Lapas attēli

U. S. Maritime Commission Statement showing net, unrestricted, and excess profits and accrued subsidy for the calendar years 1938, 1939, and 1940, under long-term operating-differential subsidy agreements and charter party agreements, and showing also balances in the statutory capital and special reserve funds and in the contractual construction funds as at Dec. 31, 1940 and additional amounts required to be deposited therein pusruant to general order No. 31

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See footnotes at end of table.

U. S. Maritime Commission-Statement showing net, unrestricted, and excess profits and accrued subisdy for the calendar years 1938, 1939, and 1940, under long-term operating-differential subsidy agreements and charter party agreements, and showing also balances in the statutory capital and special reserve funds and in the contractual construction funds as at Dec. 31, 1940, and additional amounts required to be deposited therein pursuant to general order No. 31-Continued

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U. S. Maritime Commission-Statement showing net, unrestricted, and excess profits and accrued subsidy for the calendar years 1938, 1939, and 1940, under long-term operating-differential subsidy agreements and charter party agreements, and showing also balances in the statutory capital and special reserve funds and in the contractual construction funds as at Dec. 31, 1940, and additional amounts required to be deposited therein pursuant to general order No. 31-Continued

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

9,992, 513. 67 10, 782, 085. 84 4, 495, 091. 02 555, 517.93 743, 267. 26 122, 878.88] 432, 639. 05 10, 548, 031. 60 11, 525, 353. 10 4, 617, 969. 90 5,930, 061. 70

5, 497, 422. 65

[blocks in formation]

Total amount of funds

$20, 291, 027. 98 $1, 528, 742. 58 $21, 819, 770. 56 $18, 069, 439. 55 $5, 719, 949. 51 $23, 789, 389. 06 $45, 609, 159. 62

Grand total:

Owned vessels.

Chartered vessels.

1 Denotes red figures.

32, 538, 355. 42 12, 567, 553. 53 5, 825, 455. 65 26, 712, 899. 77

44, 265, 735. 47 28, 945, 383. 74 13, 300, 339. 22 30, 965, 396. 25 3, 389, 869. 42 2, 538, 885. 33 530, 400. 21 2, 859, 469. 21

47, 655, 604. 89 31, 484, 269. 07 13, 830, 739. 43 33, 824, 865. 46 20, 291, 027.98 1, 528, 742. 28 21, 819, 770. 56 18, 069, 439. 55 5, 719, 949. 51 23, 789, 389. 06 45, 609, 159. 62

NOTES. The figures used for the following companies for the year 1938 are based on audited reports of the Maritime Commission: American Export Lines, Inc.; Lykes Bros.
Steamship Co., Inc.; Mississippi Shipping Co., Inc.; New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Co.; South Atlantic Steamship Co.; The Oceanic Steamship Co.; United States Lines Co.;
Grace Line, Inc.
All other figures relating to profits, subsidy, unrestricted profits, and excess earnings are based on statements submitted by the subsidized operators as required by General
Order No. 31.
The operating-differential subsidy contract with South Atlantic Steamship Co., has been cancelled, and the figures set forth hereon represent the audited settlement, subject
to Commission approval.
The balances in the reserve funds as at Dec. 31, 1940, are as shown by statements submitted by the operators. The additional deposits as required by General Order No. 31 were
taken from statements submitted by the various operators.
The reference to chartered vessels on this statement means vessels chartered from the U. S. Maritime Commission under title VII of the act.

United States Maritime Commission.-Statement showing allowable 10 percent of capital employed, unrestricted profits earned, allocation of dividends paid from such earnings, and overpayments or underpayments of dividends based on such allocation for the calendar years 1938, 1939, and 1940 under long-term operatingdifferential subsidy agreements and charter party agreements

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