Revenue System of the United StatesU.S. Government Printing Office, 1866 - 101 lappuses |
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accruing ad valorem affixed aforesaid American cotton amount annual consumption annum assessed assessor bales barrel bonded warehouse Brazil brewer Britain cask or package cents currency cents per pound chiccory coffee collected collector commission Commissioner of Internal consumer consumption of tea cost cotton court crop customs distilled spirits distillery district Dutch standard ending June 30 estimated excise tax export fermented liquors fiscal year 1865 fiscal year ending foreign forfeiture further enacted gallons HUGH MCCULLOCH hundred dollars imported imposed increase industry inspector internal revenue levied license manufacture melado millions of dollars molasses officer opinion owner paid penalty person or persons port present production quantity rates of duty receipts refined repeal returns revenue stamps revenue system Secretary SECTION sirup sorghum stamps sugar taxation thereof thousand dollars three per cent tion tons Total trade Treasury Department United vessels
Populāri fragmenti
85. lappuse - An Act to Provide Internal Revenue to Support the Government, to pay Interest on the Public Debt, and for Other Purposes...
50. lappuse - ... soon as practicable, especially before, in the Internal Revenue department, custom has developed into routine, and usage has acquired, through time, the binding effect of law. It required the best efforts of the most enlightened ministers of finance in France (Count Mollier, the Marquis d'Audiffret, and others) for thirty or forty years to replace the cumbrous and awkward system of finance which prevailed in that country at the commencement of the present century with the existing system which...
87. lappuse - ... to a fine of not less than one thousand nor more than five thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than five years, or to both, at the discretion of the court.
122. lappuse - State for carrying on the same within such State, or in any manner to authorize the commencement or continuance of such trade or business contrary to the laws of such State...
124. lappuse - Whenever any person ships, transports, or removes any spirituous or fermented liquors or wines under any other than the proper name or brand known to the trade as designating the kind and quality of the contents of the casks or packages...
112. lappuse - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That "An Act to provide internal revenue to support the Government...
49. lappuse - Case. able" at the pleasure of the State at any time after 1860, and for the payment of which, principal and interest, the faith of the State was irrevocably pledged. The same act provided for the appointment of three commissioners to constitute a board to be known as " The Board of Commissioners of ' the Illinois and Michigan Canal...
124. lappuse - ... shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit.
128. lappuse - ... supervision of the officer of the customs in charge of the same, at the expense of the owner or proprietor.
109. lappuse - ... shall, from day to day, enter, or cause to be entered, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose...