Lapas attēli

titles issued annually or less frequently than once a year, or irregularly serials published at least twice under the same title, and those first publications which plan to have subsequent numbered issues

current materials, whose last issue was published no earlier than January 1, 1963.

Excluded are:

national, state, and municipal documents, with the exception of selected serials which are generally regarded as part of the conventional literature of scientific, technical, or medical research

publications which are essentially administrative in content, such as membership directories, annual reports, house organs, or local interest publications.

The data given for each publication were gathered from the publishers or their representatives, from questionnaires, and from sample copies of serials received. Many valuable suggestions received from these sources have been incorporated into this edition; others will be used in future editions.

We wish to express our appreciation to the Bowker Company's management for its strong support and competent guidance, and for alloting resources for the extensive editorial work needed to create the serial data-base from which both this directory and Ulrich's are drawn.

Many thanks are due to managing editor Louise Valuck for her persistence and alertness in carrying out this complex work, to Despina Papazoglou, Robert Agajeenian, and Leigh Carole, assistant editors, and to the various outside contributors for their constructive and devoted interest. We acknowledge the work of managing editor Merle Rohinsky and her staff in assigning the country codes to the Ulrich's periodical titles in this director's combined index.

Our appreciation is also extended to the librarians of the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the New York Public Library, New York University, the United Nations, and of university, college, public, and special libraries throughout the country for their interest and support. We also appreciate the cooperation of the publishers and their representatives who contributed the necessary information for selecting and listing titles.

The editor and publisher of this volume welcome any suggestions for the improvement of future editions and updating services. We intend to publish new editions of this directory biennially, with quarterly supplements appearing between the editions. A supplement for serials, covering both Ulrich's and Irregular Serials, is planned for the end of 1972, while the quarterly updating service will begin in March 1973.

EMERY KOLTAY, Director, Serials Bibliography.


The 15th edition of Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory includes entries for approximately 55.000 in-print periodicals published throughout the world. Now in one volume, it updates and expands the base volumes of the 14th edition and includes as well those titles issued at regular intervals which were listed in the Bowker Serials Bibliography Supplement 1972. New editions of Ulrich's and its supplements are published biennially, in alternating years.

For the first time, the assigned International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) with country code appears in the main entry. The ISSN is a concise, unique and unambiguous numerical code to identify serial publications. The ISSN system is the result of the cooperative efforts of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Committee Z39 on Standardization in the Field of Library Work, Documentation, and Related Publishing Practices, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which designated the Bowker Serials Bibliography database as the starting point for the implementation of the standard. The country codes, provided in these listings as an additional aid, are those used in the Library of Congress MARC II format.

The subject heading list has been expanded and revised to reflect new disciplines and to provide finer breakdowns for more direct access to specific subject

areas. For the first time, Dewey Decimal Classification numbers (from the 17th edition of Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index with some 18th edition modifications) are included with each entry to give additional subject information.

In addition to the main text, this directory contains a separate listing of some 1,800 periodicals that have ceased or suspended publication since the last edition, plus a separate title listing of periodicals that have appeared since 1971. Specific details on the organization of Ulrich's will be found in the "User's Guide" follow ing this preface.

Ulrich's includes periodicals which are currently in print, issued more fre quently than once a year, and usually published at regular intervals over an indefinite period of time. Annuals and irregular serials are covered in a companion volume entitled Irregular Serials and Annuals: An International Directory, 2nd edition (Bowker, New York, 1972) and the Bowker Serials Bibliography Supplement 1972.

All information concerning periodicals was obtained through direct inquiry to publishers or by personal examination of the publication itself. Entries included in the 14th edition which could not be updated in time for publication are listed with an asterisk following the title.

Although we have made every effort to provide accurate information, the R. R. Bowker Company has no legal responsibility for accidental omissions or errors in the listings. We invite you, the user, to submit comments and suggestions so that we may continue to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to the members of the editorial staff: Rochelle Katz, Diana Moon, Jacqueline Mullikin, Despina Papazoglou, Ruby Ruth, Raya Yachnin, Irving Klein, Fern Steinberg, and Myra Weinberger, and to the many librarians, publishers, and editors who have so generously contributed to the compilation of this edition. A special thanks to Mrs. Margaret T. Fischer, Manager of Bowker's Data Services Division, for her strong support, encouragement, and guidance.



Managing Editor.



An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.

Caution Notice.-This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.


(This Foreword is not a Part of American National Standard Identification Number for Serial Publications, Z39.9-1971.)

This standard was prepared by Subcommittee 20 of American National Standards Committee on Standardization in the Field of Library Work, Documentation, and Related Publishing Practices, Z39. Committee Z39 is organized under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute and sponsored by the Council of National Library Associations.

The subcommittee was organized in May 1968 and charged with "the development of a standard registration code for periodical and serial publications."

The spectrum of available coding methods examined included: (1) structured codes which reflect characteristics of the individual serials; (2) derivative codes, which, while partially reflecting characteristics of the serial, are derived from the expression of one or more of the characteristics; and (3) registration codes which have only the property of unique identity.

Because the one consistent characteristic of the serial is change, and this applies to each of the descriptive elements of the series, a registration code for serials has been selected.

A fundamental requirement for a registration system is central control of the registration process. In the case of serials an equally critical element is the definition and description of the serial entities to be assigned numbers.

The Library of Congress has agreed to serve as the registration center subject to the availability of the necessary funds, manpower, and space. This responsibility includes interpreting the definition of a serial,' distributing directories of serial number assignments, circulating data on revisions and correctons, making cross references between serial numbers, and encouraging the use of standard serial numbers.

Suggestions for improvement gained in the use of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018.


1. Purpose and scope


This standard defines the structure of a concise, unique, and unambiguous code for serial publications. The code is solely for the identification of serials. It recognizes that the assignment of the code numbers must be centrally administered.

2. Definitions

Serial. A publication issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely.1

3. Code description

3.1 Format. The code is a registration number composed of seven decimal digits plus an eighth check digit. The check digit is calculated as outlined in the Appendix.

The external representation, that is, the code, when used in publication, is formatted in two groups of four digits, the two groups being separated by a hyphen (XXXX-XXXX) wherein each X is a digit, all of which must be present. The hyphen is an aid to recognition. The eighth digit is the check digit. 3.2 Characteristics of the code

3.2.1 Uniqueness. A unique, one-to-one correspondence exists between each assigned code number and the serial to which it is assigned, so that for each code number there is only one serial and for each serial there is only one code number. 3.2.2 Permanency of Assignment. The relationship between code number and serial, once established through assignment, is permanent.

3.2.3 Immutability of Format. The format of the code as specified will not change.

3.2.4 Conciseness. The code contains sufficient digits to achieve uniqueness and provide for error checking but is otherwise as short as possible.

3.2.5 Error Reduction and Detection. The code has two error reduction characteristics which aid in accuracy in use: an easily read format for error avoidance, and a check digit for error detection.

4. Application

4.1 Assignment. The assignment of code numbers will be administered by a central authority which will interpret cataloging rules and definitions as re quired. This includes working definitions of serials and the distinction between serial entities involved in splits, mergers, title changes, and other anomalies.

1 Definition from Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. Chicago: American Library Association, 1967, glossary, pp. 343-347.

Prior to the assignment of a code number, the central authority will obtain evidence that a given publication is a serial.

4.2 Dissemination. The central authority will maintain a record of code numbers assigned.

The central authority will foster the broad availability of lists of code numbers.

The central authority will promote the use of the code by encouraging the publishers of directories and serials to incorporate the code numbers in any directories of serials and on the serials themselves.


The use of a check digit helps guard against errors resulting from improper data transcription.

The check digit is particularly effective in detecting transposition errors. The check digit used is calculated on a Modulus 11 basis as indicated in Table A1.



1. Write the digits of the basic number....


2. Write the constant weighting factors associated with each position of the 8 basic number.

3. Multiply each digit by its associated weighting factor..

4. Sum the products of the multiplications...

5. Divide the sum by the modulus 11 to find the remainder.

6. Subtract the remainder from Modulus 11 to generate the required check digit. If the check digit is 10, generate a check digit of X. If there is no remainder, generate a check digit of zero.

[blocks in formation]

8 14 18 20 20 18 14

8+ 14+ 19+ 20+ 20+ 18+14=112 112+11=10 plus a remainder of 2 11-2=9

7. Append the check digit to create the standard 8-digit standard serial number 1234-5679 (SSN).

1 Use of Modulus 11 can sometimes result in a check digit of 10. If this were used, the standard serial number would not always be the required eight digits in length. Therefore, the X is used to represent the check digit 10, thus maintaining the uniform length of eight digits.


The standard in this booklet is one of nearly 4,000 standards approved to date by the American National Standards Institute, formerly the USA Standards Institute.

The Standards Institute provides the machinery for creating voluntary standards. It serves to eliminate duplication of standards activities and to weld conflicting standards into single, nationally accepted standards under the designation "American National Standards."

Each standard represents general agreement among maker, seller, and user groups as to the best current practice with regard to some specific problem. Thus the completed standards cut across the whole fabric of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. American National Standards, by reason of Institute procedures, reflect a national consensus of manufacturers, consumers, and scientific, technical, and professional organizations, and governmental agencies. The completed standards are used widely by industry and commerce and often by municipal, state, and federal governments.

The Standards Institute, under whose auspices this work is being done, is the United States clearinghouse and coordinating body for standards activity on the national level. It is a federation of trade association, technical societies, professional groups, and consumer organizations. Some 1,000 companies are affiliated with the Institute as company members.

The American National Standards Institute is the United States member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). Through these channels American industry makes its position felt on the international level. American National Standards are on file in the libraries of the national standards bodies of more than 50 countries. For a free list of all American National Standards, write:


1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018.

[blocks in formation]

APRIL 8, 1975.

To: Working Group Conference on Resolution of Copyright Issues.
From: Committee to Evaluate Criteria and Copy Transaction Mechanism.

The Committee (Joan Titley Adams, Andrea Albrecht, James Barsky, Paul Fasana, Efren Gonzalez, Erich Meyerhoff, Gordon Randall, David Waite and Paul G. Zurkowski) met on Monday, April 7, 1975 at Academic Press, 111 5th Ave., New York City (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.).

The language of two documents, Agen Doc 3-WG-3/4/75, "Mechanisms and Criteria for Royalty Payments and/or Clearance and Licensing Procedures," and AgenDoc 5-WG 3/19/75, "Elements in Photocopy Transactions," was closely evaluated. As a final step the committee measured the details of the Flowcharts against the Criteria. The detailed comments on AgenDocs 3 & 5 are included in the Appendices to this report.


The Committee applied a critical test to both the Criteria and the Mechanism. The major points developed include:

Point 1.-Any mechanism must provide a method for the user to determine whether the contemplated copying falls within the inclusive dates of a stated fee period.

Point 2.-A system based exclusively on duplicate copies of the first page of the copied journal article in "hard copy" does not provide a royalty payment mechanism for copying accomplished in microfilm, telefax, video, etc.

Point 3.-It is recognized that there are costs to the library intrinsic to a royalty payment mechanism. If these costs can be clearly defined, it must be determined how the costs shall be borne.

Point 4.-The mechanism was evaluated for interlibrary copy transactions. No evaluation was made of either the criteria or the mechanism for other than interlibrary copy transactions.

The Committee concluded that the mechanism and the criteria offer a basis for further discussions.




Comments by Committee on Evaluation of Criteria in AgenDoc 3.

Criterion 1. No objection to machine readable input so long as eye-readable indicia are used to enable parties to know the facts of a transaction.

Criterion 2. O.K., no committee comments.

Criterion 3. Procedure of mechanism must be readily understood by all including the lowest level clerical personnel. Mechanism for dealing the making of copy of part of an article still is unresolved.

Suggested language change: Change "any one article" to read "each article." Criterion 4. (a) O.K., no committee comments.

(b) Publisher should not print notice requiring royalty where it is not so entitled. (i.e. if an article is in public domain.)

(c) Definition of inclusive period needs further work (see Committee Point 1). It was noted that copyright constitutes a bundle of rights and that establishing a specified fee period for single copy copying does not mean publisher gives up other rights in copyright.

(d) The price per page question was discussed in the context of copying less than the whole article. The Committee felt simplicity in the system required payment of the "per article" fee over the complexities that would be introduced to cover partial article copying.

(e) O.K., no committee comments.

(f) Was considered to be too general and that words such as "costly or complex" were indefinite and would stand in the way of attaining agreement. Committee recommended its Point 3 be incorporated in lieu of 4f.

(g) O.K., no committee comments.

Criterion 5. O.K. The clear implication of this criterion is that any materials which do not contain the prescribed indicia would, after the legislated beginning date, be exempt from payment of single copy copying royalties.

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