some remote little town, the last day to pay real estate taxes, the last day to pay the various corporation taxes, Federal and State; the day for opening session in Federal Court, and the calendar days of the Supreme Court, rules of Federal and States Courts, the law and motion day of the Superior Courts of the various counties; table of fees, Federal, State and county; the verdict sustained in damage cases for different injuries, the grounds for divorce in any state. The calendar of last days, being a list of the last days on which particular acts may be performed, Is, so far as known, the first comprehensive attempt at tabulation of tils sort. The manual also contains in full a long list of Federal and State acts, a knowledge of which is indispensable to every well informed citizen. The list includes the Federal income tax law, the pure food and drugs act, State and Federal; National bank act, and California bank act; Employers' liability act, including rules and schedules of the Industrial Accident Commission: the public utilities act, Sherman anti-trust act, rules of the Railroad Commission of California, and the Federal white slave act. Postal service, pensions, neutralizaMion laws, mining laws and regulations, service, rules of the U. S. Land |