79-874 Ο TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office GOV'T DOCU COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE HARLEY O. STAGGERS, West Virginia, Chairman TORBERT H. MACDONALD, Massachusetts WILLIAM L. SPRINGER, Illinois LIONEL VAN DEERLIN, California DAVID E. SATTERFIELD III, Virginia W. S. (BILL) STUCKEY, JR., Georgia ROBERT O. TIERNAN, Rhode Island Statement of Adams, Hon. Brock, a Representative in Congress from the State of Page Washington.. 135 1 Ailes, Stephen, president, Association of American Railroads 347,349 Alfriend, T. B., transportation consultant, representing the American Trucking Association-- 783, 958 Allen, Clifford, metropolitan assessor, Metropolitan Government of Augello, William J., Jr., traffic counsel, National Fisheries Institute, 1 Inc.... 1171 Badeen, Robert, Ph. D., executive vice president, Canadian National Railways- 1375 Bagge, Carl E., president, National Coal Association_ 1101 national Affairs, Department of Transportation_ 114, 215 Brady, R. Edwin, executive director, Regular Common Carrier Conference, American Trucking Association__ 1137, 1145 Bryant, Robert L., manager-transportation, Dow Chemical Co-- 445 Butler, Ben, president, Hunt Transportation, Inc. 567, 592 Butz, Hon. Earl L., Secretary, Department of Agriculture... 114, 151 679 ment of Justice_ 1055 Cobb, Charles P., 1971 Tennessee Constitutional Convention___ 1301 - Division, Department of Justice__ 1055 Conlon, Charles F., executive secretary, National Association of Tax 1234 Copeland, Tom D., secretary-treasurer, Argo-Collier Truck Lines --567, 579 Creedy, John A., president, Water Transport Association.. 347, 429 1088 Davis, A. P., assistant vice president, transportation and distribution, Carnation Co... 1114 Dennis, C. L., international president, Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Employes, AFL-CIO 1095 Dorr, Lester J., executive vice president, National Industrial Traffic 679 Downing, Hon. Thomas N., a Representative in Congress from the 443 215 Eads, Dr. George, Special Economics Assistant to the Assistant Flint, Sam H., vice president, Quaker Oats Co--- Flott, Allan C., director, Department of Research & Transport 1188 1083 699 783 1201, 1220 Frankel, Edward B., vice president, Frankel Bros. & Co., Inc., and Freedman, Ray, vice president, Commercial Metals, Co., representing 536 Secondary Material Industries, Inc____ 1201, 1218 Friedlaender, Ann F., professor of economics, Boston College---1323, 1345 Galaspie, L. E., director, transportation, Reynolds Metal Co., in behalf of Transportation Association of America... Garstang, M. R., general counsel, National Milk Producers Federation. Gordon, Richard, vice president, Consolidated Fibers, Inc., and past president, Paper Stock Institute, a division of National Association of Secondary Material Industries, Inc_ 1080 ......1201, 1216 Graham, Donald E., general counsel, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives_ 631 Gresham, Robert C., Vice Chairman, Interstate Commerce 251 |